
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 17, 2015

The ".. Enlarged Democratic Space" Crap

Image result for isa. pota, emergency ordinance

Before I begin, let me make myself clear. Dunggus read this carefully so that I dont have to delete your silly and misinformed comments (and waste all your effort ha ha ha).  

I am a strong supporter of the ISA aka the Internal Security Act. Plus the EO or Emergency Ordinance. They should NOT have been abolished. But the foolih gomen went ahead and deleted it.  Abolishing the ISA and the EO has caused all sorts of crime and security problems.

Now they have come out with the POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act). It is actually ISA 2 with some changes. The foolish flip flopping gomen has reinstated the ISA but under a different name.  That is all.   

I am a strong supporter of our Police force.  If the Police guys are happy with the POTA then I am happy too because it is the Police who have to deal with all these terrorists and criminals.   

Err...for those who disagree can you also argue why the US, the champion of freedom and democracy, has the Patriot Act? That Malay guy is still lockd up in Guantanmo Bay, 10 years after being kidnapped by the US. No legal representation, no Court hearing, no visits by family, no mail - nothing. 

But for those of you  who were too happy that the ISA had been abolished, well now you have POTA !!  You have been suckered by Clueless.  Padan muka.
Then Clueless said that the Sedition Act would be abolished.  Well the Sedition Act has NOT been abolished. Instead it has been tightened. So again to those of you who were crowing that the Sedition Act would be abolished, well it looks like you have been suckered again by Clueless. Ha ha ha.  Padan muka again. Serves you right.  

I am against the Sedition Act in its present form in this 21st century.  The Sedition Act was first enforced in 1948 by the colonial power. It was designed for the self preservation of feudalist colonial policies - which came to Malaya in full force in the 19th century.  The King or Queen of England was a demi god in the colonies.  (So to all those dim witted who say that Malaya was never colonised by the Brits - well what can I say, awak semua bodoh.) 

After Independence the Sedition Act was amended (I think in 1960 - 55 years ago, the year I was born).  

I am convinced that the Sedition Act has outlived its usefulness.   

We must move away from the colonial feudal mindset of 1948 when we were a colony. 

We must move away from the underdeveloped, undercivilised Third World mindset of 1960 when we faced multiple threats as a new nation.  

We are now in the 21st century.  Questioning anything should not be made a crime. To me that itself is a crime against humanity.  The act of saying 'You cannot question this" should be branded criminal. 

Lets take Malay Special Rights. It is in the Federal Constitution. I fully support Malay Special Rights. You remove the Malay Special Rights and this country will burn. As simple as that.  Therefore with whatever capacity I have (as a busybody Blogger)  I will argue for the preservation of Malay Special Rights.  This is my stand.

But there is no reason why we cannot discuss or debate this issue. Nothing is sacred. No need for lembu suci.  Anyone wants to argue Malay Special Rights can argue with me at anytime.  I am prepared to defend Malay Special Rights, despite the fact that I am a mamak. Melayu takkan hilang didunia selagi ada mamak argue untuknya. Ha ha ha.

But just dont forget the Mahmeri Orang Asli on Pulau Indah as well. They live on some really beautiful coastal ground. Shall we take all their land away from them? They do not have land titles and they do not pay Quit Rent, Assessments etc. So dont forget to include them in your arguments.

The point is we can argue about Malay Special Rights, Mahmeri rights without having to throw anyone in jail.  In this 21st century we do not need the Sedition Act to preserve Malay Special Rights.  

Also this argument is quite redundant. If the Opposition takes over, in all likelihood they may abolish the Sedition Act by a simple majority vote in Parliament. You dont even need 2/3 majority.  The same way that Clueless abolished the ISA.  They just got a simple majority vote in Parliament.

The POTA and the amendments to the Sedition Act are also by a simple majority in Parliament. No need for 2/3 majority.  So dont get so worked up about little things like these.

