
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

NAJIB'S LAST LINE OF DEFENCE: 'Unity govt' with Hadi to stop Dr M?

NAJIB'S LAST LINE OF DEFENCE: 'Unity govt' with Hadi to stop Dr M?
Everyone, including those who support blindly and the sycophants know that Umno is bad and with Datuk Seri Najib Razak in-charge, it is in rotten shape with matters getting worse by the day. But they still won’t admit it openly.
How can people in their right mind support the wastages, extravagance, corruption, cronyism and insensitive top Umno leaders? But still these people continue to support the Najib/Umno regime with the flimsiest excuses. Some do not make sense at all!
The Umno Malays are still holding on the mantra “untuk agama, bangsa dan negara” (for the religion, race and country). Yet for the past 60 years, Islam has been mired with deviant teachings, intolerance, and social degradation, while the Malays are still the poorest and could not stand on their own.
Pas' version of Islam may not provide Muslims with the peace of mind and spirituality they seek.
PM Najib shopping
There is a long list of issues from economy, politics, social, religious, resources, scandals, development, citizenship, education, brain drain and so on, that Umno has not only neglected, but Najib’s inaction has made worse!
However, the Malays from the younger generation have opened their minds and see for themselves the fallacies of Umno’s rule and policies. Therefore the younger Malays need an alternative foot-hold that helps prevent them from getting lost while searching for that elusive sense of self-confidence and security.
Being Muslims, it is therefore only natural for them to find peace and solace in Islam. Of course there are many young Malays who are not serious in following Islam as we can see and read the news on their immoral activities. This group of Muslim Malays could not care much about anything but only for their own self-indulgence.
Still the religious Muslim Malays have a voice and influence in our society. They have been able to form a collective pressure group by uniting the various Muslim NGOs and voices through a wide spectrum.
Umno leaders are actually very worried with this group and the trend they are creating, but Umno is not an Islamic party. Despite all the efforts of establishing the various Islamic institutions, Islamic finance and many other Islamic initiatives, Umno has failed to implement Hudud.
On many occasions, the actions and statements of some Umno leaders have not helped improve the un-Islamic image of Umno. The people do not trust Umno leaders as being good Muslims and the Umno ulamas (Muslim scholars) are despised by both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The Umno ulamas are perceived as having sold their souls for benefits in exchange for 'cleansing' and endorsing the wrong doings of the Umno bigwigs.

"The country will be in turmoil if Hudud is implemented in Malaysia", Dato' Seri Najib had declared as far back as in April 1993.
In a letter dated 15 July 1994 to the then Menteri Besar of Kelantan the late Datuk Nik Aziz, Tun Dr. Mahathir did not agree with the implementation of Hudud in the state. Dr. Mahathir also made it clear that Hudud would not be implemented in Umno/BN states.
Then in September 2011 Datuk Seri Najib Razak could be watched on Youtube saying that the government would not implement Hudud in Malaysia.
Then in November 2014 as reported on the official Umno online portal, Umno secretary-general  Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor admitted that “Umno as a nationalistic Malay party have never used even a single verse from the Quran when it come to politics”.
He continued, “The most important thing is that the basis of the formation of the party is to protect the Islamic faith amongst the Muslims”.
But by what Umno leaders have done, their actions do not reflect their Islamic faith!
Umno is desperate; they need to revamp the party and have to be seen as Islamic as possible to attract the young Muslim Malays. Thus the only choice that Umno has is to get Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, the present PAS president to cross over to their side.
If Hadi could be lured and convinced to cooperate fully with Umno, then Umno leaders hope this will solve the problem of luring the young Muslim Malays. The older generation who support Abdul Hadi would also be into Umno’s fold.
Things have worked out quite easily for Umno. Hadi is so obsessed with Hudud and unity government that he has refused to open his eyes to look at the bigger picture. During a recent interview in Singapore, Hadi again urged for a unity government!
So all Umno has to do is to play it right and lead foolish Hadi into its trap, play along with his sentiments until the GE-14. By tricking him, Umno gets to kill several birds with one stone!
PAS is splitting into two factions; one supporting Hadi and the other insistent on staying the course with Pakatan Rakyat. Roiled by the Pas internal conflict, Pakatan Rakyat is also left in turmoil. The Opposition is going to be destroyed and with the votes from Hadi’s supporters and the young Muslim Malays duped into thinking that Umno is now very Islamic due to the tie-up with Hadi and Pas, Umno will triumph in the end.
For Umno, it may get a happy if devious ending. But Hadi will be played out by Umno, his precious Hudud Enactment will be left hanging and PAS will lose its credibility. Indeed, PAS has to start back not from zero, but from negative.
But will the plan work?
PasMa, the splinter party that will replace Pas in Pakatan Baru?
With the formation of PasMa, PAS is split down the line into the pro-Hadi faction and the pro-Pakatan PasMa faction. While PasMa has re-affirmed its support for Pakatan Rakyat, PAS insists on the implementation of Hudud, with Hadi in favour of a unity government with Umno.
Although many of the Muslims in Umno, PKR, PAS and PasMa agree that Hudud is the commandment of God and should be implemented whenever possible and conducive, those in Umno, PKR and PasMa do not agree with the unity government plan for obvious reasons.
Those in Umno will have to sacrifice to let PAS members take their posts and this is a very huge sacrifice for the greedy Umno warlords. They may not want to lose so much. Those in PKR would not betray DAP and PasMa. One of the reasons for the formation of PasMa is its disagreement with Hadi on the unity government with Umno!
Hatred for Umno-BN greater than desire for Hudud
At the grassroots level, both PAS and Pakatan supporters are united to topple Umno/BN and no matter what Hadi may say and what verses he may invoke, these people could not be bothered as their minds are set to vote out Umno/BN.
This determination can be seen on the social media where people openly declare that they will not be affected by the decisions made by both the PAS and Pakatan leaders; they will simply vote out Umno/BN come GE-14, no matter what! The voters will make the decision and there's nothing Hadi loyalists can do to change their minds.
Therefore Umno and Najib Razak would do well to think twice. They should not be so desperate as to believe that with PAS/Hadi joining Umno, the Muslim Malays will be lured to support Umno. The present trend has shown that Malays are swinging over to the Opposition and a growing number do not even have any qualms about joining DAP!
Thus even if foolish Hadi is willing to fall into Umno’s trap, Umno-BN would still not get the support it needs. Pakatan, on the other hand, will survive with PasMa. It may take some time to wash off the negative publicity but their supporters will rejoice at the decision to get rid of unscrupulous and unprincipled politicians like Hadi and even Nik Abduh, the son of the revered late Nik Aziz.
Indeed, it will PAS that will be doomed and abandoned. And no one can really feel any pity for it - not after Hadi's awful shenanigans. - MAILBAG

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