
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The rising tide of religious terrorism in Malaysia

It’s one thing for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to direct police investigation into the cross incident, it’s another thing to actually do it. Contrary to the statement from the nation’s chief constable Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, this case should be dealt with swiftly and punishment applied equally fast. There is no way for this issue to be swept under the carpet.
A group of people, took the law into their own hands to forcibly enter the premises of worship belonging to other people, and took down the Christian cross, a sacred symbol of Christianity. It is simply an act of religious terrorism.
This isn’t a case of a community with a different religious creed being assaulted on account of them having breached some conditions of their presence in this country at the pleasure of the community doing the assault. The Malaysian Christians are legitimate citizens of Malaysia with equal rights before the law.
Whoever forcibly brought down the cross ought to be reined in by the law. There should be no compromise. The government must show its unyielding resolve to punish those who were out to create religious conflicts. The business of government is to ensure its legitimate authority prevails.
I sincerely hope this is not one of those melodramatic responses of the prime minister. Certainly he must allay the suspicions of many that the attack was politically motivated. For the danger is, once a religious creed is motivated by politics, this is a sure recipe for future conflicts. From now on, if the PM does not show an iron hand in this, every normal and legitimate political conflict is transformed into a religious conflict. Then this country is finished.
Then the Muslims will call for jihad. You will jihad this and that. The Christians will call for a crusade. Now a church, next a temple, a gurdwara and a kovil (Hindu temple).
We must be aware that there are some politicians hell-bent on exploiting religious issues as a short cut to political popularity and justification for further scorched earth politics. We must not drag religious sentiments into the political arena or using it as a cloak for political ambitions. 
The Najib government must stop a “to-ing and fro-ing” approach in this powder keg of a matter and must quickly douse a possible outbreak of religious intolerance.  The entire government machinery must not show tolerance to this issue.
What would the response of Muslims should one day, non-Muslims demand the relocation of a mosque or surau since the housing estate now is populated mainly by non-Muslims? The congregation of Muslims in the mosque or surau does not exceed 10 people? The demand for relocation itself will be looked upon as designed to create religious tension.
The essential principle of all religions must contain exhortations for people of different religions and creed to live peaceably with one another and adopt a high degree of tolerance.
It is difficult for the majority of Muslims to believe the action of a group of Muslims forcibly bringing down the Christian cross and threatening Christians with physical harm is motivated by an abiding desire to preserve the sanctity of Islam or because their Islamic sensibilities are offended. Putting on a skullcap does not one a better Muslim.
Muslims have a high degree of tolerance believing that it is a principal tenet in the teaching of Islam that his religion is designed to bring out the best in him. That means to bring out love, decency, charity, and tolerance all of which are essential values for the advancement of society.
The act of a group of rogue Muslims can only be described as most un-Islamic. I hope the majority of us will refuse to be used in the plots of others. – sakmongkol.blogspot.com, 
* Sakmongkol AK47 is the nom de guerre of Raub MP Datuk Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz.

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