
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 13, 2015

Najib’s dilemma – K Haridas

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As a law-abiding and taxpayer, how can I trust my prime minister and his government when serious questions remain unanswered.
One realises that in many nations to make allegations against the leadership, and to get accountability remains a great challenge.
Leaders have the money, resources, government machinery and a lot of “yes men” who will blindly manipulate, exploit and support them as it serves their own interest.
Can we still keep our eyes closed and our ears shut, and allow such a heinous crime to go unchallenged. There are people with motives out there but they may be so very powerful, that they can even get away with murder. Americk Sidhu, the lawyer for the late private investigator (PI) P. Balasubramaniam has voiced these serious concerns at a Suaram meeting recently.
It is an exception where there is murder without intention. The chain of causation has to be deeply inspected.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak may be right and may have little to do with the murder. However, sycophancy and cronyism may have resulted in someone wanting to please his superiors. While the two convicted bodyguards of Najib have confessed, they seem to have no motives other than following orders. Otherwise why will they do so?
It is the nation's self-respect and credibility that is at stake, and our respected senior leaders and those with the spine to call a spade a spade, must stand up and be counted. I am left confused and distrustful of the leadership, unless we are offered clear and cogent responses to the following queries.
We need answers or we will be left confused and distrustful of the leadership.
Presently, there are some answers in the public domain. In addition, Abdul Razak Baginda, Datuk Nasir Safar, Musa Safri, Datuk Seri Nazim Razak, Tan Sri Cecil Abraham, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and Najib should all help to clear the air and put national integrity, as primary and important.
Between them and others who have defended PI Bala and Deepak Jaikishan, can help the nation find the important clues. Commandoes are trained to follow rules and directions. This they did without question, hence it is incumbent on us to find the person or persons, who gave the directions that led to this heinous crime.
It is not every day that one comes across a foreigner who is murdered and the body blown to pieces by the use of explosives.
Someone very powerful has done this and it is an insult to the nation, and its institutions that we still protect or do not want to know those, who had powerful motives to do so.
How would anyone feel if it was their daughter? She was just used and dumped. Obviously, they did not want any trace as to who the father was of the child, she was carrying. This is perhaps a unique murder in Malaysian history.
Has anyone been held accountable for the C4 explosives that were secured when Najib was the defence minister?
How come the Mongolian women's details were not captured in the Immigration Department records? Who is accountable for this lapse or cover up?
Who was behind the orders that led to the brutal killing of a foreigner?
Who offered the RM50,000 to RM100,000 that was indicated by Sirul Azhar Umar and why was this not revealed by the police or did the police keep this a secret?
In his statement from the dock, Sirul claims that he was made a black sheep to protect highly named individuals. Who were these highly named individuals?
Why were the prosecution officials, the judge and the defence lawyers changed in such a short period of time and in haste? Under whose instruction could such an exceptional change take place? Does this give us any faith in the separation of powers, or on the independence of the judiciary? Who are the people acting in concert?
Why was PI Bala's statements taken over a 14-day remand period not used by the prosecutors during the court case? The allegation that this was sanitised, edited and all names mentioned removed reveals other hands at play. Is this true and if so why?
Why was the first statutory declaration (SD) replaced by the second SD in such haste, and the indications that a leading lawyer had done so at the instructions of Najib not clarified? The change that was made seems to be to references made to Najib in the first SD. This needs candid clarification.
Why was PI Bala banished to India and why did Najib's brother express a thinly veiled threat, that PI Bala better listen to Deepak, who advised him to do so as he was asked by Rosmah. Why has neither Najib's brother nor Rosmah disclaimed this as fact or fiction?
Why has Deepak's statement that he was instructed to do so by Rosmah and to pay PI Bala off never been denied or challenged?
It is understandable that under all these influences and threats, that PI Bala would retract his first SD. Consider all the powerful people who are involved. They all seem to above reproach. What has happened to all our institutions of governance if this all true?
Who is Nasir Safar? He is described as Najib's political adviser, secretary and special assistant to Najib, and what was he doing in his Proton Saga outside the home of Razak Baginda, on the night that Altantunya was abducted? Can this be clarified?
Why was Musa Safri communicating with PI Bala, when he was outside the house of Razak Baginda on the night Altantunya was abducted? The two convicted men report to him. Did he give any instructions? This needs to be clarified.
Finally, the famous SMS from Najib to Razak Baginda, that he will be meeting with the IGP at 11am and that everything will be solved. Stay cool. Why has this issue not been pursued or clarified.
These are queries that arise from the public domain and until these are fully answered, there is no way that Najib can claim credibility based on him swearing at a mosque? If we love this country, than all loyal Malaysians should play a part in cleansing our nation from this cruel episode.
Najib has much to answer for as does his friend Razak Baginda and if they are honest and candid they have nothing to fear.
At this point, only an independent commission made up of credible individuals, can provide the answers to these queries. The call must come from the moderates and Parliament.
If Najib has nothing to hide and has sworn in a mosque, why not clear your name and gain the trust of people to whom you are answerable. Yes, in more ways than one his name and those of his close associates and family appear in this sordid affair. The “maruah” of the nation is at stake.  
* K Haridas reads The Malaysian Insider.

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