
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 10, 2015

Will reason prevail or herd mentality drown the nation? – J.D. Lovrenciear

Image result for dr mahathir

When Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad opens his mouth, he makes sense. What he says appeals to logic. What he expresses is not devoid of pathos.
All the anti-Mahathir cybertroopers who rebut with dust storms digging up Dr M’s own past mistakes merely to defend the present prime minister are only making a double fool of the very leader/s they claim to defend.
Is Datuk Seri Najib Razak aware of this in the first place, we wonder.
As a Malaysian citizen and a former leader you cannot discount the fact one drop, that he, yes Dr M, truly cares for the country. He is asking all the questions that patriotic and sensible citizens too have asked and keep asking but to no avail.
And as Dr M just rebutted with wisdom, instead of answering the questions related to 1MDB and the Altantuya murder, Najib has gone to market to garner a show of popularity support for himself.
Not only that. There are others who are pleading to “give him another chance”. And there are yet others who are returning Dr M’s valid and reasonable questions with an artillery of all kinds of allegations framed against the former prime minister.
Now what kind of herd mentality is this?
Well, as Dr M very wisely put it, if this is what Najib chooses to do and what his supporters have stood up for, then it also means that all of them are in unison with Najib on any and all wrongdoings of the present leadership.
And if that be so, surely the citizens who still have their sensibility, reason and pathos in place aligned to the future well-being of this beautiful nation should stand up and demand and hold 100% responsible all those who are not keen on asking the same questions that Dr M and citizens demand.
Right is right. And many wrongs cannot make a single right.
People, like Dr M, and including the opposition politicians, are wondering why it is so difficult for the prime minister to provide clear answers that can be well appreciated by concerned citizens.
It is time for this nation of people to wake up and realise that we cannot betray this nation with singing sweet melodies of praise and lullabies without demanding transparent accountability.
Let us be reminded that all the laws cannot save this nation’s future. It is our conscience that affirms our legacy for the future.
Umno and BN members, please stand before God, king and nation and ask what your conscience is saying right now. Therein lies the truth.
* J.D. Lovrenciear reads The Malaysian Insider.

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