
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 7, 2015

NAJIB EATS HUMBLE PIE: He may scrap GST to save his skin but that will make Dr M even STRONGER

NAJIB EATS HUMBLE PIE: He may scrap GST to save his skin but that will make Dr M even STRONGER
In the wake of the Rompin by-election, which took place in Prime Minister Najib Razak's Pahang home state, few leaders in Umno would dare to stand up for him or deny that the poor result was not due to his introduction of the unpopular Goods and Services Tax. The massive 8% drop in support for Umno at its stronghold sent shock-waves through the party and even Najib's customary sycophants are afraid of the consequences.
If nothing is done, if Najib is perceived to be continuing with his 'spendthrift' ways, if the Prime Minister continues to scorn former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad and the rest of Malaysia in refusing to come clean on the 1MDB financial scandal, it is a done deal Umno will lose many of their seats at the next general election.
In turn, the Umno-BN federal government might become a footnote in history, and due to the disastrous policy decisions of Najib and his inner circle. Talk is already swirling of calls from within Umno and its BN allies to Najib to scrap the tax implemented on April 1.
Few dispute that GST is one of the better fiscal tools to govern and collect income due from the people but as many, including Mahathir, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and Kelantan prince Tengku Razaleigh, have warned - it is not the right time. There are still too many 'poor' Malaysians struggling to make ends meet and forcing them to pay higher prices is not only a grave injustice but asking for social foment and disobedience.
But arrogant Najib refused to listen. His inner circle of advisers were too sure of themselves. For them, GST was more than just a fiscal policy - it was a lifeline for Najib's ailing political fortunes. Craftily, they reckoned that re-energised by GST money, Najib could be on top again. He could spend and get the Umno gravy train moving again. He could also stave off demands for payment from lenders to the government and perhaps even help cash-strapped sovereign fund 1MDB.
However, the people refused to play ball with Najib and his scheming cohorts. Bitten once too often, voters lashed out at Najib and his Cabinet. In fact, so unsure of the people's reaction were Umno leaders, that Najib was advised not to make any appearance at the Rompin and Permatang Pauh by-elections. If this is not the clearest sign of an imminent end to Najib's presidency at Umno, what is?
Power of the people vs scheming Najib
Indeed, the hope of every right-thinking Malaysian rests on the Anti-Goods & Services Tax movement to step up the pressure on the Najib administration to abolish the taxing law which currently is a heavy burden on the ‘rakyat.’
The Anti-GST movement needs to act in concert and rope in other organizations and especially Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in a bid to mount the pressure on the Barisan Nasional (BN) government to show that they mean business in wanting to ease the plight of the people.
For this to happen the leaders of the Anti-GST movement needs to get to the ground and get going in their venture to recruit as many as possible dissenters to show to the BN government that the GST 2015 is really biting hard and leading to a quick deterioration of the Quality-of-Life of Malaysians.
While the BN government remains nonchalant in its stance and is of the view that the implementation of the GST is timely and would eventually work out to Malaysians being on the receiving end of many benefits, most people are not buying their bull.
Greater momentum
In the wake of the last demonstration in the heart of Kuala Lumpur city, it is heartening to see that there were many who turned up in a massive show of support for the Anti-GST movement and this augurs well as there were far more who could not make it to the demonstration.
Going by the pulse of the demonstration and the numbers it looks as if the Anti-GST movement has a strong case in their bid to abolish the Goods & Services Tax 2015 as it is deemed unnecessary and adding to the misery of the people.
Change has to come. All the Anti-GST movement has to do is to keep piling up the pressure on the government to withdraw this punitive tax on the people and it will be only a matter of time before the BN government relents.
It is therefore important to keep the momentum going and it is further important to understand that through the Anti-GST movement other archaic and obsolete laws in this country can be done away like the Sedition Act.
Paving the way
The Anti-GST movement is more important in many ways than people think as they are actually paving the way for the Najib Administration to be dismantled owing to its weak and poor governance of the nation so far.
Pressure is mounting on the Najib Administration to show cause by various individuals, groups and organizations as to why it should not be dissolved, as under the Najib Administration, Malaysia has actually regressed with the ringgit weakening to an all-time low.
Besides economic regression, Malaysians are understandably upset and dismayed by the lavish expenditure of the prime minister and his wife as the tax payer’s money is being used to fund their simply extravagant lifestyle.
This, coming at a time when life has gotten harder and harsher for the people, is really the last straw and the Anti-GST movement has not only the right to call for the abolishment of the law but also for the Najib Administration to be dissolved.
Malaysians want a prime minister who is wise and prudent and who will say what he means and do what he says. In this aspect, Najib Tun Razak is guilty of double talk and failing to walk the talk as he has reneged on many of his 2013 general election promises.
Worst yet to come
If the analysis of political analysts and economists and those engaged in high finance are to be studied and gauged then Malaysians should be bracing for worse times to come as the Najib Administration has lost a lot of control and influence over the economy and finances of the country.
More misery is set to be suffered by many more innocent Malaysians if they do not hasten the departure of the Najib Administration as the government has been basically riddled with corruption, nepotism and collusion among high officials.
This is why the Anti-GST movement must do more than spark the flames for the abolishment of the GST, they must act as the pioneers of strong dissent, dissent strong enough to bring down the evil and corrupt Najib Administration.
In this aspect they are not alone as the Anti-GST movement can command a great groundswell of support from the people to do what politicians have so far failed to do in dismantling the Najib Administration.
This is the opportunity that is not to be missed and will be history in the making as the nation savors the victory over an evil administration that is holding it to ransom and spewing much tyranny and oppression on the people all over the nation. - MAILBAG

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