
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 17, 2015

Zahid and the lifestyles of the rich and famous

YOURSAY ‘Zahid, please don't say too much, just declare your assets.’

Zahid: Why watch the watches?

SteveOh: While it is not our business how people spend their money, the reason why I think the watches worn by politicians are being watched is to understand how these politicians on their public stipends can afford luxury items usually associated with the fabulously rich and famous and not politicians on the public payroll.

I have a friend in Hong Kong who had a watch factory and he told me that those who spend a lot of money on watches are looking beyond what a watch does - to tell the time.

Most normal watches like motorcars today, he said, are reliable because technology has improved. While I can afford expensive watches, my RM80 watch has served me well and I have even had a few comments on its style.

Those politicians who spend enormous amounts of money running to six figures on a watch are not prudent and not setting a good example. If they spend so much on a watch, how much do they spend on other things?

How can they afford the lifestyle of the rich and famous? Did the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) get the hint?

Mushiro: Yes, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, no need to monitor the expensive watches owned by BN politicians.

The ‘First Lady of Malaysia’s’ many expensive watches were also obtained during her corporate days. Please instruct the ‘fearless’ MACC not to investigate.

RCZ: Zahid can make jokes and quip all he wants. The point has been made. How can you afford these watches on your salaries?

It's about time someone asked. Someone must also check their cars and properties in Malaysia. No need to go as far as New York for that.

Odin: Zahid, one of the items on a person's body which are visible to an onlooker and can be used to gauge his (or her) wealth with relative ease is the watch.
Whereas it would be far more difficult to tell if the person's shoes cost RM10,000 or RM400 a pair. Why, it would be difficult even to tell if his belt is a RM800 Dunhill or a RM80 no-name - unless the cheap item is obviously from the run-of-the-mill manufacturers.

One can safely assume that those Old Money would be wearing expensive items because they usually project a certain aura synonymous with possessing of great wealth.

Not so with the New Money, who can even look like some thugs from some ghettos in some godforsaken rat holes. Of course, one doesn't suppose you would understand such things.

Sirach: The answer to Zahid's question is that the rakyat have a right to know how politicians can afford to indulge in such conspicuous consumption on their relatively modest salaries.

How long was Zahid a "corporate man" for him to be able to splurge so lavishly on luxury timepieces?

I estimate he's been a full-time politician for at least 20 to 25 years. Given his present age (60ish), his corporate life would have lasted about 10 to 15 years, perhaps?

He must have been a real corporate whiz kid. Funny, we never read or heard much of his corporate achievements during that time. Heck, maybe he was one of the low-key, unassuming, under-the-radar corporate types who shun publicity.

Ginie: Hello, Dr (PhD) Ahmad Zahid, please don't say too much, just declare your assets and properties to the rakyat. Thank you.

Doc: When it comes to the ‘gaya’ factor, Zahid gets the thumbs-up from me. Too bad when it comes to brain functioning capacity. His brain is working at a subnormal capacity based on his continuous ludicrous statements that defy human understanding.

Jaycee: There are a lot of people who are ‘corporate men’ and yet still cannot afford the watches that he is wearing. What does that tell you?

And if you have obtained the wealth legally and have nothing to hide; why have to cover your watch?

Ace: Now suddenly he wears a Casio? Tomorrow, he will say that he cannot afford a watch.

SemoLina: Zahid could have borrowed that watch from his driver for the day.

Anonymous #07443216: Next he will say those branded watches he has are actually fakes bought off Petaling Street. Laugh out loud (LOL).

Not Smart: Why watch the watches? So that you can check how much more time is left.

Girls walk, eyes watch, it happens everywhere. But your watch, rakyat watch, for the rumours in the air.

NX: I don’t mind working in MACC for free. Give me the power and every month you will find an Umno bigwig being charged. So MACC, what have you got to lose?

Anonymous #19098644: It is not monitoring, it is just asking politicians how can you afford a lifestyle far beyond the earnings of a minister? As Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said, Umno today is all about money and position.

In Thailand, the billionaire wanted to became PM for power. In Malaysia, the politician wants to become PM to become a billionaire. -Mkini

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