
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 9, 2015

THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT - GUILTY! As Najib flounders, Dr M moves in quietly for the 'KILL'

THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT - GUILTY! As Najib flounders, Dr M moves in quietly for the 'KILL'
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is not alone in his attacks towards Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Initially Dr. Mahathir only had several but outspoken supporters like Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin aka Zam, Datuk A.Kadir Jasin, Tun Daim Zainudin and blogger Syed Akbar Ali of OutSyed The Box.
Then there were Tan Sri Sanusi Joned and Tan Sri Sabarudin Chik who helped in one way or another.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah whom Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has recommended to replace Najib has also come down hard on Najib, asking him to give the answers. And just a day ago, Ku Li confirmed his willingness to work for a better Malaysia with old foe Mahathir or anyone else - which should include the Opposition.
Also against Najib are politicians cum writers Shahbudin Husin, Dato’ Mohammad Ariff Sabri.
The Opposition parties have also attacked Najib en bloc for refusing to come clean on the Altantuya murder scandal, the 1MDB financial debacle and his excessive spending of the people's money on super-luxury non-essentials such as a new super-jetliner for himself and his wife.
The people are watching but arrogant Umno-BN goes its own way
Surprisingly Khairy Jamaluddin, the Sports and Youth Minister, has joined in the fray by asking Najib to answer all the questions posed by Dr. Mahathir. We do not know his exact motive but Khairy did ask Najib to do so not once, but twice.
We don't know if Khairy is really serious or doing some 'sandiwara' for Najib, such as paving the way for some glorified, orchestrated public response to Dr M. But what should be noted is Khairy is from the Abdullah Badawi faction, which can tip the odds in the Dr M-led move to oust Najib as Umno president and thereby PM of Malaysia.
Even the Barisan Nasional Back Benchers Club (BNBBC) headed by Tan Sri Shahrir Samad has also urged Najib to answer the questions before the matter gets worse.
Last but not least are the people of Malaysia. Those who voted for the Opposition and those who voted Umno/BN are also asking the same questions - in fact, they have been doing so even before Dr M.
And the number of people asking the same questions is now growing, from across the entire spectrum of the population. For how long more can Najib pretend not to hear the calls. How many more times can he evade reporters, as he did yesterday, all petulance and stony silence when the issue was broached.
Dr M finalizing his preparations, sees Sirul's mom
Indeed Dr M's effort to unseat Najib is slowly gaining momentum. Just yesterday, he spoke with the mother of convcted Altantuya killer Sirul Azhar, who reportedly told him 'certain facts and highly guarded secrets'.
Is Mahathir preparing his own 'sandiwara' before launching onto the people the awful truth behind the scandalous murder that has implicated Najib, wife Rosmah Mansor, his confidant Razak Baginda and aide-de-camp Musa Safri.
Some Umno pundits believe it is all a matter of timing. When will Mahathir 'destroy' Najib depends on when he feels is the right moment and that might be near to August or when the Umno annual meeting approaches, the pundits predict.
Bernama may have reported Sabah BN and Gerakan as pledging full support for Najib but would Musa Aman or Mah Siew Keong dare to publicly advise Najib not to answer Dr M. Would they dare show to the Malaysian people that they are part of the group advising Najib not to come clean on such serious issues that can threaten the future of this country.
Najib, on the other hand, is still relying on those he has 'entrusted' to concoct answers to speak up for him. Among these are Sabah Speaker turned chief cyber-trooper Salleh Syed Keruak, the much detested Syed Ali of Cheras Umno and 'chief sycophant' Rahman Dahlan.
Sad to say, befitting their low stature and commensurate IQ, all three have given lousy excuses and foolish justifications. Not surprisingly, Najib cannot shake off Dr M; he is the one losing steam. And as Khairy warned, the Dr M juggernaut can only get bigger and worse for Najib.
Defending the indefensible
Dr. Mahathir has been quick in his defence from the comments from Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak and Najib has no one else whom he could depend on to defend him. This is because the questions by Dr. Mahathir are very serious, damaging and could be deadly, and only Najib himself who could and should give the answers and nobody else!
When Najib could not give the answers while the attacks are gaining momentum, his sycophants have no choice but to keep quiet, wait and see. The 191 Umno division heads which includes the 160 of them who attended the gathering to show support for Najib have also done nothing much.
Some may have started to evaluate the situation and are drafting their own plan Bs, just in case Najib is really ousted.
While the BNBBC has nothing to lose because they do not hold any lucrative posts, the four important Umno leaders, Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, Vice Presidents Dato’ Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Hussein and Dato’ Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal have got nothing to say in defence of their President.
Are all of them giving some sort of signals to Najib? Could they be giving an ultimatum to Najib to answer the questions, prove his innocence and that Najib is right or they would not support him anymore? If so, then Najib would not be able to garner support if there were a motion for a no confidence vote against him in parliament.
The hand feeding the Umno warlords comes first?
What is going on within the top Umno hierarchy? Will the Umno supreme council come out to defend Najib, chide Mahathir as Syed Ali has demanded.
Well, some in Umno say those beholden to Najib - as in having partaken of the huge largesse he has dangled before them - are simply out of ideas and ammunition to embark on a counter attack against Dr M. They are just waiting in their bastion for the anti-Najib group to break through and perhaps offer them a better deal. Yes, the proverbial horse-trading has yet to start in earnest but it will and with it, the power equation with Umno too will change.
The current Umno is Umno Baru, controversially founded and formed by Mahathir. He is unlikely to let go. Perhaps the most Najib's supporters might do would be a last joint effort to try to defeat a no-confidence vote against Najib in Parliament, which is the most effective way to remove him from power. That of course may be against the wishes of the people who voted for them, so they are really walking a tightrope that could end up in their own political demise - what for fight for Najib then?
Still, at the moment, this is what  the pro-Najib camp is bracing for. They believe they can defend their hero by defeating any no-confidence vote mustered against him. And as Dr M warned, come GE-14, most of them will probably be voted because of this. And that is how the Umno-BN will lose GE-14 - for putting the interests of the PM ahead of the people because his hand was the hand that fed them! - MAILBAG

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