
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

'Meeting in jet? Get your head out of the clouds'

YOURSAY ‘Give us the breakdown. If RM28m is justified, I’ll eat my old socks.’

MP: Jet upgrade excuse unacceptable
Gen2indian: Buying the half-a-billion ringgit jet is bad enough but to spend another RM28 million on upgrades "to hold meetings" is absurd and the Prime Minister’s Office minions who churn out this sort of rubbish must really think they are talking to kids.

How about a breakdown of the work done? If the RM28 million is justified, I will eat my old socks in public in Putrajaya.

Kkchan168: Indeed, would it not be easier to just list down the upgrades and cost for all to view? Then we can decide if it is excessive or not.

Middle Path: What a lame excuse. Goodness gracious, this is treating the rakyat like his cabinet lot - little intelligence and taking such an explanation as God-sent truth.

Pputeh: This is asking the rakyat to tighten their belts in face of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), but the PM spent RM28 million to refurbish a jet just so he could have meetings on board.

Set an example yourself - save first before squeezing us.

Imanust Nais Yalam: Even Singapore doesn't have such executive planes. Maybe the lower the education standard, the more expensive the jet the ruling elites will buy.

I wonder if the kampung folks know about such wanton wastage of the country’s resources by the government.

Negarawan: The PM and president of Singapore travel by commercial flights, even though the GDP and per capita income levels of Singapore are significantly higher than Malaysia, and are among the highest in the world.

The money paid for the luxury jets could have been used to improve the poor public transportation in this country.

The excuse that "work of state" is being carried out in these luxury jets is completely unacceptable. In fact, since the so-called "work of state" has resulted in financial debacles like 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), it is better off to scrap these jets, and change the leadership to one that is prudent and sensible.

Vijay47: I believe that part of the RM28 million went towards rain-proofing the jet.

You must remember that since a certain lady can be expected to frequently use the jet, it has to reflect her dainty delicate self and as such, would not be able to withstand unfavourable weather unlike the other sturdier airliners.

This may compel the aircraft to make unscheduled stops in Kazakhstan, again eating into the prime minister's available time for meetings.

Let us for the sake of argument; accept that the refurbishment of the plane to enable airborne meetings was necessary.

But how in heaven's name do you chalk up an additional RM28 million for an area about as big as the living room of a standard semi-detached house?

RCZ: Check the dressing and sleeping areas. They must have been fitted with sauna and jacuzzi, not to mention designer perfumes and soaps, satin sheets, hair salon equipment for the RM1,200 hairdos and all the unnecessary luxuries the rakyat’s money can buy.

Kilgore: It is well-known that the addition of upgrades and customisation is where most of the graft takes place with government purchases.

Remember, the military troop carriers bought from Turkey? They were four times the price tag due to "upgrades".

Boeyks: Everything involving Najib is ultra-expensive with the rakyat footing the inflated price tag. Can the rakyat afford him, and her, anymore?

Anonymous_40f4: At this rate of mega-wastage, Najib will be forced to increase the six percent GST to maybe 10 percent.
The next general election could be another three years away and Najib and the BN-led government is hell-bent on squeezing the rakyat’s pocket for another two years.

When the government does not have enough money, it will always go for the rakyat’s wallet. Go, Najib, go.

Obs: The sad truth is, Najib may think that he, being the son of (second prime minister Abdul) Razak (Hussein), has the birthright to waste public money for his own comfort and enjoyment at the expense of the rakyat.

His couldn't-care-less attitude is revealed for all to see.

Malaysia is Doomed!: Najib you have a flash sense of grandeur and a false sense of your importance.

Take a hard and honest look around us, look at the crime rates, the lousy education standards, the lack of security and your own inability to answer a simple question factually.

Where did the RM42 billion of debts incurred by 1Malaysia Development Bhd go?

Take a look at the late Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s life, and you think we Malaysians are stupid to still want you? Your sycophants maybe, but not the rest of us.

BTN: It’s just a stupid waste of money. The rakyat are already burdened with all sort of taxes and are trying to make ends meet and we have the government spending money as if we are flushed with cash.

The excuse of having a meeting while the plane is flying does not make sense. We would rather have the team sleep and enjoy their flight and have their meeting after the plane has landed. This will be bring us savings of RM28 million.

Rick Teo: Hold a meeting in the sky? What’s so important that a meeting has to be carried on board with all the cabinet ministers in tow? -Mkini

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