
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 29, 2015


It is quite interesting that Tony Pua mentions the ‘pliant mainstream media’. Actually, the anti-Najib forces are spending RM200 million in their media campaign to buy over news portals, both in Malaysia as well as in the UK, and to bribe reporters in the UK, US, Australia, etc., to attack 1MDB and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
(Malay Mail Online) – DAP lawmaker Tony Pua today challenged 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) president Arul Kanda Kandasamy to join him in a live talkshow to disprove once and for all allegations levied at the state-owned firm.
Pua said he is willing to host the talkshow and Arul Kanda would have “every opportunity and as much time as he likes” to respond to questions on the firm’s activities.
“In fact, I will bear no grudges if he succeeds in embarrassing me by showing evidence from any 1MDB financial documents which disprove my allegations,” Pua said in a statement.
“The question is, will he have the courage to accept the challenge or will he stick to the safe comfort of the pliant mainstream media?” he added.
Arul Kanda then issued an official statement to say that he accepts Tony Pua’s challenge. This is what the statement said:
YB Tony Pua has challenged me this morning to a “live talk show” with him. I hereby accept his challenge and look forward to answering his questions.
It is a known fact that YB Tony Pua is a member of the Public Accounts Committee, which is in the midst of conducting an investigation into 1MDB. In order to maintain the integrity of the PAC’s investigation, and to avoid any conflict of interest, YB Tony Pua must first resign from the PAC.
Despite his efforts to do so, YB Tony Pua cannot be judge, jury and executioner. As such, I trust he will have the courage to do the right thing and resign from the PAC in order for us to have, in his words, a “no-holds barred” discussion on live television.
So there you have it. As the Malays would say, “Saudara jual maka saya beli.” Tony Pua has thrown the challenge and Arul Kanda has accepted it. However, there is one precondition. As Arul Kanda said, Tony Pua must first resign from the PAC because he cannot be judge, jury and executioner all at the same time.
So Arul Kanda dares accept Tony Pua’s challenge. The question now is, does Tony Pua dare reciprocate and accept Arul Kanda’s challenge as well? Or is Tony Pua going to give excuses and hide behind all sorts of ‘reasons’ as to why he cannot resign from the PAC to make this debate happen.
Millions of people are waiting with bated breath for what can only be described as the debate of the century. Even Anwar Ibrahim’s debate with Ahmad Shabery Cheek is nothing compared to this coming debate. In fact, Anwar’s debate with Shabery Cheek was an embarrassment. It should never have taken place. It made Shabery Cheek look like a village idiot from Kemaman. Oh, hold on, he is from Kemaman.
“The question is, will he (Arul Kanda) have the courage to accept the challenge or will he stick to the safe comfort of the pliant mainstream media?” asked Tony Pua.
It is quite interesting that Tony Pua mentions the ‘pliant mainstream media’. Actually, the anti-Najib forces are spending RM200 million in their media campaign to buy over news portals, both in Malaysia as well as in the UK, and to bribe reporters in the UK, US, Australia, etc., to attack 1MDB and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
Do you think portals such as Sarawak Report, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Chronicle, The Malaysian Insider, and so on, are not receiving funding? Of course they are, and huge funding, too, on top of that. So they are not as independent as they pretend to be. They, too, have masters who they need to serve to ensure that the money keeps flowing.
Anyway, Sarawak Report, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Chronicle, The Malaysian Insider, etc., have admitted that they are receiving funding. The only thing is they will not reveal that source of that funding because the ‘donor’ does not wish for his or her identity to be made public.
Hmm…so it is okay to protect the identity of donors after all, is it? Then I suppose it would not be wrong for Najib to also protect the identity of the donor of that RM2.6 billion. Maybe Sarawak Report, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Chronicle, The Malaysia Insider, and all those other portals should reveal the identity of their donors and demand that Najib do the same regarding the donor of the RM2.6 billion.
It sort of makes me wonder who are the ‘donors’ to the MACC officers and how much is being given to them. What! You mean you thought these MACC people are not doing selective prosecution and are honestly and faithfully doing things for God, King and Country? Hell, if you believe that then you can certainly believe that I am still a virgin.
Bodohnya orang Malaysia! Well, as Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said, Malaysia is a country with first-world infrastructure but third-world mentality. And this retarded mentality certainly shows in the way Malaysians make political assessments. Has not the ‘other side’ proven enough times that this is all about politics and political power?

1 comment:

  1. Sebelum saya ceritrakan kisah hudupku terlebih dahulu perkenalkan nama saya Pak Kusniadi. Dari Bogor. saya hanya ingin berbagi ceritah dengan kalian semua para penggilah togel, awalnya itu saya hanya kuli bagunan,punya anak dua,dan istri saya hanya penjual syayur keliling dikampung kami , ekonomi kami sangat pas-pasan, hutan tambah numpuk, anak saya juga butuh biaya sekolah,hidup ini bener-bener susah.Tapi akhirnya ada teman saya yang bilang bila mau merubah nasib coba hubungi nomor hp MBAH JEJE TRIJAYA katanya dia bisa membantu orang yang lagi susah. jadi saya lansung hubungi MBAH JEJE TRIJAYA, dan saya menceritakan semuanya, tenteng keluarga kami akhirnya saya di kasih angka ghaib [4d,] sudah 3x putaran tembus,dengan adanya MBAH JEJE TRIJAYA,saya sekeluarga bersukur semua utang saya lunas bahkan sekarang saya sudah buka usaha. silahkan anda buktikan sendiri insya allah anda tidak akan kecewa dari angka ghaib MBAH JEJE TRIJAYA bagi yang berminat hubungi MBAH JEJE TRIJAYA di nomor ini: 0823 3737 6471 dan saya sudah buktikan sendiri angka ghaibnya demih allah demi tuhan...ini kisah nyata dari saya,terima kasih.


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