
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 5, 2015

NAJIB HAS ALREADY LOST: Dr M has 'unlimited info' to bring him down

NAJIB HAS ALREADY LOST: Dr M has 'unlimited info' to bring him down
How to bring down DR Mahathir down to size? Here are a few options Herr Fuad Zarkashi may want to consider.
Exposing his misdeeds during a 22 year reign?
Saying Dr Mahathir has been misinformed especially by DAP?
Saying DR Mahathir is senile?
Saying Dr Mahathir is lying?
Just ignoring Dr Mahathir and insisting Najib is the best there was, is and will be ever be?
And saying Dr Mahathir is behaving this way because the government doesn’t want to give money to Proton?
Saying Dr Mahathir is angry because Najib ditched Mukhriz in favour of the not so bright Hishamudin?
Employing TUn Musa Hitam to discredit Mahathir?
saying DR Mahathir has been bought over by PKR and wants to replace Anwar as leader?
Cynthia Gabriel (left) with opposition MPs Rafizi Ramli from PKR (centre) and Tony Pua (DAP) at a forum on the1MDB scandal
Najib is letting his underlings to counter attack Dr Mahathir. I am afraid, PM Najib has been defeated even before entering the ring.
Najib will be treated lightly because he treats Dr Mahathir’s attacks lightly. He is allowing second-raters to defend him since, perhaps because his highly paid PR consultants are having the most severe of hang-ups after some heavy partying and strenuous physical exertions.
I am hearing ridiculous but feeble counter attacks. Such as Tun M and his cohorts are not fit to speak on 1MDB. He is fit to because he can. He has unlimited access to information. Some UMNO leaders are also giving him the information. We are only hearing the beginning.
Dr M and son Mukhriz Mahathir
Anyone can talk on 1MDB if they have some knowledge about it. Sarawak Report has made it a career. My colleague Tony Pua, the MP for PJ Utara can speak about 1MDB even while sleeping. Rafizi Ramli from PKR can do a similar feat. There are many more in DAP and PKR who can speak about this. Ong Kian Meng, the brainy MP from Serdang can give a schematic presentation of 1MDB in a jiffy. Cikgu Bard can also tell people.
I am saying- an enemy to an enemy is our friend. Let’s treat Dr Mahathir as such.
Dr Mahathir has lent credence to the expose. He is after all a former PM with 22 years’ experience in governing Malaysia. During those 22 years, - sure, he can be accused for many wrongdoings if anyone can unearth them. During such a long time, many things can be attributed to Mahathir.
If there are many, why doesn’t the government release them? Tell the world then.
Because whatever Dr Mahathir did is past us and also more importantly, the entire present UMNO cabinet members is part of the roaring Mahathir years. Najib included.
Anwar ibrahim and Dr M
But the wrongs done by Mahathir cannot justify what PM Najib and his people are doing to this country at the moment.
I think many people are missing the point in Dr Mahathir’s message. It’s lucky that Najib is not a sexual deviant like Dr Mahathir believes Anwar is. Except for that belief, Dr Mahathir is saying the same about Najib- Najib is morally unfit to remain as PM.
The measure by which Najib’s morality is impeached, is the murder case of Altantuya. The IGP is avoiding the issue- DR Mahathir has come out with some insinuations, the IGP side winded the issue by saying PDRM has talked to Sirul. The one who is talking is Dr Mahathir and the person being asked is someone else?
Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and PM Najib Razak
Just because 2 policemen have been convicted for the brutal extermination of the Mongolian woman Altantuya, it does not mean we have a closure. It does not matter how many years the bestial event took place, as the public believes that is not the end of the story. There was somebody killed brutally and no one believes the policemen, did the deed while on a frolic.
If Dr Mahathir suggests the case be re-investigated and reopened, we can be sure he knows more than we mere mortals do. - http://sakmongkol.blogspot.com/

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