
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 6, 2015

Part 2 Datuk Ayub Khan - Oops! Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.

Someone alerted me (thank you) about this news item in the Malay Mail Online on 3/3/2015 while I was still in KL :

But when I went to the Malay Mail Online, the news had already been removed. Instead I got this message at the Malay Mail's website :

Hmm..so I searched the Net and found the same news item hosted at these two other sites :


This is the age of the Internet. Once it goes up, you can find it somewhere. So here is a snip of this news item from one of the above sites :

My comments :  I take this report at face value ok, meaning three portals have carried it, soI think Datuk Ayub Khan Khan did say these things at the Akademi Kenegaraan.

(Datuk, lain kali jemputlah saya sekali.) 

Datuk Ayub Khan is a Police Chief (SAC) at the PDRM's Counter Terrorism Unit.  He and his boys are doing a wonderful job. Folks, all of us can sleep better at night because these guys are doing their job properly. Dont simply make broad accusations against the Police.This is not to butter them up but just an acknowledgement of the Police. Without the Police (from 1948 - 1960) there would be no Malaysia as we know it.

What Datuk Ayub Khan has said is nothing new. I have been saying it in my Blog and in my writings for years.

Has there been any fatwa by our Majlis Fatwa Kebanghsaan condemning the ISIS? Why not? 

How many state muftis have made fatwas against the ISIS? Or that it is haram to join the ISIS? 

Yang mana lagi haram - ISIS ke atau senaman yoga? Tidak perlu menggunakan akal sangat.  Kalau ada fatwa kata senaman yoga itu haram, mana pula fatwa yang kata ISIS itu haram? 

Ayub Khan is reported to have said "there are sympathisers of the terrorist group Islamic State (IS) in Islamic agencies and NGOs in the country."

Datuk Ayub Khan, first of all if you want to curb the Islamic terrorists in this country, please have a talk with the Ministry of Education as well. 

The 'islami-cessation' of the Education System since Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim was in power has now gone worse.

You are actually too late Datuk. The government school system has already become radicalised with too much religious indoctrination. From tadika until FIFTH year medical school in universities, our young people are being indoctrinated with an overdose of religion (I refuse to use the word Islam - please lets not  try to insult Allah, the Rasul and Islam. Also I am a Muslim, so please dont insult me either).  

Why is the religion so difficult that the gomen has to teach the kids religion from tadika (5 years old) until even FIFTH year medical school (when medical students are 24 years old).

At the gomen schools all our children get religious exposure (often radical) for 13 years, from tadika until SPM. 

This must be the most difficult religion in the world. You have to learn and study and take exams in agama dari tadika sampai SPM. And then if you go to Form 6, Matrtikulasi and enter the IPTAs, its another five or six years of studying religion. 

(Religion is therefore a very big source of money for the book publishers).

And after all that studying religion there is still no guarantee that you will masuk syurga (the final objective of all this religious education). We all know that the Ministry Of Education cannot give any sijil or certificate that grants you entry into syurga. Tak boleh pun. 

On the other hand, my friend's Mat Salleh husband Walter (nama samaran) from Austria (samaran) 'masuk Islam' kejap saja at the pejabat agama (Mat Salleh nak kahwin Melayu punya pasal).  Lepas Walter 'masuk Islam'  the ostard say 'sekarang Walter pun boleh masuk syurga'.

Fulamak ! I think Walter is older than me. I think Walter is about 58 years old.  Walter tak payah belajaq kelas agama 13 tahun, tak sembahyang sekali pun (actually sekarang pun tak tahu dia sembahyang ke tak) tapi sebab dia sudah "masyuk" Islam, ostard kata 'Walter boleh masuk syurga'. Fuiyyo !! Walter ikut lorong ekspres 'Smart Tag'.

This may not seem very fair.  But I know for a fact that Walter is definitely not a radical Muslim at all. Dia senyap saja, boleh dengar semua pendapat, does not get excited about religion. Dia tak bagi tahu kat orang pun dia dah masuk Isle, atau dia dah tukar agama atau dia dah dapat agama baru.

Walter relak aje. I think Walter is a very good Muslim.  

And this has a serious impact on our National Security or Keselamatan Negara of which you are our guardian (thank you Dato Ayub Khan). 

So Datuk Ayub Khan, may I make a suggestion. I think we should all be like Walter.  My suggestion is we postpone all gomen funded religious education (pengajian agama)  for our people until they reach 58 years of age.  What do you think? Isnt this an outside the box suggestion?

