
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 24, 2015

MALAYSIA ROBBED BLIND VIA 1MDB: Can Najib's Cabinet still keep silent & not be complicit?

M'SIA ROBBED BLIND VIA 1MDB: Can Najib's Cabinet still keep silent & not be complicit?
It is utterly surreal to see incriminating documents and emails exposed every week on how billions of ringgit have been siphoned and scammed from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), and yet our Prime Minister, who is also our Finance Minister can go on live national television to tell the world that “we need to give time to 1MDB to develop or liquify [their] assets.”
Dato’ Seri Najib Razak had continued to emphasize on his pre-recorded TV3 interview on 9 April 2015, that “assets obtained by 1MDB had exceeded [its] liability”. He even defended to parking of the US$1.1 billion of proceeds from the disposal of its investment in Cayman Islands in BSI Bank, Singapore. He said 1MDB “keep the money abroad because they have debts abroad. Instead of bringing the money back to Malaysia, it is better for them to keep it outside because they can earn from the forex etc.”
Such claims flies in the face of the evidence Malaysians have been presented on the Internet, particularly via The Sarawak Report.
On Wednesday, the whistleblower site exposed the fact that Singapore investigating authorities have received confirmation that a BSI statement of 1MDB’s subsidiary, Brazen Sky Limited which was circulated by the 1MDB top management has been falsified. In fact, the information has already been forwarded to the Malaysian counterparts on the 13 March 2015.
PM Najib and Rosmah Mansor
This meant that that Dato’ Seri Najib Razak must have already been aware of the fraud more than a month ago in the so-called cash and assets held under the Singapore branch of the Swiss BSI Bank. Under such circumstances, how can the Prime Minister tell Malaysians with a straight face on national TV that 1MDB’s assets are still worth more than its liability?
In a even bigger expose yesterday, The Sarawak Report revealed documents showing how out of US$860 million (RM3.1 billion) which was siphoned from 1MDB to Good Star Limited via the PetroSaudi International joint venture, US$529 million (RM1.9 billion) was subsequently tranferred to Abu Dhabi Kuwait Malaysia Investment Corporation (ADKMIC) in BSI Singapore between June 2011 and September 2013. The Singapore authorities had revealed that the beneficial owner of the ADKMIC account is none other than Jho Low.
From the information which has been exposed, it is blatantly obvious that Malaysians have been brazenly robbed by Jho Low, abetted by his accomplices and conspirators via 1MDB, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Ministry of Finance.
Billions of dollars have been misappropriated, bank statements falsified and the mastermind exposed. However, our Finance Minister can still find it appropriate to assure Malaysians that there’s nothing serious happening and we just “need to give time to 1MDB to develop or liquify [their] assets.”
One could certainly argue that Dato’ Seri Najib Razak is like Nero, who fiddled while Rome burns. While 1MDB burns in the raging fire, the Prime Minister acts with no sense of urgency to reflect the severity of the crime and crisis taking place.
Dr M
Despite being forced to instruct the Auditor-General to “verify” the 1MDB accounts signed off by Deloitte Malaysia, it would appear that it was merely a tactic to buy time as no deadline has been set for the investigations to be completed.
Dato’ Seri Najib Razak must stop lying and covering up for 1MDB. He must stop giving protection to Jho Low by claiming that the latter has nothing to do with 1MDB, when he is clearly the villain. By failing to tell the truth and allowing Jho Low to continue his global jaunts, the Prime Minister will only cause Malaysians to speculate on his own complicity in the entire RM42 billion 1MDB monster scandal.
Tony Pua is MP for PJ Utara


  1. "MALAYSIA ROBBED BLIND VIA 1MDB: Can Najib's Cabinet still keep silent & not be complicit?"

    With all the evidence available Singapore CPIB & HK ICAC /Police are just waiting for the official report & request for assistance..

    Just to share this...


    Starting with... –




    The world most expensive FAIL proposal (Malaysia boleh)..!

    December 20, 2012 - https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=430021427052620

    Follow him on Twitter to see how his Global Master "Godfather" had him groomed from Uni Pennsylvania Wharton Business School
    (Tavistock Institute - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZG0b02zCdg)
    and had "positioned" him Internationally with access to UN, the Global Oil & Gas, NY Real Estate, etc as their International Economic Hit Man...


    "The paper said some US$20 million was wired in 2009 from an account with RBS Coutts’ Singapore branch to Saudi businessman Tarek Obaid, the founder of PetroSaudi International (PSI) which had a US$2.5 billion joint venture with 1MDB in 2009".



    CIMB yet to break even after buying RBS, says Nazir Razak - http://www.themalaymailonline.com/money/article/cimb-yet-to-break-even-after-buying-rbs-says-nazir-razak#sthash.bdRIFvvj.dpuf



    Finally to share this on the HK ICAC & Police investigations......

    BMF - www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HbUPaATKd0

    Jul 22, 2012 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH0_JQW--gc

    Jul 29, 2012 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmOZ3jtGtCc

    Jan 26, 2013 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDexDNn6vSM

    You be the judge.

  2. Addendum...

    See if sounds familiar in Bolehland...

    Sep 24, 2009 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvg55YveGfI

    You be the judge.


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