
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Malaysia, like many other countries are in the ICU due to the cancer of corruption eating away at our economic foundations, by viruses known as political chameleons. These politicians are extra lucky because Malaysia is cosmopolitan, and our politicians are banking on this ‘anomaly’ to keep themselves in power by invoking racist conflicts and sowing distrust.
Due to our different skin colour, culture and religious affiliations, we find it hard to synch together with one head to oppose the growing legion of chameleons looting our country dry in the name of politics.
Agencies like BTN, is used to brainwash the people and to build a master race of Bumiputras. Actually, this ‘bumiputra crap’ is just an excuse, to divide the races and making it easier for these chameleons to sell of their rights for their own mutual benefit. Until today no one can explain the RM52billion Bumiputra Shares that went missing.
Today, the so called bumiputras who were promised heaven remain poorer than ever, safe for the Umnoputras, while the rest of the races are overtaking by leaps and bounds. Meanwhile, the UMNO President continues to bell out warnings that the Malays will become ‘bangsat’ if Umno loses power.
Peaceful with isolated showers of racism
Despite all the tragic lies; Malaysia continues to be a peaceful country, without racist flare-ups much to the annoyance of our political hypocrites. All their effort to resurrect another May 13th has failed, as Malaysian citizens remain unperturbed to their call.
Racism is virtually non existent safe for some isolated brainwashed kids who actually think they are more superior to the others, even though their mode of transport is the motorcycle.
Or some bored-stiff Civil Servants who think the whole world owes them a living. Yes, there are teachers who think that Muslims shouldn’t mix with the Nons or Orang Asli children should be taught Arabic.

There are still some judges who believe that only Muslims are incapable of lying and headmasters who believe that the non Muslims shouldn’t be consuming food in front of fasting Muslims.
Some religious leaders actually believe that they are superior beings who should not allow the nons to rule or given administrative posts. But these people are the ones with a hopeless inferiority complex, compounded by a less than intelligent brain and a screw loose somewhere.
Some hypocrites think they have a right to slap people or ask them to leave the country. Actually, these people are a jealous lot who fears that they would be replaced someday.
Overall, ninety percent of Muslims do not look down on others, or disapprove of them or their lifestyles. It is the political hypocrites and demented religious leaders who try to destroy the peace by nudging them to hate others.
Tapping the rural folk for their source of power
While urbanites are getting smarter, the politicians are forced to fall back on the rural folk for support. Other than the millions spent to buy their votes, these segment of society is largely forgotten for the next four years,
You wouldn’t believe the amount of abject poverty in some of the secluded villages, the growing number of drug addicts, the Mat Rempit gangs and the amount of petty crimes like ‘curi ayam or curi motor’. The majority does not even own a washing machine, a fridge or a tv, let alone a Smartphone or an ipad. Some are still using kerosene lamps and well water.
A subscription to the Utusan, Berita Harian, or the Star is beyond their means so the brainwashing is subtlety done via national TV. These god fearing but meek villagers are easy prey for the politicians to sway their vote. Their only consolation is their belief in building treasures in heaven since they have hardly any on earth.
And frankly, they are a lot smarter than these political hypocrites whose greed have overtaken all their sense of humanity. Our greedy politicians are willing to forego eternal salvation as long as they can lay their grubby hands on the loot to create a heaven on earth. They will cheat, swear, inspire fear, corrupt others and even murder to make that ‘heaven on earth’ dream a reality.
As for their duty and responsibility to the nation and its citizens?! Well, to hell with it, as they simply have no time to waste and pretend to serve the public. Their impatience to get their hands on the billions staring at them temptingly in the eye, betrays their real intentions. Why do you think a certain Divisional leader would pay a disgusting RM6 million just to secure his post?
Modern Day Pirates
These people reports to a Pirate Chief of Bugis descent who hoards the loot and identify which ones are ripe for plunder. The 1MDB is a big pirate ship that is breaking down because they are too busy plundering, than to find time to maintain the ships engines or check the engine oil levels and water.
But the ship and its captain needs to maintain a straight face, lying through their tobacco stained teeth, that their ship is actually a legal business entity while calling it a fancy name like a ‘sovereign fund’ instead of the Black Pearl (Fat Diamond) or ‘the Flying Bugisman”(Dutchman)
Running out of caves to hide their loot, they decide to temporarily put it in a local bank, while some landed in the Caymans near the Bermuda Triangle while the rest were stashed in a little small island just south of the border.
They also banded with the Arabian Knights led by a ‘fake sheikh’ whose descendents stemmed from the Ali Baba and the forty thieves, and suddenly our billions begin disappearing every time they say ‘Open Sesame’.
Knowing that they cannot put all their eggs in one basket, they engaged a Chinese business mogul called Laksamana Hang Jho Low to launder the remaining loot, to buy up luxury homes, invest in dirty movies and worthless art paintings.
Of course, these Laksamana is not going to lie ‘low’ like his name sake or remain anonymous like the secretive Pirate Ship. With his new found wealth, he started to live life to the fullest and partied like a wild animal, squandering millions on wild Champagne parties and paying appearance fees to Paris Hiltion and Britney Spears to grace his illicit and decadent indulgence, while comforting 1MDB with the excuse that it was just a good official public relations exercise.
No wonder, the Pirate Ship is grinding to a halt, with hardly any cash left for it to even service the interest on its mounting debts, let alone maintain the sails or patch the leaks. Guess who will be laughing quietly all the way to the bank, when the ship sinks in a mountain of guilt? - MAILBAG

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