
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Nur Jazlan Hang Pakailah Otak Lebih Sikit

Image result for Nur Jazlan

This is from The Star here: (Please click on the link to torture yourself. O'wise here is the short version)
  • Nur Jazlan: Why is Jho Low defending himself?
  • Jho Low will be called by (PAC) if it is able to link businessman to ..1MDB
  • Nur Jazlan unable to say for now if Jho Low has links to 1MDB
  • "I don’t know ..If there is any ..link to him we will call him to PAC," 
  •  there is no point in speculating.
  • "I don’t know why Jho Low is making all these allegations because in terms of the 1MDB organisational structure, management or board of directors otherwise, he's not there. He's not employed or a director of 1MDB so why is he defending himself in this matter?" Nur Jazlan said.
My comments : Nur Jazlan hang ni baik hati tapi hang memang tak pikiaq sangat. You mean once you have established the link between Jho Low and 1MDB you will pick up the phone and say,

"Hello..hello ..Cho Low ah? Hello Cho Low? Calling from PAC ah. Nur Jazlan here. We oredi got establish lah some link ah between you and 1MDB. So now ah we want you to come to PAC for our investigation. What day can you come ah? Tomolo can or not? Huh? You are in outer space oredi ah? Oh like dat one ah. Where? You are volunteer for fatwa haram one way trip to Mars planet ah? Oh I see. That means you cannot come lah. Haiyya..ok lah. "

Nur Jazlan, if you have etablished Jho Low's links to 1MDB do you seriously expect him to leave his hideout in Hong Kong and fly back to KL to testify at the PAC?  Jho Low nak cari mampus ke? 

If you establish any links between Jho Low and 1MDB he is never going to come back. He already got minimum US$700 million. They already "felt the earth moving" under their feet. 

And if you establish links between Jho Low and 1MDB then what about all those denials about links between Jho Low and the victim of GST dandan rambut?  

Takpe Nur Jazlan. Here is a simple suggestion to make your job easier. 


There are many ways to establish or not establish the "link".  For example you can go tothis site where you will read this:

"On October 2, 2009, Jacqueline Ho of Deutsche Bank Malaysia wrote to Casey Tang and you, asking for the name and address of the beneficial owner of account number 11116073.Tang forwarded Ho’s email to Jho Low. Why was it necessary for Tang to forward the email to Jho Low?

On the same day, you replied to Deutsche Bank: “Jac, please use this address – GOOD STAR LIMITED. P.O. Box 1239, Offshore Incorporation Centre, Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles.

Your reply to Ho was forwarded to Jho Low, who then forwarded it to Mahony with the message, “Shld be cleared soon. Pls update tarek”.

S*****l, who is this Seychelles-incorporated Good Star? Why did you validate the remittance of US$700 million to Good Star

See more here 

So Nur Jazlan JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY and you will get the links.  Hang tak payah panggil Jho Low. (Bukan dia nak mai pun, dia bukan bodoh).

Tapi hang panggil budak jenama  Jacqueline Ho of Deutsche Bank Malaysia yang tersebut tu. Ini orang Deutsche Bank. Depa jaga SWIFT Money Transfer dalam Deutsche Bank. They will tell you the truth.

Hang panggil budak jenama " Jacqueline Ho of Deutsche Bank Malaysia"   lepas tu tanya dia,  "Can you clarify to us your seeking and receiving confirmations from 1MDB about account numbers, bank addresses and beneficial account owners to enable the transfer of US$XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX million on such and such date? Please remember that you are on oath."

Lepas tu hang panggil budak bodoh (yang aku malu nak sebut nama dia pun) and you ask him : Did you confirm the address to transfer US$XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX million to benefit  

Lepas tu hang tanya dia (this one on behalf of OutSyed The Box)  :  "What the hell for?"

Tengok apa dia jawab. Then you can establish or not establish the link between Jho Low and 1MDB.

Nur Jazlan if you do not do this, lebih baik hang pi panjat pokok kelapa. People are laughing at the PAC. Committee ada, gigi tak ada. Hang pula cakap pusing-pusing.

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