
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Eagerly awaiting round 2 of Zeti vs AG

YOURSAY | ‘It is better for Zeti to release a press statement to explicitly state her reasons.’
Res Ipsa: Before I start laughing and falling off my chair, let's first examine if there is any offence here committed by Bank Negara governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz that warrants a police report to be lodged.
"Undermining the attorney-general" - can someone reveal what is the offence and the relevant law? Obstruction of a public servant carrying out his lawful duties? Or perhaps a threat to parliamentary democracy?
Well, your guess is as good as mine. If the AG feels that his name was tarnished due to the action of Zeti, then he and only he can initiate a civil suit to claim damages for defamation and the like. It's not for these goons to champion the rights of the AG.
In any event, it is better for Zeti to immediately issue a press statement to explicitly state her reasons why the three approvals given to 1MDB between 2009 and 2011 were revoked to put the matter into perspective.
SRMan: Indeed, JMM secretary-general Hamdan Mohd Salleh's action in lodging the police report against Zeti is laughable. He is actually questioning Zeti's area of expertise.
The best part is that he could even read Zeti's thoughts when he said, "Zeti should not think that she is ‘kebal’ (invincible). She is also human."
Hamdan's pathetic exercise is nothing but an idiotic attempt to try to gain the attention of our country's leader, perhaps hoping to get a bit of the so-called donation.
Tholu: No comprendo! How is revoking the three permissions by Bank Negara is construed as having bad intentions to tarnish the attorney-general's good name and undermine him?
Did Bank Negara usurp the AG's jurisdictions or functions? Wasn't it just executing its duties as afforded it under the law?
Actually it is Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) that has bad intentions in making the police report. It merely wants to show PM Najib Razak how good an apple polisher it is.
Patriot1: Has a crime been committed by Zeti? She is just doing her job, i.e to ensure banking and financial services are carried out in accordance to rules set by Bank Negara.
Under her stewardship, Malaysia has developed a resilient banking system that is recognised worldwide. Now, this system is being undermined by politicians.
As JMM said, Zeti is of course responsible for the revocation of permissions granted to 1MDB, which is what she should do as the terms of approval by Bank Negara were breached.
Let’s see what the police will do with the report made by a bunch of ignorant politicians who has no idea what banking law is all about.
Ferdtan: How touching, JMM coming out to ‘defend’ AG Mohamed Apandi Ali against Bank Negara governor Zeti by making a police report against her?
Apandi, who was acting more like 1MBD’s defence lawyer, called a hasty press conference - his first since his appointment as AG.
It was attended by many anticipated reporters and journalists raring for the opportunity to seek clarifications from him, but instead he refused to take any questions.
He took only a few moments to read out his prepared statement that the chambers had decided not to prosecute 1MBD based on Bank Negara’s investigation into the company. He disappeared soon after.
Have we notice that Najib’s loyalists in the cabinet as well as those in public institutions spent so much time firefighting to protect the prime minister and 1MBD that they neglected their appointed duties?
Vijay47: That's fair enough. But I am now going to make a police report against the AG for undermining the Bank Negara governor.
CQ Muar: Zeti, soldier on, and confront those hypocrites who are out to intimidate you. Being the first woman governor of Malaysia, you should muster your courage to go after all those corruptible leaders and their cronies.
We, the majority of the rakyat, are with you all the way, dear Zeti. Fear not, if what you're discharging is within the law.
Visu: Stupidity is a great sin. These stupid Malays are being pitted against Zeti by those who have corrupted the nation.
They bring shame to the nation by blindly supporting a regime that would have given them some measly and miserable handouts to do what they are doing. They bring shame to a highly capable and intelligent Malay lady.
Now one can see how easy it is to destroy a race's maruah (dignity).
The Mask: A warning: Once you touch Bank Negara for carrying out its duties, the whole financial system will collapse. These goons just don’t know what they are doing.
They should be charged with being traitors to the country for sabotaging the finance and banking services of the country.
How dare you bring Bank Negara into disrepute? -Mkini

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