
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 16, 2015

FALSE CALM BEFORE THE DR M STORM: Umno uneasy as warlords slither away from Najib - AGAIN

FALSE CALM BEFORE THE DR M STORM: Umno uneasy as warlords slither away from Najib - AGAIN
When Tun Dr. Mahathir started the fight with Datuk Seri Najib Razak, he must have given it a long thought, weighed every aspect of the matter and the probability of achieving his objectives must be very promising if not assured. Then with full confidence and persistence Dr. Mahathir started his attacks against Najib.
Dr. Mahathir must have enough ‘bullets’ and other resources both at hand and along the way and be ready for any eventuality. Dr. Mahathir must also be aware of his faults and weaknesses and of course he must also know Najib’s weaknesses too, and Najib’s faults are aplenty! Therefore Dr. Mahathir is prepared to fight till the end!
Dr. Mahathir concluded in the last paragraph of his blog titled “Piliharaya Kecil” dated 11th May, “Kerana perbuatan yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini, Najib tidak lagi layak untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia” ( Because of these irresponsible actions by Najib, he is not fit to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia). Dr. Mahathir has written down his conclusion and is resolute on his mission to kick Najib out!
While making the necessary moves and maneuvers, at times he will pause for a while to evaluate the situation, get the feedback and continue his attacks. Dr. Mahathir is at war with Najib and Umno machineries, and Najib’s highly paid foreign consultants, thus Dr. Mahathir has to think and maneuver like a general at war, with limited resources and only volunteers.
Najib relying on rent-a-crowd stage shows to stay alive
As for Najib, after the staged Sabah gathering and the recent meeting with Umno Supreme Council that supposedly have given their full support to him, Najib has been able to sigh with relief for now. But this has not solved any of his problems!
Actually the 1MDB problems started the moment it bought the assets at higher prices than their market value, using borrowed money! It is a simple thing to understand, yet Najib is so foolish if not completely stupid. Let us take a car for example. The brand new car may cost RM60, 000 but a second hand car of the same model and year may cost just RM40,000. But Najib has been willing to pay RM70,000 for second hand car! What do you call it, if not STUPID?
Dr M
Aha…but, in doing so, the seller has more then what he or she has bargained for! But if this deal has been agreed upon earlier, it is simply a money making scam; the seller could have agreed to give back the extra RM30,000 to the purchaser! This is not really stupid, but corruption! After all, the money used is not the purchaser’s own money!
In the 1MDB case Jho Low could be the agent to manage the “RM30,000”, if not why is there no effort from Najib to try to recoup back the USD700 million siphoned by Jho Low?
So, in solving the 1MDB problem, it has been reported that the GLC, Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) has been instructed to partially bail out 1MDB as early as February 2014! As exposed by Rafizi.
It has been circulating in the social media that, apart from Tabung Haji (TH), PNB was also involved in 'loaning' funds to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), PKR's vice-president Rafizi Ramli alleged. He said PNB had bought RM579.2 million worth of sukuk bonds from the government-owned strategic development company.
Dr M has ammunition aplenty
See, Dr. Mahathir is not short of ammunitions, he purposely focused on the cash-strapped 1MDB fiasco because the issues are current and there are so many things that have gone wrong. The 1MDB fiasco is unfolding everyday and Najib is simply pre-occupied with it and Dr. Mahathir will throw in a ‘bomb’ when the time comes and Najib will get caught with his pants down!
We now know that the ex- Menteri Besar of Terengganu Datuk Seri Ahmad Said was removed from power because of his refusal to allow 1MDB to mortgage the oil and gas oilfields and revenue from Terengganu as proposed by controversial businessman and Najib’s trusted proxy, Jho Low.
Now, a group of six international banks are seeking for early payment of their USD975 million (RM3.6 billion) loan to 1MDB, reports Singapore's Business Times. The loan from the consortium of banks led by Deutsche Bank is only due in September but it would seem they have become increasingly jittery over 1MDB's financial status.
It seems that there will be more news and exposés from whistleblowers on the RM42 billion losses by 1MDB and so far Najib has not been able to resolve even one issue pertaining to the fiasco!
Najib must take heed to all the things written and openly discussed in public about his scandals, popularity and 1MDB. It is not just Dr. Mahathir who wants him to go, but the majority of the rakyat wants him to go too.
Altantuya grand finale
For example, the Altantuya murder case has not been closed yet. Sirul Azhar Umar is still alive in Australia to tell everything if necessary to save his neck and make money too for any book or movie deal. Najib’s enemies will surely use Sirul as a weapon to hit him!
The ‘unity government’ that PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is steadfastly pursuing will be another huge problem for Najib.
Najib must have promised something very convincing to Abdul Hadi that he has been willing to let PAS to split into two groups, pro-ulama and pro-PR. Abdul Hadi has also been willing to let Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to be destroyed. Abdul Hadi is willing to ignore the advice of the late Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat not to collaborate with Umno. Najib must fulfill his promise or promises if not Abdul Hadi will have no choice but to tell the whole world that Najib is a hypocrite and a liar.
But, if Najib fulfills his promises, then he will have to face a revolt from his supporters who would definitely refuse to compromise to make way for PAS!
Surely Najib was able to organize a huge gathering in Sabah to show support for him, but Sabah does not represent the entire nation. We also know that there are many illegal immigrants holding fake Malaysian identity cards and they are not Malaysians.
Moreover compared with the peninsula, most of the Sabahans lack political awareness. They could have attended the gathering due to various reasons; lured, paid or threatened to attend the gathering and the whole gathering could be choreographed! Is not Najib famous for renting crowds?
Muhyiddin may have chickened out but for how long will he stick with Najib
To dispel any rumours that many top Umno leaders are against him, Najib has put on another show and announced, “The Supreme Council expressed renewed support for the president and the deputy president. The Supreme Council wants the president, deputy president, the council and all Umno leaders to unite as a team to face all the challenges and take positive action to strengthen Umno and Barisan Nasional’s position among the people,”
See, if Umno Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, the three Umno Vice Presidents, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein, Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal and Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin really support Najib, then each of them must be shown with their own voice and words that they support Najib in a press conference while flanking him on both sides! Instead the announcement was made by Najib alone.
Surely none of them are foolish and blind to see that Najib is toxic and a huge liability. They know defending Najib is going to be a futile effort. They would be foolish to go down with Najib!
It is only normal for the cabinet to have a collective voice in support of the Prime Minister, but what about individually? Khairy’s support for Najib is based on collective support but individually he has said what was needed! It would be the same for the other Umno cabinet members.
Najib’s enemies are many and he would be naïve to trust that all of those who seemingly continue to support him will continue their support till the end! So far only Abdul Hadi has urged Najib to stay on based on democratic principle. Of course Najib was elected ‘democratically’ when Umno/BN got just 48.8% of the popular vote! Well very ‘democratic indeed!
But Abdul Hadi refused to open his eyes on the blunders and scandals involving Najib, and for a responsible leader as shown by the Japanese and other advanced nations, Najib must resign if not perform a ‘harakiri’, on himself!
Najib does not get it why people want him to resign. People want him to resign because of his poor performance and bad track record. All these and coupled with the GST, the rakyat are fed up with him; not just Dr. Mahathir alone!
So to stay in power Najib should list out his good deeds for the people and the development he had done for the nation! But are there any?
This is why the Umno warlords are slithering away from the Najib camp once again. They know Dr M is about to unleash another storm and despite his past mistakes, the grand old man is on the right side this time. For sure, the Umno warlords don't to be caught with their pants down by their own grassroots. When it comes to survival, their own political skin is more precious than Najib's. - MAILBAG

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