
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 15, 2015


So you see, while the rakyat is demanding that the investigation into Altantuya’s murder be reopened, the rakyat have also for years been demanding that the investigations into all these other suspicious events also be reopened. And I trust Musa can also push for these as well, as what the rakyat is demanding.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
What game is Musa Hassan playing? In 2008 he said that a thorough police investigation had been done and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is innocent and is not involved in the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu. And neither is Rosmah Mansor, he said.
Now he wants the case reopened after one alleged conspirator has been discharged without his defence being called and after two police officers have been convicted for the murder.
Is Musa admitting that seven years ago he was wrong? Is Musa admitting that the police are guilty of a cover-up? Is Musa admitting that now they have some new evidence, which they did not have back in 2006-2008?
If there is new evidence of course the case can and should be reopened. But if they are going to reopen the case based on the same evidence they had back in 2006-2008 then what are they going to find now that they did not find back then?
Musa is basically saying that they should reopen the case based on popular demand. Since the rakyat is clamouring for the case to be reopened then it should be reopened so that we can please the rakyat.
I can go along with that. The rakyat, after all, is the boss and what the rakyat is demanding should be met. Hence if the rakyat is demanding that the case be reopened then it should be reopened even if there is no new evidence to warrant such a thing.
However, while we are on the subject of the rakyat’s demands and on the subject of pleasing the rakyat, the rakyat is also demanding that the investigation into the May 13 tragedy be reopened. How many people really died over that one-week period and is it true that many of the bodies had bullet holes because the army shot these people dead?
Until today the rakyat is still upset about this, especially the Chinese who were the main victims. They have never forgotten (and some have never forgiven) and they want answers so that the ghost of May 13 can be laid to rest. And it can never be laid to rest until the answers are provided. To the Chinese, the hundreds or even the rumoured thousands who were shot dead by the authorities during May 13 is a big issue and the investigation should be reopened so that the answers will be known.
The rakyat is also demanding that the investigation into the Kampung Medan tragedy be reopened. Is it true that the police just stood and watched as the Malays hacked to death the Indians and one policeman even stepped on one of the Indians and said ‘mampuslah kau Keling’ as he lay dying?
Yes, these are incidents that also involved deaths and many deaths at that too. And the rakyat is still upset about this even after so many years. And they want answers and they want these investigations reopened. Can Musa please the rakyat by also talking about these and can he suggest that the investigations on these cases be reopened?
The rakyat, in particular Sabahans, are demanding that the investigation into the ‘Double Six’ plane crash be reopened. Was the crash, as even people like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said (and who suggested that the investigation be reopened), actually an act of sabotage to get rid of a few key Sabah leaders who opposed the federal government taking over Sabah’s oil and gas while giving back the state a mere 5% royalty instead of the 20% that Sabah was demanding?
And while we are reopening the investigation into the ‘Double Six’ plane crash, can we also reopen the investigation into Yahaya Ahmad’s helicopter crash. Some of us, his old school friends from MCKK, suspect it was sabotage, an assassination, and not an ‘innocent’ accident.
Was it Daim Zainuddin who wanted to get rid of Yahaya, as the rumours went at that time, or was this just malicious talk? At the time of the tragedy Anwar Ibrahim was about to make his move on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (and it is said that Yahaya was funding Anwar) — and Anwar promised that if he succeeds Daim would be the first person that he arrests for corruption, followed by Dr Mahathir who would share a jail cell with Daim.
In fact, Anwar was with Yahaya just an hour before the latter died in that helicopter tragedy and it is said they discussed certain ‘strategies’. Anwar still had more to discuss so he told Yahaya to postpone his trip but the latter could not. I even know which house in Ampang they had met just before Yahaya flew off to his death.
Personally, I suspect that Yahaya was assassinated. But then we were friends who went to the same school so I may be prejudiced. The fact that the wreckage was scattered over a wide area makes me suspect that the helicopter exploded in the air and did not explode when it crashed to the ground. And, being the suspicious person that I am, I suspect that it is linked to Anwar’s plan to oust Dr Mahathir and to Yahaya’s role as one of the financiers.
So you see, while the rakyat is demanding that the investigation into Altantuya’s murder be reopened, the rakyat have also for years been demanding that the investigations into all these other suspicious events also be reopened. And I trust Musa can also push for these as well, as what the rakyat is demanding.
The rakyat is also demanding an investigation into the RM30 billion FOREX losses of 20 years ago. Was it Anwar or was it Dr Mahathir who was behind this fiasco? RM30 billion 20 years ago is bigger than the RM42 billion-1MDB today.
At the moment we do not know what happened to the RM42 billion-1MDB money. So we will need to wait for the Auditor-General and PAC investigations before we will know how much has been lost and whether the money is all gone. But we do know that the RM30 billion of 20 years ago is all gone, disappeared into thin air. And either Anwar or Dr Mahathir or both are guilty of this crime.
The fact that Anwar lied to Parliament and tried to cover it up when Lim Kit Siang raised the matter in Parliament is reason enough to suspect that something is wrong. And the following year when it was discovered that Anwar lied, he replied by saying that it was just a paper loss and not a physical loss. Lim Kit Siang went berserk and demanded that Anwar be impeached for lying to Parliament.
Then they sold Malaysia’s national airlines, MAS, to Daim crony Tajudin Ramli for a huge ‘profit’, by Tajudin’s own admission in court, to camouflage the RM30 billion FOREX losses. When Tajudin got into trouble the government bought back MAS at a huge loss.
And when Ramli Yusuff, the Director of the Commercial Crime Department, exposed this scandal, they arrested him and charged him under fabricated charges — which the court discharged him without his defence being called and actually called Musa a liar.
Ramli’s lawyer was Rosli Dahlan. They then arrested Rosli for acting as Ramli’s lawyer and beat him up during the arrest and also charged him under fabricated charges. The court also threw this case out and Rosli is now suing all those people for tens of millions of Ringgit. And both the Ramli and Rosli cases were the work of Musa.
Musa was also implicated in a scandal with the underworld, in particular with BK Tan. According to a number of police officers and underworld figures who signed Affidavits, BK Tan decided on which police officer got promoted, which got demoted, and which got transferred or put into cold storage. And what happened to these police officers depended on how ‘cooperative’ they were.
BK Tan controlled the drugs, prostitution, gambling and loan shark syndicate. And those police officers that did not play ball suffered the consequences. BK Tan would give the list of police officers to Musa and Musa would take action against these police officers accordingly. So you either played ball or you were disposed off. And if you played ball you went very far.
Yes, this is one investigation that I personally want reopened. So while we reopen the investigation regarding Altantuya’s murder, a murder that in the first place Musa was in charge of investigating, the other investigations should also be reopened for the same reason that they want the investigation regarding Altantuya’s murder to be reopened.

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