
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 10, 2015

Our own Stalin? – Zaid Ibrahim

Image result for sedition act 2015Image result for sedition act at Malaysian Parliament this morning

Parliamentary debate on amendments to the Sedition Act has no impact on this Barisan Nasional (BN) government.
Everything was pushed through and passed. This time the Pakatan Rakyat MPs showed guts and were more serious, they debated the issues well and forcefully, and were in the Dewan in full force when the vote was taken.
Let the BN hangers-on use their brute majority to push it down your throats, but the opposition must be proud in trying to defend whatever little freedom we have.
Your passport is impounded as well. You are treated like a terrorist. No other country in the world puts religion in the public sphere and makes it a central part of government policy, knowing it will cause racial and religious divide; yet declares any comment on religion, which is inevitable if you want to talk about the policy, can be an act of sedition.
What you say or write can be interpreted to be promoting religious ill will.
We are all dead men walking with this new law.
To the BN Muslim MPs, don’t be so smug. Let me remind you what the law means. It will apply even to you.
Let’s say your sister is entangled in a custody dispute and is unable to see her children because her ex-husband is not interested in following court orders.
Let’s say you criticise the judge or shortcomings in the administration of the courts.
Under the proposed amendments, you can be charged for sedition because you would be deemed to be promoting public ill will towards that religion. Off you go to prison for five years or more.
Here’s another scenario: if you are concerned about the low level of investments or savings amongst Malaysian Muslims and you criticise the fatwa issued by some states that declare the ASN and ASB unit trust funds as “haram”, you too could be spending time in the slammer, because you could be seen as ridiculing the religion.
If you want some accountability in how state governments and their agents collect “zakat” and write in to express your dissatisfaction over how and where “zakat” funds are used, then you are questioning the religious authorities. That’s very close to creating disaffection with the religion so they might just send you in for that as well.
Non-Muslims must also be prepared to serve time. Even if you are from MCA or Gerakan, don’t think you have immunity.
If you analyse Article 153 of the Constitution; or try to understand how the quota system works in higher education, and your views lead to police reports being lodged by Isma and Perkasa (the higher the number of reports against you, the higher the chances of prosecution), then you too could be charged for creating ill will and hatred amongst the races.
If you own a property in Ampang, where you have a small statue of the Buddha erected on the land; and because there is a mosque adjacent to it, DBKL now wants to acquire your land, you think you can oppose it without risking sedition charges against you?
If your application to use a shop lot as your church is rejected, and you respond by asking why there are so many mosques everywhere, you too could be serving time.
There are thousands of other instances I can give you to show how perilous the country’s situation is.
We are each becoming a prisoner of this regime – this is how fascist governments have worked throughout history.
The use their power to create chaos, then use their laws to send people to jail, so as to ensure total obedience.
Our government says we need the amended Sedition Act to maintain harmony in the country, but it is their policies and actions that cause disharmony. They started it all.
There was no lack of harmony before this prime minister came to power, and there will be harmony if the people of this country are left on their own ways, undisturbed.
It’s the leaders who created chaos by their racist policies and actions which then cause anger, and deep polarisation in the country.
From that chaos, and divisions within the community, they then impose more stringent laws that threaten our personal liberties. These laws are made not to maintain harmony, but to maintain the government in power.
The noose is getting tighter. We are experiencing what the Russians endured when Stalin was in power. We might be looking at one of our own. – zaid,my

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