
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

At last, Nawawi forced to eat humble pie

YOURSAY | ‘Will the IGP now tell us that Nawawi is exonerated of all offences under the law?’
Vijay47: There are three sides to this offensive coin minted by Langkawi MP Nawawi Ahmad, another of Umno's great defenders of the rulers, race, religion, and keeping them safe from infidels.
First, his insulting statement of associating the Agong to MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) could have been nipped in the bud had he apologised the moment his stupidity was pointed out to him. But no, he had to be some great silat hero, and he refused.
Next, he amazingly demanded that the Agong first ask him to apologise before he would do so! Do these Umno champions go to some special college somewhere to acquire stupidity of this magnitude?
Thirdly, even in this so-called apology, one can smell his insincerity a million miles away. He claims he did not mean any harm, the real fuss was caused by others who had a different understanding of what he said. So it was not his fault.
The devil made him do it? Maybe the blame lies with the Agong? Your Majesty, how I wish this was one of those situations you could order "Off with his head"!
Bluemountains: Will the inspector-general of police (IGP) now tell us if Nawawi is already exonerated of all offences under the law?
Will all other persons, including opposition politicians and activists who have been charged for various offences including the Sedition Act, be exonerated if they also say sorry?
Will a thief be exonerated if he also says sorry? Will Namewee be exonerated if he says sorry? What need is there to have the police force then?
Old Timer: The question now is should he stay as MP or should he resign? If what he has done, naming the Agong as MO1, is an indication of his ability as an MP, there is no doubt which option he should take.
Has he enough moral fibres and personal integrity to do that? Your guess is as good as mine.
CQ Muar: At last, you're admitting your mistake after a futile attempt to justify your stupid action making sensitive and disrespectful statements.
Nevertheless, no need to be unduly worried and perturbed for what you had done, Nawawi. You've got lots of company with those like you in Umno; those so-called 'brilliant intellectuals' but with low mentality.
Kangkung: Nawawi, as an Umno leader, all you need to do is make an insincere apology and all will be settled.
You won't be handcuffed, made to wear prison purple uniform, barefooted and dragged before a judge for a four-day remand order.
Anonymous #40538199: Comes the general election, please ask the candidate who offer to serve your constituency who MO1 is.
If he or she doesn't know, don't waste you vote on such an idiot. After all, "only an idiot doesn’t know who MO1 is," said minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan.
Commentable: Nawawi, you claim you are innocent but you are not, and here's why:
1. Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) cannot be HRH (His Royal Highness) Agong, no matter how you interpret the constitution.
The Agong is the ruler, the head of state. On the other hand, an "official" is not. Look up the definition of an "official" in any dictionary and it will tell you for sure it cannot include the Agong. An official can be appointed, dismissed or replaced, whereas the Agong cannot. The only time our Agong "steps down" is when his five-year term ends.
2. You claim your remark was misunderstood, but then there is very little room for a misunderstanding. You said MO1 is the Agong when everyone else understood it to be not.
Duh?!!: Umno should do the right thing now and sack him for disparaging our beloved Agong.
The police should immediately arrest him - he is not a common person who doesn't know such things, he is an MP who participates in the proceedings of Parliament, of which His Majesty is the symbolic defender.
If they do nothing, it means they condone such behaviour.
Odin Tajué: Nawawi, you have no respect for the rulers. That 'you' includes your president.
Months ago, the Conference of Rulers commanded that the 1MDB financial fiasco be resolved fast, but your president, with the support of the rest of you in Umno, not only has completely ignored the command, he has practically stopped investigations into the matter.
You all also passed the National Security Council (NSC) Bill without getting the Agong’s royal assent. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that you have committed no less than lèse-majesté against the Agong.
Paul Warren: I am always awed when children of my Malay friends, when introduced, will come over, hold my hands and kiss it. A very Malay culture that humbles you.
At wedding functions and even at official functions, how many times have I heard the host apologising for any shortcomings even if there were none. That is Malay culture, too, that is humbling.

What we now see is the new Malay culture that Umno has indoctrinated this man with, and which it is perpetuating elsewhere.- Mkini

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