
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 19, 2015

HAS PANDIKAR CHANGED THE EQUATION: Bombshell - Dr M camp needed only 12 votes to topple Najib in Parliament

HAS PANDIKAR CHANGED THE EQUATION: Bombshell - Dr M camp needed only 12 votes to topple Najib in Parliament
The war between Mahathir Mohamad and Najib Razak appears to be a never ending saga. Now, Najib is so impatient, he has begun to criticize Mahathir by revealing what once was swept under the carpet. Recently, Najib revealed how Mahathir, once the  president of UMNO used tactics to amend the party's constitution in order to maintain his position as the UMNO president.
Najib's allegation and statement shows how autocratic Mahathir was.
He said Mahathir secured his chair as the UMNO's President by implementing the quota and bonus system in the UMNO elections. Initially UMNO's constitution imposed bonus on those nominated for the post of President, Deputy President and other positions as well. Later on, there was a requirement for the candidates who contested for the presidency to receive nominations from 63 divisions. This is what called as quota system.
Najib further added that he too could be UMNO's President for 22 years if he were to use similar tactics.
Earlier, Najib revealed how he saved Mahathir from being defeated by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in 1987 as both were competing for the president post. Mahathir won with a slim majority of 43 votes and Najib who initially supported Razaleigh turned around to support Mahathir instead.
Revelations by Najib about Mahathir seems to have left the latter tongue tied. The day before that, Mahathir tried to create chaos in UMNO by announcing that the Dewan Rakyat's Speaker, Pendikar Amin Mulia had resigned, which was later was refuted by Pandikar Amin himself within 48 hours.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in Ipoh
Both Mahahtir and Pandikar are now not on good terms and the public is analyzing who actually lied and is trying to exploit each other. Pandikar admitted the fact that he met Mahathir but denied his intention to resign as Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat. Mahathir separately accused Pandikar of trying to embarrass him. (Editor's Note: Pandikar has since confessed at a press conference on May 19, 2015 he did hand in his resignation to Najib but was persuaded to stay on, read BLOWING WITH WIND OR PLAIN GREEDY? Mahathir did not lie nor did I - Pandikar and   PANDIKAR CONFIRMS U-TURN: Speaker confirms he resigned but Najib refused to 'open' quit letter ).
What is obvious is that the dispute between Mahathir and Najib is becoming more tense. Mahathir, who has set in motion a nationwide tour to earn the people's support to kick out Najib, will not give up easily. He will continue to bombard and shoot at Najib blindly and randomly, much in the same way as someone who has lost his temper and sanity.
Kelantan next & after that a no-confidence vote in Parliament?
After Ipoh, Mahathir, apparently will head to Kelantan. Those who are bringing him to Kelantan are loyal people who work hard to make ends meet but if their anger is triggered, they could be the worst people ever.
Once again I want to emphasize that Najib cannot be kicked out, nor will he step down that easily. I concur what Najib said about the support he has been gaining from the UMNO members. All the UMNO division heads and Members of Parliament seem to be with him on this. The proposal to hold a no-confidence vote in Parliament against Najib is just a waste of time.
There are political agents and brokers working towards collecting votes from more than half of the Members of Parliament (112) to hold a no-confidence vote against Najib. According to a source, they need another 12 votes only to topple Najib in the Parliament. Strangely the agents come from UMNO, whereas the power to topple Najib from the Pakatan Rakyat.
Pandikar at the emergency press conference he called on Tuesday, May 19,2015
WOUNDED LION OR WINNING LION: Will Dr M quit Umno or will he unleash Altantuya on Najib or BOTH?
Najib is not Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who chose not to fight and opted to give up. Mahathir should acknowledge the fact that Najib is in a strong position with more support from UMNO members. Najib is fortunate as many of the top leaders are his buddies since his time in UMNO Youth and they will not betray him since they are also in their comfort zone and enjoying good wealth.
For some UMNO leaders or Members of Parliament, this luxurious life they are living now is not possible without Najib.
Looking at Najib's response, I expect Mahathir Mahathir will become more aggressive with his actions. He might use the last bullet (Sirul expose on Altantuya, read BOMBSHELL: Is Altantuya still alive - special report from Mongolia Dr M's last bullet to 'finish off' Najib? )

In order to create sympathy from UMNO members and show his hatred towards Abdullah, Mahathir and his wife quit from UMNO, and they were then followed by Sanusi Junid. He then re-joined UMNO when Abdullah stepped down from the PM's position.
Pandikar's action has upset Mahathir and he will lash out at Najib. Mahathir now is like a wounded lion with so much of anger and ferocity and he is ready to attack but is too weak to do so. So, Najib might not be too worried about him now.
However, let us anticipate for more exciting second game and the heat has just begun. - http://msomelayu.blogspot.com
Translated by Malaysia Chronicle Apakah Mahathir akan istyharkan keluar Umno?

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