
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 16, 2015

UMNO IS STARTING TO GET IT: The people DISTRUST Najib more than they DISLIKE Dr M

UMNO IS STARTING TO GET IT: The people DISTRUST Najib more than they DISLIKE Dr M
Since the day Tun Dr Mahathir made public his concerns about the manner in which the government of the day is running the country, it has become UMNO's game plan to paint the former premier of 22 years into a demon of sorts. The series of public showtimes are clearly spun to make Tun Dr Mahathir into a public enemy Number One.
UMNO must stop these mean and diabolic rebuttals hatched out of its infamous mould of psywar in the wake of the series of questions the Tun has been raising.
Talking about sons and fathers, is Datuk Seri Najib not a son of a prime minister? Hishammudin is also a son of a pime minister as much as Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is the son of a veteran politician; and so also is Nurul. So what is the big deal in charging that the Tun is mad about getting his son to be prime minister any way?
If the Tun has registered his demand that Datuk Seri Najib Razak must resign if he is unable to provide satisfactory and widely acceptable justifications for his actions and in-actions, it makes a mockery to return fire indirectly by discrediting the former leader.
Why Umno spin against Dr M is not working
It reflects the true colors of UMNO to even make snide references that the Tun is angry because he did not get the Crooked Bridge. It is even more audacious to suggest that his adamant desire to place his son as the next prime minister of the country is the sole reason for his asking Najib to quit.
Please do not forget the Tun is no fool or street bumpkin
Dr M
The Tun may be a nonagenarian but his sense of syllogism in presenting an argument has no match even among the many UMNO leaders far below his age today. The men who probably are a close enough match are Anwar Ibrahin and Lim Kit Siang as well as Zaid.
Yes the Tun's premiership is not devoid of criticisms. Till this day there are quarters that strongly believe that several of his decisions in his time were bad if not cruel. This, even the Tun himself does not deny or hide from. Instead he gives his transparent reasons why he did what he did without being diabolic nor stooping to crass low levels of immature quarrels and empty noise.
The questions raised by the Tun today has certainly rattled Najib and his entourage of ministers and supporters by the mere fact that the prime minster's recorded and trimmed Television showtime response and rebuttals did not go down too well with many quarters. The various subsequent press statements and showmanship by who-is-who within UMNO or BN and by the several gravy-train beggars is making not only the Tun look like a mean enemy of the State but worse it certainly exposes the weaknesses of the present leadership and followers.
By all means address the Tun's concerns. March out with legitimate, transparent explanations. If there is a shortcoming, redress it. If you have done right, then for God's sake explain with believable clarity and hard facts. What is your problem?
Why run the Tun down like a rag? We must not forget that it is this man who made it possible for all of the present men and women within UMNO and BN and those wolves and foxes along the sidelines to be milking the wealth of this nation's resources and power.
Dr M and PM Najib
Much as we may not approve the Tun's regime, we can easily recognize that he has the guts and courage to call a spade a spade. We can disagree with him. But we do not have to run him down. We can prove him wrong but we do not have to parade him in the streets as a hollow trouble maker.
Why run away from his hard questions and demands by turning the Tun into a demon of sorts or as in Malay we say, menghina the Tun. That is not the Malaysian culture and certainly not the hallmark quality of the Malays. So stop making that as a permanent brand of UMNO.
As a responsible leader of 30 million people, the current prime minister should have the wisdom, maturity and sensibility to not let UMNO and BN run amok with the agenda to belittle the Tun with the hope that people will go against the Tun. It does not absolve nor vaporize the rakyat asking so many questions for which we are only witnessing sandiwaras, threats and deflection propaganda. - MAIL BAG

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