Of course siapa nak belajaq agama sebelum tu please go ahead. Belajaq lah agama banyak-banyak. May Allah guide you. Tapi gunalah duit sendiri. Dan gunalah waktu sendiri.  If you want to study religion (as a subject) please use your own money and your own time.

Take religious education out of the education system, especially the gomen education system. 

Our tadikas, our schools, our universities (and now the NGOs and the Islamic agencies according to Ayub Khan) are becoming too indoctrinated. Radicalised.    

Who is to say that is not or could not be a source of the 'threat to our National Security' ?

Now here is something for the Police to bear in mind, including Datuk Ayub Khan. Remember this has a serious bearing on Keselamatan Negara or National Security.

Why does religion cause so much problems? For example why are these 'religious groups' now a threat to our national security?

The answer is very simple. Religion does not require any valid proof, any real evidence, nor any science, logic or mathematics to prove its beliefs. It is purely and simply BLIND FAITH. (Yes really).

Here are some definitions of religion from the Net :
  • "religion" : "state of life bound by monastic vows," from Anglo-French religiun
  • Old French religion "piety, devotion; religious community" 
  • from Latin religionem (nominative religio) fear of the gods; a faith, cult; 
  • in Late Latin "monastic life"
Pendk kata, its either you believe or you dont believe.  If you believe then THEY are ok. 

But.......but.......if you dont believe then THEY can cause problems. 
  • THEY can kill you (eg ISIS).  
  • THEY can send 20 people to arrest you just because you said something different. 
  • THEY can jail you for working in a bookshop that sold a book which WAS NOT banned yet.
  • THEY can become sympathisers of IS
And this religious behaviour does not need to show any proof to justify its beliefs. That is why they call it "religion". No need for proofs, no need for evidence, no need for logic, no need for science. No need. 
  • Believe like us or suffer the consequences.
  • Believe like us or go to jail.
  • Believe like us or die.
All this is radical religious behaviour.
Which is also why religion SIMPLY CANNOT be used as a basis to resolve disputes. 

If you want to resolve disputes, there must be logic, science, evidence, proofs that can be presented to enable a dispute to be resolved.

But what if one fellow comes and says 'My messiah could walk on water and he said I must do this, that and that. Why cant you agree with me? Why dont you belieeeeeve?'

Then the other fellow comes and says 'my messiah flew through the sky like Superman and he said I must do this, that and that. Why cant you agree with me? Why dont you belieeeeeve?'

A third fellow comes and says, 'My messiah was a hybrid (I wont explain this one - have too many friends). Why cant you agree with me? Why dont you belieeeeeve? '
None of them can prove  their beliefs. I mean real, solid, tangible, scientific and logical proof. There is none. 

This is the realm of faith. It is just faith. Either you believe or you dont believe.  That is why some people end up saying "kita tidak boleh menggunakan akal dalam semua perkara". They are right - only when it comes to faith.

Before anyone gets too angry - I am NOT DISPUTING any of these beliefs. I am just saying that there is NO evidence. Bukti jelas, bukti nyata tak ada. Ini adalah kepercayaan saja.

So when we have a situation like this, imagine what will happen in the world (oops too late, it is already happening) if you force your faith / beliefs unto others?  As we would say in Penang "naya dan na'as" (aniaya dan nahas).

So imagine what will happen when you insist on using your religious beliefs as a "dispute resolution mechanism". Na'as bro. 

Instead of solving disputes and solving problems it will ONLY CAUSE MORE problems.

Do you need evidence? Just turn on your TV. Latest is that attack in Kenya where 147 people were killed. Its still on TV here in Italy. And a lot of that is "intra-religious" disputes - within the same religion, which still cannot be solved by religion. 

Imagine then inter-religious disputes? Lagi na'as.

So Datuk Ayub Khan, if you do not understand this, you are going to waste a lot of your effort. Saddest of all you will NOT solve the problem. Due to its inherent nature of not having or even requiring any real evidence, proof, logic, science or common sense to prove itself, religion does not provide a dispute resolution mechanism.

You may say that 'only the extremists are a threat, not all religious teaching is a threat'.

Well, its like getting pregnant. You cannot be 10% pregnant or 40% pregnant. Either you are pregnant or you are not. 

The pregnancy will go full term (usually) and at the end of it something will be born. The only mystery is what shall be the outcome of the pregnancy?

1. If you had slept with a human being, a human being will be born.
2. If you had slept with a monkey, a hybrid 'mankey' may be born.
3. If you had slept with a donkey, a hybrid 'honkey' may be born.

Only No. 1 above is a logical statement. The other two may require faith.

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