
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 8, 2015

Could Najib actually be ... SICK?

Could Najib actually be ... SICK?
When describing child porn convict Nur Fitri Azmeer Nordin as sick, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim could be right.
"He has committed a crime and is guilty. He is sick, he has to go through rehabilitation, he has to go through counselling, considering what he has done is offensive and his offence is a serious one," Rohani said recently.
This kind of sickness is not uncommon. This is a form of addiction, similar to drug abuse, alcoholism or even sex addiction.
While some still suggest it is a compulsive behaviour rather than addiction, some specialists state that child pornography is in fact a real disorder. This conclusion is based largely on the fact that like other behavioural addictions, the addict will feel compelled to act in a certain way to obtain the ‘fix’ or ‘high’watching such photos and videos give them, and they will be unable to simply stop even if the behaviour is causing themselves or others distress. But whatever it is this is simply a kind of mental sickness.
Now let us consider, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who has made blunders, involved in scandals, waste our money like there is no tomorrow, insensitive to the problems and predicament faced by the rakyat, not controlling the country, the laissez faire in managing our economy and keep on siphoning our national funds, there must be something wrong with him! Najib is oblivious to the discontented people in the country.
PM Najib
Just look at the image he portrayed of himself; expressionless face, just like the image of Nur Fitri Nordin!
Najib is unable to simply stop even if his behaviour is causing himself or others distress. Surely the majority of the population is in a state of distress with all the blunders Najib has done!
Even after Tun Dr. Mahathir has told him to change, improve and rectify his mistakes, instead of admitting, Najib denied that there is anything wrong with what he has done so far. Even after the figures and data have been exposed to the whole world, Najib still act as if nothing is wrong, he showed his cool image and ‘couldn’t be bothered ‘ attitude and carry on his activities as usual.
Indeed Najib has embarked on another of his ‘sick’ wrong doings; siphoning our funds.
Recently, it has been reported that the Tabung Haji or the Muslim Pilgrimage Fund has been used to partly bail out the cancerous 1MDB.
How could Najib be so low in performing his duty as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister when he has the heart to siphon the money from the years of meager savings by the rakyat?
The rakyat has been fugal in their spending so that they could have enough funds to perform the pilgrimage when they are older, yet with some simple verbal instructions and a stroke of the pen, hundreds of millions of ringgit were simply transferred away from the Tabung Haji Fund!
Najib is definitely very sick. How do you describe Najib for what he has done, if not ‘sick’? Surely Najib is not a patriot or our savior. He is not even fit to be called a leader! Just look at the number of idiots in his cabinet!
Unlike Nur Fitri who is now serving his 5 jail year sentence in the UK, Najib should be forced out; on medical reasons course if not successful via political maneuvers.
By the way, it is aptly being done by none other than the medical doctor in the form of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. But unfortunately Dr. Mahathir is not a psychiatrist specialist.
When Dr. Mahathir has used up all resources and avenues to remove Najib from power and unsuccessful, then he should engage some world renowned mental specialists to diagnose Najib’s mental sickness, just like he did in engaging foreign judges to remove Tun Salleh Abas from his post as Lord President of the Supreme Court.
Then find a clause in the law saying that any mentally unfit person should not hold the position of Prime Minister. -MAILBAG

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