
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 15, 2015


So what lie is Ng Kee Seng spinning? He is not only distorting the truth. He is downright lying. Anwar was pushing for the meeting. Hadi resisted. Hadi did not want to meet Umno and PKR in London to discuss the Unity-Government.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Ng Kee Seng of The Ant Daily was telling a pack of lies in his opinion piece or editorial today. But then this is typical of pro-Pakatan-anti-Hudud people. They lie and they spin and they call it the Gospel while accusing the government-owned media of lying through its teeth.
Is Ng Kee Seng a journalist or a member of DAP’s Red Bean Army?
No doubt most times no government-owned media anywhere in the world can be trusted 100%, not even in the US or the UK. But this does not mean the opposition media can be trusted either. And Ng Kee Seng’s spin, which you can read below, is a case in point.
First of all, it was Lim Kit Siang who proposed cooperation between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat to ‘save Malaysia’. And save Malaysia from what? Well, from the Islamic Shariah law of Hudud, of course.
Hence, to make sure that Malaysia remains secular (when in fact Malaysia is not a secular state but an Islamic country, as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad himself announced) Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat need to unite to defeat the Islamists.
So the attack against the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, has nothing to do with democracy but everything to do with defeating the Islamists so that the Secularists can take over the party. And, as Ng Kee Seng said, as long as the Islamists and not the Secularists control the PAS leadership there is no way DAP and PKR can work with PAS.
Does this mean if Hadi is voted back in as the PAS President next month then PAS has to leave Pakatan Rakyat or else DAP and PKR will exit the coalition instead? This point must be made very clear so that the PAS members will know that if they decide to retain Hadi as their leader then Pakatan Rakyat would no longer exist come June.
The long and the short of it would be: a vote for Hadi is a vote to close down Pakatan Rakyat. A vote against Hadi is a vote against Hudud. The PAS members have to realise what they are voting for. They are not voting for a leader. They are being asked to choose between Pakatan Rakyat and Hudud. You choose one or the other. You cannot have both.
Maybe some (the fundamentalist Muslims) will argue that Hudud is God’s law and God’s law is mandatory upon Muslims and so on. Well, this discussion is not about theology. God has nothing to do with this. This is about Pakatan Rakyat. Do you choose Pakatan Rakyat or do you choose God? If you choose God then get out of Pakatan Rakyat.
Ng Kee Seng called Hadi ‘Hadi “pro-Umno unity government” Awang’. This is meant as an insult to Hadi. Mat Sabu used to call Anwar Ibrahim Anwar al-Juburi. Would Ng Kee Seng dare say that in his article? This is no secret. Millions of Malaysians know this. But would not saying it be considered an insult to Anwar?
Ng Kee Seng did not want to mention that Anwar Ibrahim was the one who arranged the Unity-Government meeting in London between Umno, PKR and PAS in December 2013. And Ng Kee Seng did not also want to mention that DAP was not informed about the meeting or invited to attend the meeting.
Anwar then pulled Hadi aside and requested him to attend the meeting since he was going to London anyway. But Hadi refused to attend the meeting even though he was in London at that time.
So what lie is Ng Kee Seng spinning? He is not only distorting the truth. He is downright lying. Anwar was pushing for the meeting. Hadi resisted. Hadi did not want to meet Umno and PKR in London to discuss the Unity-Government.
It is clear that the anti-Hudud DAP and PKR supporters are getting very desperate (Lim Guan Eng even gave PasMa RM2 million to fight Hadi). They want Hadi out and they will do anything to make sure it happens, even lying. If this is the new government they are proposing to replace Barisan Nasional, then would this not be what the Malays would say: ganti lanun dengan penyamun?
End of the road for Hadi-led PAS in Pakatan next month?
Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily
It is crystal clear that PAS cannot continue to be part of Pakatan Rakyat as long as Hadi “pro-Umno unity government” Awang continues to helm the Islamist party.
If Hadi is re-elected PAS president next month, PKR and DAP have no choice but to move on without PAS in their bid to occupy Putrajaya.
Perhaps, this was why DAP stalwart and Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang wrote on May 11 that he was unsure Pakatan would survive next month.
Apparently, Lim was referring to the PAS elections next month which will see a fierce battle between the conservatives and moderates.
If Hadi and his conservatives triumph, is it still practical for PKR and DAP to work with PAS politically as a coalition?
Hadi has for the past year been consistent in raising issues that are deemed detrimental to Pakatan’s unity, thereby benefiting the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN).
The latest perplexing issue raised by Hadi is his support for Najib Razak to stay on as prime minister.
The Star Online on May 12 quoted Hadi as saying Najib should carry on his job as prime minister because he was elected through a fair system.
Really? So, is Hadi saying that once elected, Malaysians have to wait the full term to change their leaders?
If a prime minister loses support in the midst of his reign, a no-confidence vote, perhaps in Parliament, is improper?
Hadi said: “He should not succumb to pressure and he should be allowed to solve the problems he is facing.
“I agree with him that he should not step down and I must say that he should be given a chance to finish his term.”
So, is Hadi saying it was alright for 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) to rake up a RM42 billion debt?
Is Hadi also saying Najib is not to be faulted when hundreds of millions of ringgit took flight from 1MDB to elsewhere by an “outsider”?
Abdul Hadi also said that it was pointless to pressure the prime minister to step down due to the controversies the Umno president were allegedly involved in.
“It is a shame to pressure him to step down as we should practise a healthy democracy system,” he said.
Isn’t this mind-boggling coming from a “political rival”?
So, Hadi has forgotten how the Umno-led BN has bullied PAS, denying the PAS-led Terengganu and PAS-led Kelantan the rights to oil royalty?
Has Hadi forgotten how PAS was booted out of BN in 1978 after the latter successfully used the former to consolidate its Malay political ground?
Abdul Hadi added that pressuring Najib to step down was a scenario that had happened during the leadership of the previous prime ministers.
“This is not entirely new. Before 1MBD, we also had problems with Perwaja (Steel Sdn Bhd) and Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) just to name a few,” he said.
Is Hadi now saying it is alright to allow those responsible for financial scandals to go scot-freeand free from prosecution?
But what is certain is that Najib has declared war on Dr Mahathir Mohamad who had asked Najib to resign on grounds that the BN will lose the next polls under Najib.
Lim said the results of the 13th General Election (GE13) in 2013 “have not only shown that the Najib’s federal government is just a minority government with 47 per cent of the national vote, but seven state governments in Malaya, namely Terengganu, Kedah, Perak, Negri Sembilan, Melaka, Pahang and Johor could change in GE14.
He said BN secured less than 55 per cent of the total state votes cast in the last general elections – Perak (45 per cent), Kedah (50 per cent), Terengganu (51 per cent), Negri Sembilan (52 per cent), Melaka (53per cent), Pahang (54 per cent) and Johor (54 per cent).
So, what is Hadi’s political agenda? What has PAS to gain from working with Umno and Najib to destroy Pakatan?

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