
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Oh dear, now the Americans have insulted the Malays

YOURSAY ‘Where are Ali Rustam and his army of silat fighters and the red shirts.’
Anonymous_1419577444: A couple of points to note. First, if Najib Abdul Razak goes to jail in the United States, we want to get back the funds that he has allegedly stolen from Malaysia either in cash or whatever he has converted the funds into.
Second, if Najib is no longer the PM, we have the prospect of Ahmad Zahid Hamidi stepping up to be the PM. Go figure!
Multi Racial: To be fair, the problem is not just with Najib. Malaysia is in trouble because of people around him.
We have cabinet ministers who have not questioned Najib on this scandal, but instead go to great lengths to show their support for him.
There is no problem if we have a bad leader because the others will remove him or her in no time. But when we have a whole bunch of them out there, this is how a nation falls.
I pray all those politicians in BN will do what is right and good for the nation. Otherwise if anything happens to this country, they should be held responsible, together with Najib.
Anonymous_3e12: Indeed, a PM should not be indispensable - why is it in Malaysia that the Malays think the PM is like god.
If our PM is jailed in the US, what does it say about our country's law for its inability to handle an alleged crime committed by the PM? A failed state.
Headhunter: “You reap what you sow”. That says it all.
With all these exposes involving so many government agencies, it is not hard now to believe that the Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case was stage-managed right from the beginning. Remember those seedy videos which failed to convince anyone?
Najib’s crime is much worse than Anwar's, even if it was true. The prospect of going to prison can be quite frightening, especially if one has been pampered like a prima donna his whole life.
It's worse if one is incarcerated in a US prison. Fellow prisoners can behave like beasts in there.
Casey: Whether Najib is brought to justice or justice is brought to Najib, all that we want is that justice is done. So what if Najib is sent to the prison in the US?
TakDahDuit: But meanwhile, a scandal-ridden prime minister remains in his post. There is no point talking round the problem.
Malaysians must ask themselves why they do not have a procedure to get rid of an incompetent prime minister who has lost all credibility.
Ipohcrite: If Najib goes to prison in the US, I'm sure his staunch supporters - Jamal Md Yunos, Salleh Said Keruak and Abdul Rahman Dahlan come to mind - wouldn't mind joining him there.
After all, they strongly believe in his cause.
Dont Just Talk: Former Batu Kawan Umno deputy division head Khairuddin Abu Hassan is now an enemy of the party president, whose principle is either you are with me or against me.
Another Umno Baru member is Anina Saadudin from Pulau Langkawi, who has the courage to question the US$700 million ‘derma’ (donation_ which was wired into Najib's personal bank account.
These are a few good people who dare to challenge their corrupted leader when things are not done right, and yet there are many in Umno Baru who are saying that wrong is right, with one claiming to have met the generous Arab donor, making him look like a clown in the eyes of many Malaysians.
So what if Najib is sent to a US prison, the sun will still rise the following day in the east and set in the west, for no one is indispensable in life.
Fair Play: I suppose Umno Malays’ dignity must be insulted to the core by this 'indiscretion' of the US Justice Department.
Where are Ali Rustam and his army of silat fighters and the red shirts when their fearless leader is treated like that?
Doc: Najib has been singled out for prosecution by the US grand jury over money-laundering charges and it is clear that this is not only insulting to a democratically elected leader in Malaysia but it is an insult to the Malays, too, as he is the president of Umno.
Umno claims to be the the one and only organisation that protects the rights and dignity of the Malay race.
Just like when the Chinese who Umno has claimed to have threatened the Malays, hence resulting in the red shirt and Pesaka protest to uplift Malay rights and unity and also to give support to Najib's dismal role as PM, similarly now the US government is bringing an insult to Najib, a Malay leader, too, so will we see another red shirt and Pesaka uprising, this time against the US government?
Anonymous_1423808262: I would donate money to send Ibrahim Ali, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Jamal and his red shirts volunteers on a chartered Airasia Airbus 320 to Washington DC, all armed with AK47 to arrest US President Barack Obama and keep him in Sungai Buloh prison.

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