
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Why does Umno tell Malays to be enemies with the Chinese, yet Jho Low is close to the Najibs - Raub MP

Why does Umno tell Malays to be enemies with the Chinese, yet Jho Low is close to the Najibs - Raub MP
PETALING JAYA - Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali’s loudness and racially-tinged ardour in attacking DAP has earned him a dressing down by the sharp tongue of Raub MP Ariff Sabri.
Addressing Malays in general, Ariff says in his latest blog posting: “We must be alert against the confused logic of people like Ibrahim Ali.”
The article is a response to Ibrahim’s tirade against the DAP for its recruitment drive among Malay students in the Middle East.
“Perhaps Ibrahim thinks Malay students are dumb and stupid,” Ariff says. “The Malays are ready for the politics of openness. They have confidence in themselves and are capable of asserting their positions. DAP reads this trend and offers them a choice. Whether or not they will accept the offer, it is they who decide.”
Ariff attacks the hypocrisy of Malay leaders who display their animosity towards the Chinese but in fact have close associations with them.
“It appears that it’s alright for Ibrahim Ali and Umno leaders to do business with the Chinese, but it’s not alright for students to bond with DAP,” he writes.
“Umno leaders tell the Malays to be enemies with the Chinese, but all Malay leaders, without exception, do business with Chinese capitalists. UDA collaborates with Ecoworld to develop the Pudu Jail land. 1MDB has its Jho Low and many other Chinese. There are many more examples, but the fact is that every Umno leader has his Chinese business partner.”
Returning to the subject of DAP’s wooing of Malay students, he says: “I believe it is a smart move. Acquaint these students with DAP leaders and let them learn for themselves about DAP’s agenda. Let them realise that DAP and its leaders are not the demons they are painted out to be by the Malay camp that tries to protect feudal interests. These Malays are the kind that want the majority of Malays to enslave themselves in the interest of enriching the elite class.
“DAP is committed to establishing a truly democratic government through the democratic process. It is committed to establishing a government founded upon the rule of law, whereby all citizens are equal before the law. It is committed to justice, including social justice.
“These ideals are acceptable to anyone who can think.”
Ariff says it’s hard to reason with “Malays like Ibrahim Ali”.
“If DAP remains in its original state, Ibrahim Ali will say it is a Chinese party without Malay members. When Malays want to join DAP, he says it is wrong. How are the Malays going to increase their numbers in DAP if they are prevented from joining the party? If Ibrahim Ali wants to see large numbers of Malays in DAP, he should encourage them to join it.” - FMT

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