
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 5, 2015

Part 1 : Threat To National Security (Keselamatan Negara), Short Message To The IGP

Image result for Abu Bakar Bashir and ISISImage result for Abu Bakar Bashir and ISIS

Hi folks. Its like 10 degrees Celsius outside. Spring is not here yet. Local time is 6:09AM and still dark. I am in Italy with some friends. On the coastline in northern Italy. Maybe more of this later. Bongiorno. 

The following is from The Singapore Straits Times, you can read the full story here. This is the gist: 
  • Malaysia 'at risk of lone-wolf attacks'
  • The Straits Times  Saturday, Apr 04, 2015
  • Malaysia 'at risk of lone-wolf attacks'
  • Malaysia is at risk of "lone- wolf" attacks by ISIS sympathisers warns country's top counter- terrorism official.
  • "Lone-wolf attacks are always a possibility. 
  • We cannot give 100 per cent assurance there will be no attacks as long as the threat of ISIS and its ideology is in the country," Datuk Ayub Khan, principal assistant director of the Special Branch's counter-terrorism division, told The Straits Times.
  • "We are doing our best to prevent any attacks in Malaysia
  • ISIS view democratically elected government as infidel, as country's Constitution is secular and not based on syariah law.
  • "ISIS followers label government kufra (infidel) 
  • see police as protector of infidel and, therefore, our blood is halal 
  • Malaysian police discovered ISIS planned attacks against brewery in PJ & pubs 
  • two Islamic NGOs suspected of being ISIS sympathisers 
  • police are closely monitoring their activities
  • NGOs used by ISIS as cover to travel to Syria 
  • 63 Malaysians have joined ISIS, 10 have died. 
  • two women borrowed money to pay for passage to Syria 
  • 75 Malaysians have been arrested for ties to ISIS
  • Despite arrests number of Malaysians recruited not declined.
  • 95 to 98 per cent recruited via social media. 
  • inspired by Indonesian Abu Bakar Bashir, leader of Jemaah Islamiah
  • behind the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people.
  • Now serving 15-year jail term, 76 yr old Bashir pledged allegiance to ISIS  

This article was first published on April 3, 2015.

My comments :  You reap what you sow. About 25 years ago the Brader and his gang gave PR status to Abu Bakar Bashir. I think Bashir even received financial assistance. Now he has become a threat. Jadi bapak ISIS pula. So siapa bodoh?

The Brader also became very chummy with that Moro fellow Nur Misuari. I think Misuari also received help. Then two years ago Nur Muhammad Misuari launched that attack against Sabah. So siapa bodoh?

We have also given refuge for other radicals from South Thailand, Aceh, Hamas, from Pakistan, Afghanistan and dont know who else.

So Tan Sri IGP here is a message for you. Firstly the people are now calling you Inspector General Twitter because you like to tweet so much. The short form of twitter is twit. Please go and see what 'twit' means.

But please check who are the other radicals who are still given refuge inside the country. We want an end to this. We dont want our country to have absolutely any links at all with any of these radicals  (I refuse to use the word Islamic to describe them).  

Can the IGP make a categorical denial that people from Hamas, the Pakistani groups, Afghan groups, Moro groups, South Thailand groups etc are still in Malaysia? If no, why not? Why are they still in Malaysia?

To attack us, bomb us, recruit our foolish young people etc 10 years down the road? Pasal apa kita bodoh macam ini?  So Tan Sri IGP, please vet through your files and get these people to leave the country. Then you can tweet about it. That is much better than being a twit about it.

Then please listen to what your own boys say :  
  • ISIS view democratically elected government as infidel, as country's Constitution is secular and not based on syariah law.
I say Tan Sri IGP if that is the case please tell your Prime Minister to stop saying that he will support the hudud of PAS (or that he will not object, he will not stand in the way etc). 

By the way, the moron was supposed to come out with a statement on the hudud of PAS but that was 12 days ago. He is still scratching his b*tt on this one as well.

Because when you allow too much talk about the hudud of PAS, shariah etc as though it really is the law of Allah, especially with strong endorsement by the PM (EIGHT clowns from his party HAVE ALREADY voted for the hudud of PAS in Kelantan)  then what you are doing is raising the hopes of these ISIS supporters that Malaysia will support the hudud of PAS, the hudud of PAS is acceptable and other such crap.  You make them more confused.

Then if the hudud is NOT implemented, or worse if the hudud is implemented, depa semua akan jadi lagi gila. 

Imagine if the hudud is implemented they will not just blow up pubs but they will start beheading the people who go to pubs. This is already happening in ISIS in Syria. As Ayub Khan says even the blood of the Police is halal for them. 

So as the IGP, please advise your PM to speak up against the hudud of PAS. Tell him to oppose the hudud of PAS with all his brains. That should NOT take much effort at all.

The entire hudud and shariah, of any type or flavour  ie PAS, Taliban, ISIS, Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen etc are all man made. That is why you have so many differences about what is hudud and shariah. So please do not say it is Allah's Law. Or even allude to it as Allah's Law. Please tell the PM.

Because when you use this type of wrong language, you are only lending more credibility to the ISIS psychos.

When you say you will not object to the hudud of PAS, when you say you will not stand in the way of PAS' hudud bill etc, you are already supporting their ideology. You are becoming their cheerleader. 

Their ideas of hudud and shariah have nothing to do with Allah's Laws.

So Tan Sri IGP, without realising it we are manufacturing our own threats against our own national security.  Pasal apa kita bodoh sangat? Why are we such twits?

My last point is addressed to Datuk Ayub Khan. I have deleted a lot of what you said in that interview to the Singapore Straits Times. 

From one mamak to another, let me tell you bro that Rule No. 1 of psy-war is NEVER repeat anything said by your enemies. Never repeat anything about your enemy that may make your enemy appear good, acceptable, attractive etc.

There are already confused people in the country who are ready to join ISIS for no good reason. Saying anything about their recruitment methods, their networks etc may only make these people more excited. So dont say too much about them.

There is a Part 2 to this.

Ciao from Italy.

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