
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Alas, even Parliament can’t quiz Najib on RM2.6b

YOURSAY | ‘What do we make of a parliament which is prohibited from raising a major graft issue?’
Kim Quek: The RM42 million in PM Najib Razak’s private bank account sourced from SRC International - a company under his Finance Ministry - is a fait accompli that has been referred to repeatedly in Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s public statements as a major focus of its investigations.
So this is a serious question that the prime minister must answer in Parliament. Why should it be rejected simply because it was reported in the press?
House speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia has in the past behaved like a tin-pot dictator; and now even the parliamentary secretariat has started to reject questions with frivolous excuses.
With the way the Umno-BN government is lording over Parliament through its stooge speaker and secretariat, is there any semblance of dignity and meaning left in the august House which is supposed to be the supreme body of our polity?
What do we make of a parliament which is prohibited from raising a world renowned corruption issue of the prime minister when the same act of corruption has been under investigations by many governments in the world?
Which democratic country in the world would tolerate its parliament being so humiliatingly bullied by the executive through its puppet speaker who rules parliament like a school master controlling a bunch of school kids?
After the debacle on the first day of this parliamentary session, when all questions on corruption issues related to Najib and 1MDB were so arbitrarily rejected, Malaysians should seriously ponder whether they should cease to refer to Malaysia as a democracy, and whether our constitution still holds any meaning when our parliament has been so shabbily downtrodden.
CQ Muar: Indeed, what is the point of having parliamentary debates when all questions relating to 1MDB and other multi-billion debacles are being shot down each time the issue is brought up?
Where else in other countries do they condone their prime ministers allegedly plundering money from the nation, and yet rendered defence and protection?
This only happens in Malaysia, and the reasons are obvious - all those defending the prime minister have ostensibly a fair share in the loot.
Victor Johan: When the parliamentary speaker decides to reject all those relevant and pertinent questions of the parliamentarians in his chambers and deny us, the rakyat, the answers that we seek from the executive - i.e. from the PM and his cabinet ministers - then we can already be certain as to what the answers would be.
Black_Moon: It is not the culture of any political party in this country to reveal their donations, the amount and who their donors are and all that.
But remember that when the issue first came out, the accusation was that Najib took 1MDB’s money, which is the people's money. That was a very strong allegation.
From the start, he has consistently said the money was not from 1MDB and that the money was not for personal gain. It was meant for CSR (corporate social responsibility) and party activities.
The MACC is presently probing SRC International. It is wrong to claim we are in the midst of a corruption crisis whereas investigation still being carried out.
Pakman: The Conference of Rulers has decreed that issues on 1MDB be resolved immediately according to the rules of law and action taken against those involved, irrespective of their position and the august house is the proper place to discuss such important issues.
How could the Parliament be hindrance to the above? If 1MDB is still under investigation, then why was the investigation be stalled and purposely being delayed by the PM?
Anonymous 2209651438344134: Indeed, this is a public admission of guilt. What is there to answer?
The sad thing is there are so many idiots who are willing to defend him without much thought about the consequences for the country.
Negarawan: The rejection of all questions pertaining to 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion in Najib's personal account is something which is expected from a pro-Umno speaker.
These questions are important to the rakyat of Malaysia. Sadly, the Malaysian parliament has been relegated to a farce by the speaker. The speaker must eventually answer the rakyat as to his dishonourable and shameful conduct.
Rakyat-in-Grief: This is blatant violation of democratic principles. what is the use of having a parliament like this?
This is too much for the rakyat to tolerate. I fear where our country is heading to.
HOPE: If those in Parliament cannot even get the chance to ask question in Parliament, what hope the common people have to know the truth about 1MDB?
Basically: Please give me the 1MDB account number - I will withdraw millions and when you ask, I will say it's all recycled accusations. No need to question or debate the issue.
When the police call, I'll issue a statement saying the accusations are baseless and I have not used money for personal gain. Don't politicise the issue.
After that, I can have a nice retirement in a bungalow in New York. I guess that's the kind of system Umno cybertroopers like.
I wonder if they get a cut of the RM2.6 billion? If not, then hey, it's your money too. -Mkini

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