
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Foundations of Opposition

Image result for PKR and DAPImage result for blameImage result for Najib

I know the reasonable man is always confronted with this question. Why is it you people always oppose the government? The government has achieved so much. It has raised income. Provided infrastructure. Social amenities. Gave education. Provide security from within and without. Create employment. Promote exports. Allow people to import.

The government has done so many good things.

You people blame Najib even if the chicken is road-killed. No, we don’t blame Najib if the chicken is road-killed but if Najib were the one looking after the chickens, and the chickens get killed, we will certainly blame Najib.

What can you people do that we good men all, serving the government of the day cannot do?  Surely we ‘good men’ in government cannot do evil? That is the voice that one hears too often coming from government backbenchers- this government is the best, 1MDB is a sound investment, GST is adopted by 160 countries so it must good, our reserves are good, PM is the best so on and so forth.

Well, those sentiments are easily articulated because all that they require are the correct dosages of self-praise and emotional appeal. On the other hand, to appreciate what the opposition can do representing the reasonable men and women and children require rational analyses and sound thinking, something those ‘good and noblemen’ on the government bench do not have.

Attend any parliamentary sessions- and you will see the government backbenchers heckle and shout such boring platitudes as Najib is the best, we buy a new jet so that the PM and his entourage will be safe, that millions are allocated to Permata- because Rosmah is goodhearted. 

Do these tired expressions require sound thought process or just emotional ejaculations?  

We oppose and protest because of these reasons:-.

1)   First- because the government has no money other that we the people, through parliament set aside for them. All the money they get comes from all forms of taxes, charges, interests and dividends collected. Because of that, they are duty bound to spend our money efficiently, fairly and honestly. We have the right to demand the government discharge this duty in accordance to the standards we set and if the government discharges this duty, inefficiently, unfairly and dishonestly, we are duty bound to speak out. That is what we are doing.

2)   Secondly- when political power and economic power are concentrated in the same hands- that is a sure recipe for tyranny and oppression. Because of that, the reasonable men though the opposition (certainly we cannot expect government MPs to speak according to their conscience) must demand and insist that government when discharging this immense power concentration in accordance to the rule of law. We must ensure government acts within the laws and not abuse and oppress its citizens.

Because of that, we stand attentive and ever vigilant to ensure the government does not abuse our citizens. We do not oppose the government for the sake of opposing but carry out a sacred duty to ensure any government discharges its duties and responsibilities efficiently, fairly and honestly. The people, consisting of millions of reasonable men and women, expect nothing less from our MPs.  

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