
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Zainal Abidin
1. After his many incessant rants, I am sure Tun Dr Mahathir is not so small-minded as to get angry over the crooked bridge that never materialized. Yet, it is not a question of frivolousness, disappointment or national pride and dignity over the rejection of the Singaporean government towards Najib’s appeal for the crooked bridge. I do not see anything shameful about that rejection but commend the PM for his gracious response in not being slighted by that rejection. Naturally, Singapore’s permission is needed, as the bridge would end in Singapore. By not creating a ruckus over that scenario, PM Najib has shown us he is a gracious political leader.
2. I do, however, voice my concern over TDM’s third point. If indeed he was sincere in wanting Najib to be Prime Minister out of gratitude to Tun Razak and his good performance in government, TDM would have appointed Najib as Deputy Prime Minister in 1999 after Anwar was sacked and jailed. Instead, he appointed Tun Abdullah Badawi.
Yet, TDM now has the gall to say that when he was PM, he: “wanted Najib to be PM. And people know I worked hard at it pressuring Abdullah to appoint him as DPM, so that he would become PM, when Abdullah leaves.”
Dr Mahathir and his advisors know Pak Lah was weak and will be indebted to him if appointed to the post. Pak Lah was with Team B, which had criticized TDM’s leadership, was appointed DPM, and later won the deputy presidency of Umno uncontested.
3. One would never imagine that as an octogenarian, TDM would turn into a cantankerous old man nit picking at every single perceived fault, which seems to be a thorn in his flesh. TDM just wants things done his way and if he does not get what he wants, we get an earful each time we open the newspapers or click into a news website. Like a spoilt brat, he has to stamp his feet, get our attention, and continue to holler until things are done his way.
4. TDM is never happy. When PM responded to opposition demand to abolish the ISA and freed all those under restricted residence, TDM said this caused crime rates to increase. Any criminologist would be happy to explain that crime statistics are not always reliable because it depends on policing. Perhaps TDM would be happier if PM followed his footsteps to carry out Ops Lallang 3!
5. TDM has been singing his endless chant against BR1M and turning a deaf ear and blind eye to the benefits it has given to many needy Malaysians.
6. His statement about how despite all PM did, “the Chinese refused to support Najib. They flocked to the opposition and he performed worse than Abdullah in the 13th General Election.” is outrageously racist. How can he have the audacity to pin the blame of BN’s GE13 performance on the Chinese? That allegation itself is a slap in the face for all who are Chinese and glaringly shows TDM’s deep-set negative feelings for Chinese. Even about the British, he is sore because he never won the British scholarship he had applied for to study law. Sour grapes indeed.
7. TDM’s remark that “Malays only voted for BN because they feared Anwar would appoint Kit Siang as DPM” is an affront to the intelligence and thinking skills of Malays. By saying that, TDM is acknowledging his failure to change the mindset and education system of the nation when he was the PM. If TDM believes his policies are gold-plated ones, surely he would concede that Malays in this country have matured in their analytical abilities and moral standing.
8. At a this nation’s challenging times, we see TDM and opposition leaders aiming their canons at the status quo, TDM must realize the importance of closing ranks and working for the collective good of this nation. Being the PM of this country for 22 years does not automatically qualify him for a special license to dictate to the government nor does it mean those in the corridors of power have to listen to him. If he still wanted to rule, then he should not have stepped down. He must have the grace to let go and to agree to disagree.
9. With due respect, TDM must see that in this entire planet, he is the one and only political leader who has consistently blasted his successor and his successor’s successor – both of whom he handpicked. No other political leader has sunk to such a low.
10. Apart from being a naysayer, TDM has also turned soothsayer foretelling the loss of BN in GE14 should Najib still leads BN. Controversies and the process of election are two different matters. TDM, for all the years of political experience he has amassed, must realize the performance of a political party in any election depends on many factors. His statement is a clear indication that he wants Najib out at all costs and will sing any tune to any band as long as the lyrics of the song wax lyrical about his never-ending refrain of ousting Najib.
11. In our Malaysian culture, repute is of great value. There is no sense in shaming the personal behaviour and lives of those with whom we cannot agree. Washing dirty linen in public, even so when it pertains to personal issues is simply not on. Yet, TDM goes on daily like a broken record singing his cacophonous tune expecting PM Najib to step down.
Day by day, he steps up the intensity of his attacks hoping to shore up support and forgetting that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. No matter how hard he attacks, it is not going to dislodge the PM from his seat of power. In the end, however, Malaysians will have a bitter taste in their mouths and have nothing good to say about this nation. However, TDM does not care – AT ALL. It is the ‘I’ in Mahathir that matters.
12. Until today, TDM also cannot explain the many scandals he left behind. In the past when people questioned him, they would be silenced because their political development would be stunted. Even when he was at the receiving end of many attacks, he refused to step down. Yet, he wants PM Najib to do what himself refused to do under similar circumstances. How hypocritical can he get? Double standards, of course.
The record shows that when TDM held the reins of power, he vanquished insidiously every single opponent and threat he faced. He set high standards that few can match in money politics. In the twenty odd decades he ruled in Malaysia, he stymied the development of any successor’s potential because his actions and words from then, even until today, pierce and hurt the hearts of those who really love and want to serve Malaysia. What can you expect from a man who has a heart only for himself and his loved ones?
When TDM knew his popularity was declining, he maintained his pride and dignity by quitting before he was asked to go. Now he is telling Malaysians he left although he was still popular and still had the support of the people.
Obviously, he is living high above us all in his ivory tower, completely detached from the pressures and troubles of this nation, most of which were largely caused by him when he was in control. Now he wants to feign protest and be our Savior? Is he joking?

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