
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 11, 2015

No records of Najib? But there're also NO records of Altantuya entering Malaysia, Salleh Said Keruak!

No records of Najib? But there're also NO records of Altantuya entering M'sia, Salleh Said Keruak!
In Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s interview last night, he reiterated what he has been saying for many years, that he never met or knew Altantuya Shaariibuu. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, on the other hand, said that the police investigation at that time revealed that Najib was not involved in her murder. Three years ago in 2012, Asia Sentinel and other online news sites and Blogs published 153 documents relating to the French police investigation and the subsequent report to the French court that had ordered the investigation.
The investigation and report focused on the issue of Altantuya plus the submarine contract. Document D54 is a statement by the police to the court that there are no records of Altantuya Shaariibuu, Abdul Razak Baginda and/or Najib Tun Razak ever having entered France from 1999, the date the Scorpene submarines were first negotiated, until the day Altantuya was reported murdered.
The immigration authorities and the French intelligence also confirmed the same. Hence the opposition story that Altantuya, Razak and Najib had dinner in Paris where their photograph was taken is not true. Document D76 presented to the court is a statement to the police by Fredric Faura regarding his role in the submarine contract.
The police had asked him whether he had ever met Altantuya or knows who she is and he replied that he had never met her or knows of her. He added that they do not need any translator to transact business with Malaysia since Malaysians can speak perfect English. Furthermore, all negotiations were done in Malaysia and not in France where the need for a translator was not necessary.
Central to the allegation against Najib is that Altantuya was involved in the submarine deal and had wanted her share of the profits, and that was why she was murdered. The French police, however, have reported that this is not true.  - http://sskeruak.blogspot.com/

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