
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 11, 2015

SPOT ON DR M, IT WAS NO ORDINARY MURDER: Najib's 'SINS' of corruption, arrogance & greed catches up

SPOT ON DR M, IT WAS NO ORDINARY MURDER: Najib's 'SINS' of corruption, arrogance & greed catches up
What is that one singular thread that can perhaps best explain the current political situation in Malaysia that is literally missing beats on the lifeline of this nation?
To honestly and courageously answer that question we must remove all the colored or tinted lens of political patronage and party allegiance we wear; put aside all self interest for a moment; do not even court for a second the fear of losing political power.
Is Malaysia not caught in the cruel fangs of long years of corruption and layers of arrogance and bottomless greed?
Take the Altantuya murder. This was not a straight forward murder. Otherwise why is Sirul holed away in Australia? Otherwise why does the prime minister have to go on air with a pre-recorded and trimmed interview in response to the pounce made by the Tun after eight long years of the gruesome killing?
Yes the court has delivered a verdict. The Palace of Justice has delivered. But the case in question never died off. It never faded from the court of public opinion despite stern warnings from the top-most policeman of the country.
Why? Because it is no ordinary straight forward case! Razak Baginda do you hear this?
And instead, today we have to listen to so many individuals coming forward to clear the prime minister’s name. Why? Because it is no straight forward case and the answers are not convincing either.
Ku Li and Dr M
In fact public perception is fast swaying not an inch in the facor of the prime minsiter. Do his supporters realsise that too?
Why is it so difficult to pin down this case like in so many mystery murders we have solved in the past?
While we pause to reflect on that question, now take the 1MDB case.
It is unbelievable that so many people are rushing to defend the prime minister.
Why? Because this too is not getting any straight answers and is getting more complicated with every expose after expose!
And come to think of it, would Tun Daim, Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh and the Tun Dr himself risk their reputations by getting their concerns finally registered in the public domain?
These are veterans. If the opposition ploughed the questions, we can easily get away with the counter argument that the opposition are trying to destabilize the country. We use to do that before did we not?
If we allowed common sense to prevail, the actions and counter actions from Najib and his entourage would in all probability go something like this:
On the Altantuya case, from day one, the leader of this nation could have ensured that no stone was left unturned. In the first place he should have had the wisdom to not even volunteer to assure Razak Baginda that he would speak to certain quarters to help and that in the meantime Razak Baginda should stay calm.
But that did not happen.
And as the case got rolling on, and getting bigger down the slope, people were shocked to learn that not only was the poor girl shot at point blank but had been blown away with no ordinary Molotov cocktail but the highly vaulted C4 explosives strapped to her almost lifeless body.
What kind of killing is this? Plain murder?
And the public came to know too that there were too many things complicating the nature of the murder. Immigration records went missing. C4 explosives taken and we do not know how come. The case dragged and dragged as it was no ordinary murder. and the two would-be killers were hooded all the time.
Then there was the first SD and then a second SD; then came some lawyers implicated; then came some person/s fleeing in and out of the country taking strange routes; and of course we do not forget the carpet-man’s story too.
So with all these knotting around a Mongolian citizen’s murder, what would you expect the public to do or say?
Is PakLah’s attestation going to melt away the mysteries? Is the IGP’s stern warning going to solve the murder beyond any reasonable doubt? Is Najib’s recorded TV interview stating that he does not know this woman going to resolve the murder permanently?
The question that Najib’s supporters are missing is why can’t the leader of this nation wield his powers to ensure that the case is resolved beyond any doubt and save the nation of so much pain, disgrace and humiliation – not to mention the animosity and politicking that is being spun out of it?
Hello why put a sixty-year old political party at risk simply because of one 'staright-forward' murder lah?
Now, likewise for the 1MDB. Why do we need all kinds of appeals to let Najib to prove his leadership and ability? Why do we need all kinds of public relations stunts to prove that he has the solid backing of all his politicians and some gravy-train beggars?
All that he has to do is resign from his post as Finance Minister and let due diligence take its course.
By all means, appoint the world’s best brains to investigate independently and show proof that Najib is doing a brilliant economic and financial miracle through 1MDB.
That is all to it.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, PM Najib and Khairy Jamaluddin
Then no one will quarrel with him. There will be no need to canvas for support. Support will come once the public are convinced.
The court of public opinion is no fool. The global community of watchdogs is no dummy bird either.
Do not forget that even without the worldwide web and internet, Watergate did take place and spill into the public domain. What more in this age of wikipedia and wikileaks?
So to all those jumping in on the band wagon to defend Najib or solicit support, please pause and ask this very basic questions: Why is Datuk Seri Najib in such a spot if he has been doing his job superbly for the best interest of forward looking Malaysians?
Now do not counter by saying that it is the Tun or the opposition who are dragging him down the dirt track. That is akin to saying that evil is definitely far more superior then truth.
Indeed, beneath all these horrible battles that this nation is fighting there is only one truth. Our uncontrolled corruption laced with sheer arrogance and greed.
We have not convincingly demonstrated our will to fight, plug and kill corruption, arrogance and greed despite having had one single political party ruling the country for nearly six decades and despite having witnessed how other nations have fought and are winning the battle with promising hope. - MAIL BAG

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