
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 18, 2015

Tong-Jho Loh in a deal together?

In the previous posting here, this blog was criticised for attempting to divert attention from 1MDB to Dato Nazir Tun Abdul Razak. There was even such nasty commentators that directed this blog to answer certain issues on 1MDB.

Firstly, they do not own this blog and have no business to determine what should and should not be written. It is the blogger's personal space. As far as commentators, it is demanded upon them to be civil in their comments and stick to the subject of the posting.

Second, Nazir Razak is not a new subject in this blog thus it cannot be deemed as diversion. Back in August 2010 [read here], this blog wrote a critical piece of Nazir for his NEP "bastardised" comment.

That time issue was raised against Dato Najib. The last issue raised against Najib is here. So to say this blog is a pencacai and pengampu is misguided and ignorant.

When the need to criticise arise, it can do so and it has always been able to.

In the case of 1MDB, this blog is concerned with accusations made that are not factual and right. It is ludicrous to base accusation on devious source like Sarawak Report and perpetual liars like Rafizi Ramli.

This blog kept repeating a stand and will repeat again the same stand that questions need be answered and this issue of public concern need to be cleared once and for all.

It is a lonely position taken that could attract attack from both sides of the divide in Malay's feudel blind loyalty politics and sentiment or perception driven public opinion. 

Third, not only was Nazir criticised for the NEP "bastardised" statement, this blog had been consistently critical of Nazir's biasness in favour of Air Asia.

CIMB is highly exposed to Air Asia but yet is involved in the MAS restructuring. Nazir had been instrumental in the destructive WAU plan that saw him going to and fro the top floor of MAS building at Jalan Sultan Ismail during the time of CEO TAn Sri Md Nor Yusof.

He was the one that put together the failed collaboration between MAS-Air Asia 

Fourth, the previous posting is not the first such posting against Nazir in relation to 1MDB issue. In a February posting here, this blog took a subtle swipe at Nazir. Extract below:  
The man leading the attack on 1MDB through his business media, The Edge, Dato Tong Kooi Ong planned to sue Jho Loh. He was claimed to be the person behind the anonymous blogs that accused Tong as instrumental in weakening the ringgit[details and link here].
Even if Tong could trace the IP, they will have to prove a writer wrote it and not someone else. There-on, Tong must establish the link to Jho Loh and prove many other legal issues. One can expect an interesting wayang (acting) to come to town. 
Now we have third thought on the owner of The Edge and TMI. 
The anonymous blogs also accused Dato Nazir Razak for sabotaging 1MDB. And, Nazir was reported to have given statement of his intention to sue Jho Loh too. It is interesting that Najib's brother collaborating with Anwar's man to sue Jho Loh.
But, Nazir's reaction will endorse the perception that Nazir sabotaged.      
The Edge's PAC questions 

The latest Edge weekly took up Nazir Razak's critics of 1MDB Directors for their silence.  See below:

Click on the image to read or better still to go get one copy of the latest The Edge.

One comment from an editor in a WA group is that there is nothing professional and journalistic about the article. What can he expect when their bible (Or Quran or Vedas etc) of reference is George Soros's Sarawak Report [read herehere and here]?

It is known that there is a war between The Edge owner, Tong Kooi Ong and Taek Jho Loh. So the piece is an attack on The Edge boss-owner's enemy.

There is another view that see The Edge article as trying to teach PAC and Auditor General as to how to do their job. PAC will begin investigation on Tuesday May 19th.

One can only expect some of the questions to appear in the PAC enquiry through the opposition MPs which include Tony Pua. By right, Tony should excuse himself from PAC for prejudging? [read here

AG has began and expected to submit finding by end of June. It should affirm the belief by most Malaysians that Tun Dr Mahathir had studied the accounts and know what everybody did not of accounts rigging alaEnron style [read here].

Nazir's statement looked as though he was trying to protect his brother by diverting the blame from Dato Najib to the BOD.

However, his criticism was unfair since there had been effort by the BOD to engage no less than Tun Dr Mahathir [read Rocky Bru here]. Nazir also found a supporter in allegedly YTL-backed Tony Pua, a major opposition voice in the relentless attack on 1MDB [read MI here]. Has he become spokesman for Nazir?

Tony sounded macho as he said of wanting to see Dato Najib speak up when put to the stand. Sure but he attempted to strike off an earlier 1MDB related defamation lawsuit by Dato Najib.

To dispel the notion that Nazir is trying to help brother, do read below:

It serve to strengthen a long held suspicion that Nazir snitched on his eldest brother for not giving him what he had wanted. He may have shared lots of his grouses with buddy Tan Sri Tony Fernandez and he got a big mouth. Merely suspicion and not accusation.

There is talk in our WA group that Nazir tried to push his way with Arul Kanda but was resisted. When brother refused his request, he can sabar but not to lesser beings like Arul. So he attacked 1MDB.

Arul could not allow Nazir get his way as he fear it will only lead to another MAS and Synergy Drive.

There is another twist in all this.

One corporate source said that Tong and Jho Loh is in a financial transaction or commercial deal together. That opens up a multitude of possibilities and implications. Is their quarrel merely a show? More to come from where it came from.

Never quite trust this Jho Loh fella. More so since he claimed of not done anything illegal. He may have not broken the law but it does not mean it was right. So there was a challenge that he sue NY Times [readhere].

Jho Loh did not sue NY Times, but a source reliably informed (an RPK term) that he did initiate lawsuit against Euromoney and Sarawak Report in London. Unfortunately, it is not progressing as media reporting on public interest are saved from civil lawsuit.

There was also doubt with that development. The defamation law in UK never allow newspaper to simply defame anyone. It equally protects the reputation and dignity of private individuals. And, at the same time allow accurate reporting of all issues. There is no reason that UK courts to reject any application for an injunction.

Whether the lawsuit in London is true or not, Jho Loh still has no excuse. Few lawyers said that Jho Loh should sue them on Malaysian soil if he wish to clean up his name. The articles appeared on Malaysian cyberspace.

The most recent progress is 1MDB warned of legal action against any slanderous and malicious allegations.

The latest malicious allegations came in the form of unconfirmed news that Deutsche Bank Singapore pulled the rug from under 1MDB based on rumours generated by Sarawak Report [read here]. Could highly paid, disciplined and regulation fear Singaporean banker leak information [read here]?

At the same time, Dato Najib posted an FAQs to answer allegations against him. [read here]. FMT reported it here. One does not have to believe it but at least read it before making any comments.

Earlier in the year or half a year ago, hardly anyone knows about 1MDB that was known to this blog since 2009. Suddenly every other person in Semenanjong seemed confident with their opinion. Problem is it is mostly ill-informed, presumptous, and influenced by Sarawak Report lies.  -Another Brick in the Wall

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