
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 8, 2015

WAS TABUNG HAJI-1MDB A POLITICAL MOVE? Even non-Muslims weep for their 'cheated' Muslim friends

WAS TABUNG HAJI-1MDB  A POLITICAL MOVE? Even non-Muslims weep for their 'cheated' Muslim friends
The Malay Muslims have every reason and right to demand for answers over the Tabung Haji involvement with the highly suspicious 1MDB. The non-Muslims too would feel deeply concerned especially when even a noble institution that ventures to enable pious Muslims to be able to fulfill their religious obligation in a lifetime is not spared by the 1MDB mother-of-all unexplained concerns in the country.
What is this pray Honorable prime minister can you please explain? Can your coterie of supporters who pleaded to give you more time dare step forward to provide transparent, logical and safe answers? Would all the UMNO crowds who waved flags of “I love PM” please say something now?
The former premier, Tun Dr. Mahathir voiced his grave concerns over the 1MDB. What he got in return was not an assurance to investigate and leave no stone unturned but another slap on his other cheek by none other than a senior Board Member of MACC.
When an opposition law maker blew the initial whistle, a howling war cry echoed from within the barracks of the BN machinery in defence of the government of the day.
When citizens took to the streets in tens of thousands in a peaceful demonstration of their growing concerns and aching pains, the police swept in with a rain of arrests.
And today, we hear that Tabung Haji bought a parcel of land from 1MDB not just at an inflated rate of over a dozen times, but even kept secretly quiet about it until a blogger spilled the acrid beans.
Look at the scam or scheme of things if you like. The government of the day, i.e. the UMNO led machinery whose President is also a Malay Muslim and the prime minister to 30 million people, sells land at a pittance to 1MDB.
1MDB then sells portions at a over a dozen times more per square foot to none other than an organization that is committed to a sacred obligation cradled close to the heart and mind by the pious and God fearing Muslims.
And Tabung haji had no qualms of having to pay this sinful rate to secure the land and continues to harp that RM188.5 million paid for the parcel of land in TRX was at a "discounted" price to current market value.
If Malaysians swallow this piece of explanation, then they only deserve it nice and proper, and maybe even more.
A government that cares for its Malay and Muslim cause, should have in the first place not have sold the prime land to a company where the prime minister also sits at the organization’s helm. Instead Najib would have ensured that Tabung Haji gets to invest at the original rate so that many more of our Muslim brethren can live to fulfill their dream of completing their holy Haj not once but several times more.
But no. Making money is the paramount motivation. It does not matter if the means are against the very notion of ethics and religious teachings.
What will our Malay Muslim brethren do now? Do they just weep, feel sad and forgive and forget?
They can. But even if you try to forget, the sin remains.
REUTERS reports that 1MDB has a US$1.75 billion bond maturing in 2022 with a coupon rate of 5.99 percent. The next half-yearly payment of around US$52 million is due on May 11. It also has a $3 billion bond maturing in 2023 with a coupon rate of 4.4 percent and the next payment is due in September.
Gosh! Hello any one in Putrajaya who still want Malaysians to give Najib and his team another chance? What chance!
If the politicians are set to mess this nation up, then we need to turn to our Rulers to save this land. It is no more about politics. It is the sovereignty, dignity and honor of this place we all call home now and forever.
Sadness will not correct the wrongs; weeping will not redress the gross crimes. While all religions teach us the power of prayer and the grace of turning to our Creator for justice, we as responsible creatures of the Almighty Creator must also exercise that human intelligence, free will and collective strengths of bonding given to us, to ensure that justice on earth is kept in line with the teachings of our respective Holy Books.
This is now no more just a Muslim issue. It hurts all God fearing and God loving humans. Malaysians must rise above political boundaries to demand for sanity and sanctity to prevail. It is now or never. Enough of all the nice talking.
Indeed, here is a case where all Malaysians irrespective of the religious creeds and racial ethnicity are one in mind and heart. They will not and cannot let this 1MDB continue the way it is going. Not another day more for God forbids what more will be unearthed!
To let things be without showing serious concern and a will to rectify and save this nation is tantamount to have failed Malaysia and the future generations to come by being an accomplice or with sheer apathy.
Do we want to go down history with this sin? - MAILBAG

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