
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Think, Malaysia…Think!

The Islamic State's influence is far-reaching, despite all the chaos they have brought to Muslim countries in the Middle East. Are we Malaysians looking at the trappings of a failed state here too, with extremists and fanatics having a field day and being left unchecked. – Reuters file pic, April 22, 2015.The Islamic State's influence is far-reaching, despite all the chaos they have brought to Muslim countries in the Middle East. Are we Malaysians looking at the trappings of a failed state here too, with extremists and fanatics having a field day and being left unchecked. – Reuters file pic, April 22, 2015.The world is well and truly in the grips of a zombie culture where the brain dead are taking control and threatening to destroy us all. Think Islamic State (Isis).
The symptoms are a mindless, thoughtless explosion of irrational, often violent behaviour triggered by religious fermentation of the mind. Think the “Walking Dead” – we are becoming those ugly, tortured creatures.
It's happening in Malaysia too, with the government complicit in opening the gates of the asylum. Think looney conduct. Think Isma. Think Perkasa.
Criminals are making merry, corruption is a way of life and governance is all about looting the country and silencing dissent. Think 1MDB. Think the Sedition Act. Think dystopian nightmare.
No nation can survive this. Never has and never will. The end result is always that of a descent into anarchy and destruction. No sane government would allow it, in the belief it can control the mayhem to its advantage. Think Hitler and the Nazis.
The worst part of this overwhelming madness is that it will turn on the very forces which seek to use it as a tool of domination.
History is littered with examples of how such strategy has failed. The victims of almost all revolutions have always been the royalty, the ruling elite, the politicians, the businessmen and the middle class. A mindless clergy takes over and nations, societies and civilisations are lost.
The great Roman, Ottoman and Mogul empires are just some examples. Iran, Egypt, Iraq and several other Middle Eastern nations are living proof of this. And they are still in chaos with no salvation in sight.
Do we want Malaysia to join their ranks? Criminal misgovernance has made it possible for all forms of cretinous bigots, fanatics and opportunists to rise to the fore. To unsettle and rent the very fabric of our society, all in the name of race and religion. Think personal agendas, self preservation and staying in power. Think failed state.
A Muslim mob ordering a church to remove the cross and an exhibitionist Malaysian fugitive in the United States, mocking the azan are just the latest of such obtuse, irrational and offensive behaviour which should have been nipped in the bud. Think zealots and imbeciles. Think orchestrated religious and racial distractions. Think ignorance. Think insensitivity.
It is time for all Malaysians to join hands to put a stop to this madness before it is too late. We are all responsible. Think a cowed, indifferent and silent citizenry. Think disaster.

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