We also really need to grow up about religion.  The day will come in this country as well when it will become a crime to prosecute people over religion.  Especially "that" religion.  

Religion is illogical. It has to be. That is why they call it religion. If religion is logical, it will NOT be called religion anymore. It will be called science,  engineering, economics, social science etc.  But it is an accepted fact that religion is illogical.

Then you pass a law that says any questioning of "religion" is a crime. Mampuslah. Nine inch nails in your coffin folks. Buried nine feet deep and covered with concrete slabs as well.  That is why there are so many 'Failed States' in the Middle East.

So we must amend our Sedition Act and take 'religion' out of its jurisdiction.  

So just to be clear I am in full support of the ISA (now POTA), Malay Special Rights etc. 

I am NOT in full support of the Sedition Act especially when it comes to restricting discussion and debate. Discussion and debate on anything under the sun.  We must have the freedom to speak. 

Anyway someone sent me this piece of crap writing about Najib and the Sedition Act. Some people are spinning lies and it is best that this is nipped in the bud. The crappy article is in red. My comment are in blue.

Believe It or Not - Najib has Enlarged Democratic Space (My comments : Even UMNO guys (Nur Jazlan and Saifuddin) are shocked that editors from The Edge (Ho Kay Tat) and M'sian Insider (Jahabar Sadiq) were recently arrested. That Rafizi fellow was handcuffed and Nurul Izzah has been charged for Sedition. You call this enlarging the democratic space? Please explain how.)
    The newly amended Sedition Act is not perfect, but it’s surprisingly
good. That fact has been lost amid the melodramatic and embarrassingly
hyperbolic accusations levelled at the Najib Razak government. One
commentator (and I’m looking at you, Zaid Ibrahim) even compared the
government to Stalinist Russia. I wonder if Zaid could direct me to
the gulag closest to Kuala Lumpur. The one in his head doesn’t count.

(My comments: Apa pasal bodoh sangat? Just call Jahabar Sadiq and Ho Kay Tat. You may not agree with them. I dont agree with them all the time. But they were arrested. And they are newspaper editors.  

Yes, there have been legitimate questions raised over the Sedition
amendments. The prohibition on insulting religion may be used to bar
criticism of religious authorities and religious laws (for example,
hudud). The ban on “propagating” seditious speech is worded vaguely
enough to apply to online shares and retweets of “problematic”

(My comments :  If you confess that there are "legitimate questions" then it means the logic of the amenments becomes illegitimate lah kawan. This is double talk.  And if questioning hudud can become seditious, how does that enlarge the democratic space. Stop putting sh*t on your toast. Try peanut butter ok) 

Yet the fact remains that the amended law is the most significant
civil liberties achievement in recent memory. Consider that the
Sedition Act no longer criminalises criticism of the government or the
“administration of justice” in Malaysia.

(I say kawan, "criticising the government" has never been a part of the old Sedition Act.  This is lying. Cheap skate. The foundation of democracy is criticising the ruling government.) 

Contrast this to the 22-year-long Mahathir era when dissent was
routinely crushed with the ISA. Good luck organising an anti-ISA forum
if people don’t even know where you’re being detained, or when you’ll
be released.


My comments : Please dont tell lies. When Dr Mahathir became PM in 1982 he immediately released hundreds of people detained under the ISA. Operation Lallang happened 28 years ago in 1987, possibly before you were born. Racial tensions were being stirred up. Mr Karpal Singh was released in about two weeks, the rest being released within weeks as well. There was no general elections around the corner either (to suggest political motives). All the people who were detained went about their business. Mr Karpal Singh later ran and lost in Jelutong. So did Mr Lim Kit Siang. 

In the late 1990s  and 2000s the ISA was used against religious fanatics and terrorists whose detentions were never regretted by anyone including you and your family. Please dont be a hypocrite. Otherwise go to Guantanamo Bay and ask the Americans to release the Malay guy who is now 10 years in detention without trial.)  

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