
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mana Pergi 158 Ketua Bahagian? Mana Pergi Timbalan Presiden, Naib2 Presiden?

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This is from Free Malaysia Today. You can read the full story here : 

  • These are interesting times politically. 
  • public overjoyed at Mahathir’s move to unseat Najib
  • it may be hard to stop the momentum he has started
  • Will the death blow come from those closest to Najib?
  • or will it come from Mahathir? 
  • That seems to be the question on everyone’s mind.
  • One would expect more than Keruak and Masing to spring to his defence
  • Najib facing his biggest crisis yet in showdown with Mahathir 
  • Mahathir has already brought down one prime minister
  • foregone conclusion to some that it will end with Najib resigning
  • Najib rallied Umno division heads to affirm their support 
  • one would expect more than Salleh Keruak and James Masing to his defence. 
  • Unfortunately for Najib party’s elite chosen uncomfortable silence 
  • those with most power next to Najib failed to defend Najib from Dr Mahathir
  • Muhyiddin, Hishammuddin, Zahid, Shafie stay silent as Najib scrambles 
  • closest to Najib in terms of power, their voices will quell anti-Najib sentiment 
  • silence of DPM must be particularly worrying to Najib
  • Muyhiddin cannot hold on to promise of power without Mahathir’s backing.
  • Hishammuddin in dilemma as well. cousin to Najib
  • Shafie no aspirations to rise to PM but hidden teeth remain teeth
  • the four cannot remain silent forever. 
  • Will they comment soon, or are they content to play their cards close to their chests? 
  • untenable for them to remain silent as Najib in desperate need of support 
  • should they wish to side with Mahathir, must show proof of worthiness
  • Najib is at his weakest. 
  • does not bode well for Najib

My comments : So far only the macais and kuchi rats have spoken up to defend Najib. Where is Muhyiddin Yasin? Zahid, Hisham and Shafie Apdal?

They are all quiet. And these UMNO party leaders have serious 'downliners' who will be watching their bosses first before speaking up.

Ketua Bahagian aligned to Muhyiddin, Hishamuddin, Shafie Apdal and Zahid  will wait to see what their bosses say or do NOT say before they themselves do anything.

Hence the silence from Johor, Sabah (except Salleh Keruak) and other places. As I said earlier, Najib's incompetence and all the scandals under his watch are becoming just indefensible. Only the fools, the morons, those who are paid money and the corrupt think otherwise. Their credibility is now way below zero. As Najib said loudly and clearly they have already been paid for.

So all the "incentives" given to those 158 Ketua Bahagian to pledge their support for Najib recently have become artificial sweeteners.  Teh tarik sudah jadi kurang, kurang manis.

And here is another more valid point : Dr Mahathir's loud complaints against Najib have the full support of the Malaysian public. The entire Malaysian public including Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sabahans, Sarawakians, ordinary UMNO members, the Opposition parties, the NGOs etc. All across the board. Only the fools, the morons, those who are paid money and the corrupt think otherwise.

My view is the senior UMNO leaders (Muhyiddin, Shafie, Hisham, Zahid) and their supporters in UMNO (the Ketua Bahagian aligned with them) are also aware of this. They are now distancing themselves from Najib. Hence the silence.

All the 'pledges of allegiance' by those 158 Ketua Bahagian have become another wayang UMNO.  Even money will not buy their allegiance. Bukan depa tak mahu duit, it will be a waste of money. Haaa haa. 

As Nik Aziz would say, 'kalau dia bagi kain pelikat ambil saja tapi bila nak undi, pangkah PAS'. Hence so much money went to waste - to buy kain pelikat. Haa haa. The same thing is happening now. 

This is the port of La Spezia in Italy. We are leaving La Spezia. Next stop is 
the famous island of Elba where Napoleon was incarcerated. I found out that a large Malaysian corporation has a 100 foot yacht permanently based in La Spezia. They use it to entertain "guests" from Malaysia. So some of you fat cats may have been here. Its a small world indeed.  

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