
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 11, 2015

Najib digs in for a fight

A multitude of Brutuses await with sharpened knives for the signal to end his career as Prime Minister.
Najib digs in for a fight
We learn a lot about a person’s character from the way he faces adversity. Some are unable to handle the pressure and break. Others panic. Some, however, show that they intend to fight, and despite all earlier impressions of our Prime Minister being weak-willed, he has shown an unexpected fortitude in the face of onslaughts, not just from Mahathir Mohamad, but now from some currently serving leaders of Umno.
Najib seems to have been forsaken by many members of his Cabinet. They have released negative statements regarding Tabung Haji’s recent purchase of land from 1MDB. Indeed the move is widely derided by Opposition and government figures alike, not to mention civil society and individual members of the public.
Mahathir shows no sign of letting up, hoping that he can push Najib ever closer to the edge by maintaining constant pressure for the PM to give unequivocal answers to questions asked of him.
However, Najib has shown a mule-like stubbornness, digging in his heels for the long haul. Yesterday, he told the people of Tawau that he would “continue to carry on” as long as there was support from the people and his party members. He even threw Mahathir’s legacy back in the former PM’s face, citing a point in Umno history when almost 50% of Umno wanted Mahathir out. Mahathir, he reminded his audience, reacted with this statement: “Even if I win by a single vote, I will continue to be Prime Minister.”
This was perhaps the strongest statement of intent the Prime Minister has ever issued, and doubtless many Malaysians wish he had shown this kind of fortitude so many times in the past when we looked to Putrajaya for guidance and were instead met with silence.
However, for Najib to remain in power, he must immediately seek to remove his enemies at the highest levels of the Putrajaya administration as well as Umno and consolidate his position by surrounding himself with loyalists.
A slew of prominent names, headed by no less than Najib’s deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, have already come out in opposition to the 1MDB-TH deal, and this has been accepted as a move to align themselves with Mahathir’s cause. They obviously fear being dragged down when Najib’s ship collides with the 1MDB iceberg and sinks. Essentially, if Najib is Caesar, a multitude of Brutuses await with sharpened knives for the signal to end Najib’s reign as Prime Minister.
However, it seems like the PM will not go quietly into the night, and this will surely throw a wrench into the plans laid against him by Mahathir and those now aligned with him. For one, their loyalties are now known, and Najib will be on guard when dealing with them, assuming he does not simply replace them outright.
Najib appears to have Ahmad Zahid Hamidi still on his side. At least, the Home Minister has chosen not to speak against 1MDB. It is important to note the power that the Home Minister possesses, especially with the enhanced Sedition Act and new laws like the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Zahid is an important power player in the structure of the government, and he has not voiced his allegiance, and thus we must assume that he is on Najib’s side for now.
With Najib ready for a long fight, it seems like Malaysians must wait in uncertainty till one of the two titans cries uncle and a clear winner from the conflict emerges. But chances are that Mahathir will get his way sooner or later, as he always does. Nonetheless, the battle is far from over and there will be more controversy and turmoil before this business ends.

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