
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Arul Kanda, don't get yourself mired in 1MDB mud

YOURSAY | “The 1MDB chief probably did not expect to be working for a gutless boss”.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: 1MDB president Arul Kanda Kandasamy may not be the popular guy and yes, the question beckons as to why he didn't get out when he realised things were not as they seemed.
But really, is he the main perpetrator here? No, he is not. He just happens to be the only one taking centre-stage on the issue while the rest of the management team and the board of directors and the finance minister hide behind him.
Nowhere in a true democracy can a premier, who is also the finance minister, remain silent on such a huge scandal involving a government fund.
What sort of leader leaves those under him to take the heat, especially when he approved all those questionable deals?
Malaysians may be too numb from what has been decades of a dictatorship disguised as a democracy.
But hopefully the things that have been coming out have thawed the numbness, and will make us more aware and insistent on having a true democracy here.
VoiceofConscience: I think either Arul's conscience is catching up with him, or he just does not know how to spin further, since evidence of fraud is stacking up as high as our Petronas Towers.
His integrity and future are all ruined yet the main culprits like Jho Low have disappeared, while Najib hides behind the screen. I am starting to feel sorry for the chap.
Justice: It seems the main suspect is desperately hoping that Malaysians will be fed up with this mother of all scandals and will forget and even accept the coming massive RM20 billion government bailout using our Goods and Services Tax (GST) money, and move on.
So if there was a possibility of massive fraud, why is Arul or 1MDB not filing a police report?
Boeyks: Correct me if I am wrong - I remember reading about the time when 1MDB was headhunting for someone to rationalise its operations, a minister spoke out: “We got the guy who is familiar with the Middle East and he's one of us".
Wonder what that statement meant?
Anonymous 2397131453698083: He was recommended by the UAE contacts to control their 1MDB exposure and place the genie back in the bottle.
But the local Malaysian skulduggery is proving too much and the money involved too large.
Just a Malaysian: I am waiting for blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin to spin this one; that Arul Kanda has joined Dr M and the Chinese tycoons to run 1MDB down.
If Arul turns against 1MDB, Raja Petra will need his full creativity to build a spin around it.
How Siow: He probably did not expect to be working for a gutless boss who is too shameless to take any responsibility, even when his signatures were on the 1MDB documents.
He is surrounded by allegedly corrupt goons who swore to serve the nation but instead have become the nation's worst enemies.
When a criminal is not arrested, while those who report a crime are arrested, then the nation is being run by criminals.
Headhunter: Sarawak Report has not only been vindicated but it is now a most respectable and credible source of information. They tried to run its editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown down but she's now smelling like a rose.
Even that fellow, the great Raja Petra, had to kowtow and apologise to her. I'm waiting for Arul Kanda to act like a man and do the same. Well done, Clare.
Senior: If there was payment of a huge sum to a wrong company, has anything been done to recover it? If not, why not?
Drngsc: Arul, make peace with your maker. Cleanse your soul. Do something good for Malaysia for a change. Sing, and right the wrong. Name the times, dates, places and those involved.
Unafraid: By covering up the wrongdoing of 1MDB, Arul in effect has tarnished his own reputation. I do not know what kind of credibility he once had, but by now, every vestige of his own credibility has vanished into thin air.
He is now widely perceived in the global business community as a man who cannot be trusted because he has tried so many times to twist and turn to try to deceive and hoodwink, albeit to no avail. In fact, Arul has dug a huge hole to bury himself.
I want to ask Arul, is 1MDB worth sacrificing your integrity? Do you want to go down in the annals of Malaysian history for being part of a massive fraud in the company of alleged crooks? What will your children think of their father?I believe it's time to salvage what's left of your reputation while you can still do so.

Anonymous #40538199: If there is any soul left in Arul, he should immediately submit all details of 1MDB's foreign banking transactions to the auditor-general and the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for auditing. -Mkini

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