
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 23, 2015

The UMNO Shadow Play and the Great Great Grandmother of Financial Mystery.

The 2 burning issues these days are Dr Mahathir’s criticisms and 1MDB. Dr Mahathir intends to remove Mr Najib who has clamied the whole world supports him. We want to know which world? Dr Mahathir insists Mr Najib is not qualified to stay as PM. 

Dr Mahathir has also talked about 1MDB. Dr Mahathir’s continued assault on the PM has forced my parliamentary colleagues Rafizi Ramly and Tony Pua to take a holiday. That is because Dr Mahathir is using the material unearthed by these two staunchest critics of the PM regarding 1MDB. If Dr M continues with his little crusade, my 2 companeroscannot cari makan.

Otherwise, the two remain the authority on the 1MDB issue. I asked a leading banker to explain me 1MDB from a bankers point of view- he responded by saying Mr Tony P has explained it all.

In the meantime, a few UMNO leaders have now come out in the open to tell Najib that his days are numbered. When the mice are away, the cats come out to play.

Rais Yatim a former minister of information and now serving as the vaguely named position as adviser on cultural matters or something said Najib’s men can no longer help him.Najib has his own version of 4th Floor boys what?

How can they help? If the information officers go to the ground, they cannot defend the lies the government has been making. These officers have to defend the story-lines manufactured by the PM’s team of consultants.  Moreover, these officers need to understand the story lines first.  Then they need to believe the story-lines. Believability is a rare commodity and impossible to find from the government side.

Now it’s a question of when Najib’s end is to come. The others are smelling blood already. Muhyidin has come out with the statement endorsing what Dr Mahathir said.

Before we all rush in to conclude that Dr Mahathir has endorsed Muhyidin, lets slow down a bit. There is no such endorsement. What Muhyidin has done is to position himself on a strategic point- because he has read the situation correctly. He knows Najib is finished.

The other VPs are doing likewise- because they want to be number 2 should Muhyidin becomes number 1. The UMNO people are merely repositioning themselves.Others are waiting in the wings.

This Saturday, an NGO will stage a forum with Dr Mahathir as the only speaker. Everyone knows the NGO Prihatin is a proxy for Ibrahim Ali. But dont be misled by the tagline- all are invited. All means mainly Malays and by Malays Ibrahim Ali means only UMNO Malays or Malays who believe UMNO is a godsend to them. 
All Ibrahim wants is to have Muhyidin installed as PM. He is hoping DR Mahathir will give a good mention of Muhyidin. If you are fortunate enough to qualify at Ibrahim's Malay, do go to the forum. See the man who can walk on political waters in action. 

The 1MDB Bermuda Triangle.

Not only the information officers if they are so asked have to defend the incredulous stories crafted by the PM’s consultants, the PM and his ministers in the MOF are also misled to lie. Of course, it’s an entirely different matter if the PM knows about it and deliberately and knowingly furthered the lies. Then he is complicit in the great lie.

Let me quote readers and instance in light of the announcement by BSI Singapore regarding the bank statements submitted by Arul Kanda. BSI has denied the documents submitted by Arul Kanda came from them.

If such document did indeed come from Arul Kanda, 1MDB is really a desperate case. I am reluctant to conclude the PM lied or Arul Kanda did the same. But people from the government tell me, desperate people do desperate things. Furthermore these are not statutory statements to be recorded in the statement of accounts.Some people therefore believe the degree of accountability is less.

On the 10th of March 2015, I received a reply from the minister of finance, probably authorized or otherwise endorsed by the most intelligent talent in the MOF- the man with the 3.85 cgpa- the reply was as follows:-
if there is no cash, who caused the Finance Minister to state the money is in BSI?

My question was listed as question number 59 in the list of replies issued by parliament.

There is now a report that the bank statements used by 1MDB CEO Arul kanda are false. The bank known as BSI has denied that the documents submitted by Arul Kanda came from them. BSI is reported to have made reports to the relevant authorities in Singapore.

After the reports, BSI the bank must now initiate legal actions against Arul Kanda if indeed the documents he used were falsified documents. BSI needs to do whatever it needs to do.

When I asked government officers concerned what is the rationale of placing USD1.103bn in a small bank- the answer I got was, a smaller bank can offer better rates. If so why not place the funds with the smaller banks in Malaysia and negotiate with them good rates? Place the money in a few small banks. 

But here is the sting of the issue. Contrary to the statement given as answer to my question and now, BSI has said the documents were false, we just want the PM and the ministers in the MOF to answer- where is the cash? Where is the USD 1.103bn? That’s slightly more than RM4bn at the current exchange rate.

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