
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 26, 2015

NAJIB, ROSMAH QUAKE: Almost accused of Altantuya's murder, will they sue Dr M or will he unleash even more 'info'

NAJIB, ROSMAH QUAKE: Almost accused of Altantuya's murder, will they sue Dr M or will he unleash even more 'info'
‘Mahathir is bordering on accusing Najib of being a murderer.’
Pemerhati: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is tightening the noose around PM Najib Razak’s neck. Earlier he wanted Najib to tell the truth about Altantuya Shaariibuu and 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Najib did not give a satisfactory answer.
Now Mahathir went one step further and said he loved Najib and continued, “We cannot love someone to the point that when they kill someone, we say 'ok la'.” Then he was quick to deny what he said may suggest Najib was a murderer.
He has inflicted severe damage on Najib as a lot of people already suspect that Najib was somehow linked to the murder since his staff were involved before and during the murder and his brother got involved after the murder.
By revealing Najib’s outrageous expenditure in the ‘wedding of the century’ and criticising the Goods and Services Tax (GST), he should be able to make a lot of people disgusted and angry with Najib.
Is the avalanche of damning accusations enough to scare Najib to step down and seek some sort of compromise, or is he going to fight back and reveal Mahathir’s many sins?
Odin: It is obvious that Najib is living well beyond his means. By taking 300 guests to Kazakhstan and have them flown back, he would have had to spend RM1.5 million.
This is based on RM5,000 per guest travelling to and fro on economy class in addition to other necessary expenses. We are not even talking about the costs of the four wedding receptions, which must have been in the millions.
He could not have been able to afford all this on his salary alone. As for his, er, ‘legacy family inheritance', we all can be certain that it is surely total fiction cooked up by a certain party lover when he was either in a drunken stupor or suffering from a splitting headache in the morning after a bacchanalian night.
Mamba: Indeed, Najib is really a strange animal. With epic-scale scandals hanging over his head, he still dared to hold ultra-luxurious wedding receptions all over the places. Any sane people would have kept a low key in times of such crisis.
Kangkung: This must also be the first 'wedding of the century' where guests were forbidden to upload photos of the extravagance.
Gen2indian: It’s absolutely nauseating that the ‘first couple’ can spend so much, with the young couple condoning it, at a time when the people are getting hammered from all directions.
A RM168 million hospital in Padang Besar has been shelved, electricity rates are going up and God-knows-what is going to happen when the "doctor prescribes, pharmacy dispenses" scheme kicks in, and yet we don't mind paying RM460 million for a jet.
Don't these people have any morals, any shred of decency?
Oh Ya?: Mahathir, your children's unexplained wealth is not due to stinginess. The rakyat are not alone. They want explanations how the Umnoputras could become so rich but the ordinary rakyat are still living so miserably.
Dizzer: It’s hard to believe that TDM (Mahathir) has billions stashed away (although he has plenty of very, very rich 'friends' and relatives).
I think former law minister Zaid Ibrahim was probably right when he said, "In my heart, I cannot accept allegations that Dr Mahathir personally was a corrupt man.
“Corrupt people are never brave enough to speak as loudly as Dr Mahathir. Wealth is not a major motivation for him. He only craves power."
Anonymous #559621516: The going of 300 or 3,000 people to Kazakhstan should not be an issue unless their trip was borne by public expense.
Before TDM raised the issue, he should first find out who paid for their transport, if they were self-sponsored or sponsored by the host. Otherwise, TDM has no business raising the matter.
Kilgore: Rosmah claimed the RM24 million diamond ring was brought in for her son-in-law Daniyar Nazarbayev's mother Maira, but it was sent back.
It makes one wonder what was given as a dowry and how many millions paid?
CQ Muar: Mahathir, that was not all. While telling the rakyat to be frugal, Najib spent to the tune of millions in floral arrangements at his daughter's wedding.
Imagine how many of our poor and needy could have benefitted from the hefty amount lavished?
Curiously, were the millions part of the missing RM27 billion that you referred to recently with regard to 1MDB, Dr M? Will this provide sufficient reason for Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate?
Odysseus: Almost everyone is convinced lots of public money has gone into this wedding. Najib has not come out to clarify it.
News of budget cut for University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) and deferment of Perlis hospital has certainly not gone down well with the public.
Not Convinced: Najib is suing Malaysiakini, Harakah and a number of MPs. And here Mahathir is bordering on accusing Najib of being a murderer. Yet, not a squeak from Najib.
Perhaps he is too scared to slap Dr M with a law suit? - M'kini

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