
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Will Rosmah respond to Dr M’s poison darts?

YOURSAY ‘Dr M has the right to criticise. Rosmah has the right to response.’

Rosmah jab 'low class', Umno man tells Dr M
Tholu: It looks like the pool of half-wit clowns in Umno is never going to deplete; rather it is expanding.

Umno supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman must be reminded that it was the “low-class” people in the Philippines who saved the country from being plundered of its wealth by the first couple there.

Mass demonstrations were held by the people in 1986 against its then president, Ferdinand Marcos, who assumed dictatorial powers, repressed his people and committed political murders. He eventually fled the country.

It is no secret that his wife, Imelda, wielded power as well and became a potent figure. She illegally amassed wealth and was instrumental in imposing “crony capitalism” which saw private businesses being seized by the government and handed over to friends and relatives of the government.

Imelda led a luxuriant lifestyle (she had accumulated upward of 1,000 pairs of shoes and several Manhattan skyscrapers). Do we have a feeling of an uncanny similar scenario back here in our own country?

Odin Tajué: Tajuddin, Umno has been practising low-class politics since the very beginning of Malaysia.

It was illustrated right in the beginning in your deceiving of Sabah and Sarawak that they would be partners in the planned confederation of Malaysia, whereas your real intention was to make them colonies - which they have become.

Like low-class people, you also did not even have the courtesy to consult them before you kicked Singapore out.

Today, more than five decades later, you have not acquired any class, at all. In fact, you have degenerated further into vermin - and not just any vermin but despicable pests dressed in finery, housed in mansions, chauffeured in limousines, and accoutered with fine jewellery.

Your degeneration is clearly illustrated by such things as your employing of yobs and pariah riff-raff to disrupt political talks organised by the Pakatan Rakyat in an unruly and violent manner and to storm a state assembly. You and all in Umno have no class.         

Besides exhibiting characteristics of the ill-bred, you all are also seriously deficient in the intellect department, and living in a world of fantasy and self-deception. For as long as Umno rules Malaysia, our country will never ever achieve the status of Japan.

You will not be able to solve the 1MDB mess. At least not in a way that is desirable and non-destructive to the country's resources. Thinking that you will be able to is another pipe dream of yours.
Anonymous_1421406986: How many among us truly know anything about Rosmah Mansor except from what we have heard from others? The only persons who have any right to talk about her are those who are close to her.

Most of what we hear about her are based on hearsay and rumours by people who may have a motive to paint a poor picture of her to get to Najib.

Maybe it is due to her manner of pushing her way around or speaks her mind openly. That does not make someone bad for we see so many such people around in our day-to-day interaction.

I understand that Rosmah once worked with a company known as Island Peninsular, and a top management staff only has good things to say about her.

I don't think we should talk ill about someone unless we know the person well. For Mahathir to talk about her is in poor taste. Why this sudden interest in Rosmah when nothing was said about her before Najib became the PM?

RCZ: The fact is Rosmah, being the PM’s wife and thus open to public scrutiny, is living far beyond her means. It is not only Dr M who is questioning this. The rakyat, too. So don't make this issue of living beyond her means about Dr M. 

Mosquitobrain: The rakyat do not care 'who is who' if the money spent is not from the taxpayers. The rakyat simply want to ensure all taxes paid to the BN government are disimbursed wisely and transparently.

The rakyat are already burdened with new taxes. Daily essential goods costs are sky rocketting.

All these chain effects are due to an inefficient and corrupt BN government. Tajuddin is following blindly others (in Umno supreme council) to support a 'tainted' chief.

JustAMalaysian: Who cares if the PM's wife drives a Benz and dresses well? Who cares if she is beautiful or otherwise?

People compare the way she carries herself and her behaviour with her five predecessors. And people find it obnoxious.

Iiiizzzziiii: Malaysia to become a developed country like Japan or South Korea? Not in a million years, Tajuddin.

What has Umno done to make Malaysia a developed nation other than bringing the country to the verge of bankruptcy? Take a look at Singapore, perhaps you may learn a thing or two.

Sin Lee Huang: Dr M has the right to criticise anyone he wants. Rosmah has the right to response. If she choose not to exercise it, that's her decision.

Imanust Nais Yalam: Low class are those who steal from the poor and spend on lavish weddings. Even lower are people who support such individuals. -Mkini

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