
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 16, 2015

Najib should have sacked Saifuddin as CEO of ‘moderates’ BEFORE (!) his hop to PKR

The Umno sec-gen said it all – “Kami tak nak ‘sampah’ dalam Umno: Ku Nan” (Ismaweb, 15 Oct 2015).
What took him so long to realise that Saifuddin Abdullah is trash? The party grassroots, the Umno ground and Si Pudin’s own peers were aware since a long time ago.
From the early days already, the Umno bloggers, writers and operatives universally despised this self-proclaimed ‘New Politics’ man – seen below flanked by Rafizi and Hannah.
saifuddin hannah rafizi
Cuba teka apa lagi yang telah dibayangkan awal-awal dah oleh bloga otai The Unspinners?
Sila tengok pada tajuk posting di bawah.
And see what The J-Star Gunting Dalam Lipatan has been up to.
Click to enlarge
Hannah Yeoh 10 tweets 24 hours Speaker Star

Yang sekor lagi

Saifuddin Abdullah is the CEO of the Global Movement of Moderates.
Sitting on GMM’s board of trustees is J-Star big kahuna Wong Chun Wai.
An 11-year-old boy had the following question for the PM last year – see below. Ahmad Ali Karim wanted to know “Does Najib ever read The Star?”
Click to enlarge
Following the announcement yesterday that Saifuddin is now PKR – he did not even have the courtesy to exit Umno honorably first before jumping ship – the unanimous reaction from the Umno camp has been ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’.
It’s high time that Najib Razak cleaned up the rest of the backyard.
BELOW: Chun Wai and MCA president Liow Tiong Lai
Liow Tiong Lai WCW
Well, there’s nothing that Najib can do at the moment against The Star. But he has the option of removing Chun Wai from the GMM board.
BELOW: Saifuddin spending GMM funds on Chun Wai’s project
The J-Star editorials have been attacking those its senior editors label “hate-spewing, divisive, race-obsessed ignoramuses”. No prizes for guessing who are the targets of the MCA paper’s unending criticism.
chun wai saifuddin
It is most certainly the MCA that must be held accountable for the actions of the Scissorati who collect their monthly paycheques from the Star Media Group, a conglomerate under the control of the BN Chinese component party.
Surely any individual with a modicum of brain can figure this out: If the MCA owns our country’s largest media empire, how come the BN is suffering from such a bad public perception?
The answer is simple. MCA is knowingly nurturing the poisonous Nest of Evangelistas headquartered in Phileo Damansara.
It was only a fortnight ago that Chun Wai wrote an opinion editorial headlined ‘No to race politics’ in his weekly column on Sundays – see above.
BN is predicated on the race formula. In effect, this CEO of the media group owned by the MCA is firing the Bintang Lima’s big bazooka at Barisan when he urges “No” to the consociational politics that merely reflect the reality our of own communal attitude.
Perhaps the real reason MCA why has placed the village idiot – see photo below – as its party representative to chair the Star Media Group board of directors is to really to secretly facilitate the sabotage.
Dial_M_BlogNo wonder the J-Star is able to have a free rein and get away with stabbing BN in the back.
Obviously MCA veteran Fu Ah Kiow(standing on the right, above) as Star Media Group chairman is not providing the necessary oversight to curtail the Scissorati’s sneaky subversion.
Below is duri dalam daging Saifuddin pictured with Gan Ping Sieu.
A former MCA vice president, Gan supports Ling Liong Sik who has called for the resignation of the BN chairman.
Najib’s brainchild GMM has been used as a vehicle to promote the opposition agenda.
gan ping sieu saifuddin
Dr Ling’s fellow MCA past president Ong Tee Keat, together with Ling and other BN veterans including Tun, had put their seven names to a condemnation of the government’s use of Sosma barely a couple of days earlier.
Yet Ling Liong Sik, Ong Tee Keat and Gan Ping Sieu all remain members of the MCA still. None of the trio has been censured by the party for their recent actions. What does this tell you about where the MCA’s true inclination lies?
The Pudin thorn in the flesh has ignobly removed himself from Umno. But MCA continues to be the api dalam sekam.
BELOW: Ah Wong taiko and his sweet pudding doing their ‘Moderation’ walkabout
Chun Wai Saifuddin walkabout
The J-Star is the tail that wags the MCA dog.
MCA must be held accountable for the lethal and venomous scissorsing that is being carried out by the EvangeliSTARs.
Has the Saifuddin fiasco even taught Umno a lesson? Anything at all?
BELOW: Najib being accosted by Chun Wai while Tiong Lai smiles knowingly
tionglai najib
If the party leadership still refuses to do anything to remedy the situation, then the Umno war general and his lieutenants will find eventually themselves leading the charge into GE14 without any foot soldiers following in their wake.
MCA is not only a liability to the BN, it is musuh dalam selimut. Just review how the party has been more DAP than DAP of late.
Jangan lah buat akar umbi Umno lagi meluat dan benci. Kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah dibiar kebulur.
Saifuddin Abdullah Wong Chun Wai

1 comment:

    Assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya BPK KARTA seorang buruh tani di madium jawa timur ingin mengucapka banyak terimah kasih kepada KI WARSA atas bantuan AKI. kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan KI WARSA pula yang telah memberikan angka gaib hasil ritual beliau kepada saya yaitu 4D dan alhamdulillah telah berhasil memenangkan 5x berturut turut tembus.sekali lagi makasih yaa AKI karna waktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang cuma 200 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang.Berkat angka gaib hasil ritual AKI WARSA saya sudah buka usaha matreal di jakarta dan istri saya juga buka butyk baju dimall mangga dua. Kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB/SMS AKI WARSA di nomor hpnya di: 0852 4968 9269 dan ramalan AKI WARSA memang memiliki ramalan GAIB” yang dijamin 100% tembus.


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