
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Irreplaceable PM?

Image result for najib

  • Muhyiddin best choice to take over & save BN, says veteran journalist
  • pressure piles on Najib to resign
  • Najib is opposition’s “biggest asset” due to .. .scandals.
  • PR will lose its silver bullet if Najib resigns. He is its biggest asset. 
  • Kadir Jasin said Muhyiddin good chance of bringing back Malay support 
  • Things will be worse for PR if Muhyiddin succeeds Najib
  • Muhyiddin not embroiled in any major scandals
  • wife & children are rarely in the limelight
  • Najib family’s wealth subject of much speculation 
  • Najib under increasing pressure ..to resign
  • Najib’s detractors claim he was weighing down BN 
  • Abdullah Badawi was pressured to step down in 2009.
  • Abdullah did not have as many apple polishers 
  • Pak Lah did not have an ambitious wife. 
  • Umno leaders were less hypocritical then.."  Kadir wrote.
  • huge PMO (Najib) uses to dispense favours
  • Abdullah did not have too many people 
  • “Members of his kitchen cabinet less than 10. Najib has hundreds. 
  • built his influence by dispensing favours 
  • he runs the biggest PMO in history 
  • "..controls party chiefs with gifts of golden eggs,” Kadir wrote
  • Najib is “loved” by top Malay, Chinese and Indian tycoons.
  • Kadir believes ..the ruling coalition could lose the next general election.

My comments : 14 days or so ago the irreplaceable PM's people put it out that he will make a statement on hudud "by the end of the week". A week is only seven days. Looks like this will be the longest b*tt scratching event in history.  No statement yet.  

And this is the irreplaceable PM? Dont hold your breath folks. That statement on hudud is not coming.

Now our own Police chiefs are warning us that the ISIS sympathisers in our country want shariah etc and that they dont respect democracy or the rule of law. The Police chief said that is a threat to our national security.

So if the PM or UMNO start supporting the same hudud notions of PAS, you are just helping the ISIS guys along. Dope. Tak payah sekolah pun boleh faham benda macam ini. You dont have to go to university to know these things.

But the irreplaceable PM is playing with hudud. 

I am glad that Sarawak and maybe to an extent Sabah has come out strongly against hudud. It is NOT part of the 20 Point Agreement.

Here is a thought. My view is if UMNO supports PAS hudud to be tabled in Parliament, then the Sarawak parties and maybe the Sabah parties too may pull out of the BN - not now but after the 2018 elections.

Say in 2018 there is a close finish in Parliament or even a hung Parliament it is not the UMNO - PAS marriage that will emerge dominant. Sarawak with 31 Parliamentary seats and Sabah (with 25??) may pull out of BN and form a "new alliance" with say MCA, MIC, PKR and DAP. 

It not impossible. By the way I heard yesterday that my old friend Ronnie Liew (of the DAP) is trying hard to get an appointment to meet Tun Dr Mahathir. Ronnie is Lim Kit Siang's boy.  Ronnie asked "someone" to make the appointment. That "someone" is with me right now on the boat I am in. Its a very small world.

Mr Lim Kit Siang did make a call for a new 'coalition'. Why not Mr Lim Kit Siang? Think about it carefully.

My brain just went the other way and I want to share something for the benefit of the DAP. You are missing a huge chunk of support from the Malays by your time wasting insistence on 'Malaysian Malaysia', 100% meritocracy etc. Get off the high horse please.

All you need to do is give solid reassurances that the Malay Special Rights will never be impinged or impacted. It is so simple. I dont know why you cant see this simple point. In other words, the Affirmative Action policies for the Malays / bumiputras will remain in place.  Just that you will be more fair, you will plug the leakages and the corruption. You do that and the Malay vote will swing towards you.

But you need more, much more Malay members and Malay candidates. And if you can agree to make these changes it will be much easier to form a "new coalition".

The alternative is scarier. Does the DAP really want PAS to come to power? Just look at Kelantan. I think that State has fallen 50 years behind, not just in their physical development but in the mentality of its people. Sorry Kelantanese friends & folks but this is true. 

I just cannot imagine how any person with any intelligence can support the tok guru types.

Anyway, will clock in again later.

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