
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Malay State of Mind

That is not Hassan Malek, is it? 

The fact is- GST has caused prices of goods and services to increase. That is painful to almost everyone. How is it that a person is happy when he suffers pain?

It’s very hard for us to accept when some say and insist that GST is good for all. Because everyone is happy with GST they want to vote for BN. The rakyat can’t wait to pay GST so that the government will have more money.

They know these dastardly things take place; With more money, the government can spend on big projects proposed by crony companies. With more money, they can hand over cash to superstar investors like Jho Low,Equinas, etc.

They know they must quickly pay up so that with more money the government can buy another plane to ensure the PM flies safely and comfortably.

Yes, the Malays are the most contented lot when it comes to paying GST.

Hassan Malek must know more than anyone else about the secret sexual preferences of the Malays. There is something in the study of sex that refers to people deriving pleasure when they are flogged, whipped, punished pierced here and there.

We need to study from the master; Hassan Malek. He may not be stupid as he looks after all. So Hassan Malek- because he knows Malays derive pleasure when pained- says its ok to impose GST- the Malays will derive pleasure from the pain on their pockets.

When they spend RM100, they have to pay RM6. If they eat out, they have to pay 10% service charge. They understand the government lied because they promised they will abolish SST. It turns out the government does not control service charge which means they lied from the beginning.

But Hassan Malay knows the Malay psychology. He is on par with the thinking of DR Mahathir because like Mahathir, he knows of the political party suitable for people with the mental constitution of UMNO Malays.

By extension, Malays can only accept a party that pains them, subject them to humiliation and poverty, bullies them, keeps then mentally bounded, scolds them, makes them beggars. UMNO fits the bill to the t.

So when Hasan Malek says the Malays are happy to pay GST, he may be telling the truth. It is true of UMNO supporters who are most happy when they are flogged and whipped. Only these people will agree to be taxed because they feel duty bound to pay for the expensive upkeep of a spendthrift government and the equally squandering PM and ministers.

When offered free education, UMNO supporters protested and insisted they WANT to pay. When offered removal of RM300 traffic summonses- they rose and protested INSISTING it’s a national duty to pay for UMNO crony companies. Only people sick in the mind will agree and be happy to be taxed. And these are the people who claimed BR1M twice and will be lamenting not receiving enough welfare help.

They agree to pay taxes despite the fact that most of them belonged to the lowest income earning group –the bottom 40%.

The people may not understand GST- even ministers don’t- but they understand rising cost of living and reduction in real income. They understand financial hypocrisy and deception when the PM buys a new plane and spends lavishly on the daughter’s wedding. They now hear the PM is giving out RM500,000 to some 60 UMNO division heads. If true, that will mean UMNO is dishing out RM30 million.

How do you explain the two issues here?

1.   What make Malays support policies detrimental to them?

2.   Why do Malays want to continue supporting a party that keep them under subservience?

I shall try to find the answers here in Permatang Pauh.

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