
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 13, 2015

OF ALTANTUYA & ROSMAH BEING THE 'REAL PM': Even Kuan Yew wanted to meet her, gauge her bodytalk

OF ALTANTUYA & ROSMAH BEING THE 'REAL PM': Even Kuan Yew wanted to meet her, gauge her bodytalk
The in-coming tides are increasing in frequency as temperatures steadily rise in Malaysia’s politics.
So many questions stubbornly refuse to fade away. From 1MDB to GST to POTA – the very recent seizures, to some over eight year-old murder story and a whole lot of other smoldering issues do not seem to be extinguished despite all the talking and preaching and canvassing and showcased-politicking.
The country needs a brilliant analyst to put the finger on a single most critical or vital factor that seems in all probability to be the underlying or hidden cause for so many issues and concerns that obviously are refusing to be abated.
In the meantime, as the rakyat continue to struggle with time – although now we know that our ministers and some spouses wear timepieces costing as much as half-a-million ringgit a piece and also have several expensive collections in their drawers.
Never mind about what kind of houses and furnishing and fittings they have; never mind about what kind of properties and land they may have kept away from the public eyes; never mind about properties and stocks held here or cash stashed away in foreign banks; never mind about their spend-spend-and-spend overseas holidays. These can be dismissed as mischievous speculations.
After all, as the youth Minister said, BN MPs have declared their assets and MACC or the IGP have no quarrel or question over it.
But when Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad opens his mouth and sticks his neck out, what do we commoners – we the Mr and Miss Nobody do? We ponder of course.
Now, POTA champions and payroll militants, please be educated that pondering is not speculation!
We ponder because Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has countered the Tun’s not so many questions by including a gong-beat about the latter’s insistence on wanting the ‘Crooked Bridge’ down south.
Today, Sunday the 12 of April, 2015, the Tun is reported to have said that we should not “kow-tow” to Singapore, in reacting to the PM’s gong-beat.
PM Najib
In short, it raises a whole new question: Why or is the PM and his entourage so submissive to the wishes of Singapore?
Hold on cyber troopers and twitter handlers. This question is also not a speculation. It is perception. And if perception cannot be entertained then humanity has returned to the primordial tribal survival of jungle law.
Now in the wake of the PM’s gong-beat rebuttal, the public will ask does all these now have any bearing to the late Lee Kuan Yew making it a must to call on Datin Seri Dr Rosmah Mansor in June 2009 when Najib became the prime minister?
Thanks to the transparent and permanent internet that can give you instant information and updates at the hit of the ‘Go’ button on your notebook or I-phones, that historically unprecedented visit was widely reported.
Now that Malaysians have a trusted friend in the world wide web, given our label as being ‘mudah lupa’, pondering is made even more easier.
Dr M
Coming back to the ponderings that are loudly being shared at the warongs and road side stalls, is it just the ‘Crooked Bridge’ or are there more to it than meets the simple, humble voters’ eyes?
Now this too is not diabolic and malicious speculation but honest asking by responsible citizens who are concerned about their nation’s future.
It appears that as the tens of thousands ringgit expensive timepieces worn by our ministers including the reported half-a-million that wraps Datin Seri’s hand, and the thousand ringgit and below watches that clasp the wrists of people like the Tun Dr, Lim Kit Siang and late Tok Guru Nik Aziz, keeps ticking away, it seems that more mysteries have to be unraveled to heal the nation. - MAILBAG

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