
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Modern versus westernisation

Image result for Jamaluddin Jarjis died in a copter crash.

Well folks plenty has happened in the country since I went to Italy. And it was just for 10 days.  Jamaluddin Jarjis died in a copter crash. 

Many years ago sometime before Altantuya's remains were discovered a taxi pulled up in front of our store in Masjid India and a few Asiatic women got out. Later when the Altantuya news broke I recognised the girls who appeared in the news, as Altantuya's cousins, friends etc as the same ones who got off the cab.

A few weeks back, at our new store location, a couple of Central Asian girls walked by, dressed to the nines, really thick make up and they smiled. They lived upstairs. One of them was that Central Asian girl who died in that helicopter crash. I am told the cops were all over the building here.

If there are any Central Asian people reading my Blog (Kazakh, Khyrgiz, Turkmen, Uzbek, Mongol etc) please tell your women to stay away from Malaysia. The boys here are still at the sambal belacan stage ok. Yoghurt and goat cheese will only complicate things. 

By the way, since I left and came back the price of baguettes at the bakeshop next door has gone from RM2 a piece to RM2.30 a piece. That is a 15% inflationary factor. Thats the GST for you. Unfortunately the UMNO boys will not know what a baguette is, so they dont care. (No bro, you cannot tibai it - its not a living thing ok).  Also they may not serve baguettes at Pelda Piol, so who cares.

Well the GST has sent prices up, up and away. Forget about the poor. The poor have always suffered and who cares about them? The middle classes are getting stressed out now.

The death of Jamaluddin Jarjis and Datuk Azlin has left a huge power vacuum within the inner circle.  There is a scramble now to fill the vacuum and get closer to the Noodle in Chief. Hence the barrage of demented statements being made by some of the hopefuls. The pissing contest is on.  The dim witted stand a good chance. But only those wearing eye patches will be short listed.   

One commenter in my previous post said :  "Hal begini lah yang buat orang Melayu muak dengan UMNO. Kalau UMNO terlalu banyak sangat petualang di dalamnya, maka tidak ada ubat lagi, elok lah buat parti baru untuk orang Melayu. Ramai Melayu yang dah tidak suka UMNO, PAS dan PKR akan sertai parti baru ini."

That is becoming glaringly more evident. But the problem will NOT be solved by setting up yet another new political party. The problem is NOT the political parties but the people. 

Orang Melayu yang kena reformasi pemikiran, budaya, tradisi dan segala2nya.  Dalam zaman moden abad ke 21 ini, orang Melayu tak cukup moden. And just coming back from Italy, majority orang Melayu still parochial in their thinking, simplistic in outlook and becoming more entrapped in cocoon ideology.  

So if it is the same Malays who are going to set up yet another Malay led political party we will just get another UMNO, another PKR and worse another PAS.

We need large doses of modernisation. No need for Westernisation. Please do not confuse Westernisation with modernisation. They are not the same. The West is super duper modern. So are Japan, Korea and now China.

But you will still find pockets of "Western" behaviour  even in the super modern West. 

Racism is one of them. Racism is not modern. 

Religious indoctrination is also part of the West. Plenty of that in Italy. Religion is 100% not modern.  

So dont confuse the West with modernisation. The two are not the same.

So we dont need to become Westernised. But we must become modernised. 

So we need a super modern Malay party to represent super modern Malays. This is lacking in our country.

And since we are a democracy, the tail wags the dog. If the Malays want to be modern, their political parties will sing the 'lets be modern' song. 

If the Malays want black magic and superstition, then tok guru jin will become their spiritual leader. This is a democracy.

It is too late to be creating any new political parties. If push comes to shove, Sarawak and Sabah can pull out of BN. Surprisingly the native parties in Sarawak and also Sabah have a more progressive outlook than UMNO and PAS. As long as everyone agrees to be modern, progressive and inclusive then new coalitions are actually possible.  Dont worry folks. One thing at a time.  It is you who will decide.

p.s. Here is a b*tt kissing picture, quite literally.

When you angkat someone like this on their @$$, dont forget to shower or wash your hands.  Imagine if the guy is full of crap, then his crap will be all over you.  Is that the Ketua Pemuda guy? Product of Oxford?

1 comment:


    dan terima kasih banyak kepada AKI atas nomor togelnya yang AKI berikan 4D/ 4456 berkat angka gaib ini yang diberikan oleh AKI alhamdulillah ternyata itu benar2 tembus AKI Saya menang togel 375 juta dan alhamdulillah sekarang saya bisa melunasi semua utan2 saya yang ada sama tetangga.dan juga BANK MDR dan bukan hanya itu AKI. Insya allah saya akan coba untuk membuka usaha sendiri demi mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga saya sehari-hari itu semua berkat bantuan AKI.. sekali lagi makasih banyak ya AKI… bagi saudara yang suka main togel yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI MANGKUBUNO di no 085203333887
    insya allah anda bisa seperti saya…menang togel wassalam.

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