
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 21, 2015

LOW IQ THE UMNO TRADEMARK? Ministry thinks Malaysians are as stupid as them

LOW IQ THE UMNO TRADEMARK? Ministry thinks M’sians are as stupid as them
‘It seems telling lies has become a norm for the Home Ministry.’
Vijay47: The Home Ministry states that the giving of cooperation to police investigations earns the suspects, however dangerous they may be, exclusion from the usual vigorous treatment that the police are wont to provide.
I recall that members of the opposition and other concerned citizens willingly went to the police station as demanded and yet they received the third degree.
You might remember what your police did to a certain lady, the young mother of little children, when she went to the station to give her statement. I think her name is Nurul Izzah Anwar. Remember her?
I suppose she must be glad she came out alive. Or without a black eye.
Kawak: The Home Ministry must think we are stupid donkeys where they can bulls**t us all the time.
Police investigation on prominent Umno leaders were done through telephone calls. These Umno demonstrators were not arrested or put in lock-ups because they went to the police station to give their statements?
But why were opposition leaders and members of NGOs arrested and detained even when they appeared voluntarily at police stations to give statements?
It seems telling lies has become a norm for the Home Ministry.
Paul Warren: Considering the Home Ministry has given such a stupid reply in Parliament, it means only one thing.
They think the MPs asking the questions are stupid and don't need any considered reply. And their assumption about the rakyat is no different.
Anonymous #19098644: The people who voluntarily went to the police station were deliberately kept waiting and then remanded for ‘investigation’.
In the end, these so-called investigations took an hour or less but the people were detained for up to three days.
They even wanted to detain former Bersih coordinator S Ambiga, luckily the magistrate was more clever than the police.
The police spokesperson and the inspector-general of police (IGP) have made a laughing stock out of our once proud police force.
When an institution allows itself to become a tool of oppression, it is laying the seeds of its own destruction.
No Cow Sense: I am very, very worried when we have people like the home minister holding such senior leadership position in government. If this continues I can't help being very pessimistic about the future of this wonderful country.
The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) has been arresting opposition politicians, activists, journalists and locks many of them up for a few days in order to take their statements.
How did the PDRM know that these people would not give their "full testimony"? Come on, the government should not think that we are morons. You are obviously practising double standards. Despicable indeed.
Malaysia Ku: Lawyers for those arrested and remanded for sedition, please note this precedent set by PDRM.
If only PM Najib Razak can likewise explain away the missing billions in 1MDB. Then ‘semua’ (all) will be okay, isn't it?
Kangkung: As usual, it would be better had the Umno government just shut up and not try to explain their selective treatment of those giving their statements. The more you try to explain, the more it shows how bias the Umno police force is.
Negarawan: It is a fact that Malaysia is increasingly becoming a religious intolerant country. The problem actually starts from government policies and unjust actions against minority religions.
To name a few issues: the Alkitab controls, the Muslim-Hindu child custody cases, the double standards in applying the law on Muslim protestors, Islamisation of schools and workplace, etc.
I just read that in Egypt, top Muslim clerics from Al-Azhar are going around the country with Christian priests to promote inter-religious harmony and understanding. See its difference to Malaysia’s brand of Islam?
Rupert16: My toes are laughing. It looks like the police under the Twitter-happy IGP is running out of reasons for not arresting, handcuffing and remanding these religious goons.
Anonymous_1408265047: This article gave me my morning laugh. The minister responsible for this reply must think Malaysians are as stupid as he is.
Ipohcrite: Zunar draws cartoons and elicits laughter whereas the Home Ministry, just like many government departments of the day, goes one up by not only issuing statements that draw laughter, but also derision and scorn.
I laugh, but with pain and sadness in my heart at the latter because it's the taxpaying rakyat's money that go to pay the salaries of those clowns. - M'kini

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