
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Bersih rally can create chaos and violence – Rozario

Quintin Rozario insisted that Bersih was a political party, not a civil society movement, as it's activities were all political in nature and partisan.
Quintin Rozario insisted that Bersih was a political party, not a civil society movement, as it’s activities were all political in nature and partisan.

(Malaysia Outlook) –A Malaysian-born Australian lawyer has claimed that the planned Bersih 5.0 was an extension of Project for the New American Century (PNAC), in similar templates of the Arab Spring and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution.
Brisbane-based Quintin Rozario said Bersih 5.0 was nothing but a mean to meet the end designed under the PNAC for the US to exert political control on a sovereign, peaceful, progressive and liberal nation like Malaysia.
He also insisted that Bersih was an unregistered covert political party, not a pro-democracy group as it always claimed to be, pointing out that most of its backers were elected representatives from the opposition parties.
“Malaysia’s strategic location right in the middle of Southeast Asia makes it an important target area for the US to exert its political might, especially to counter to ever growing influence of China in the region.
“The planned Bersih rally is just another mean to meet this end,” Rozario told Malaysia Outlook.
He said once the PNAC objective has been achieved, Bersih and its activists would disappear into the thin air like how so many so-called civil society groups that mushroomed and disappeared overnight around the world.
He said many civil society movements and activists in the world, which were allegedly sponsored by foreign funders, had gone missing after organising the so-called “people uprising” to successfully overthrow existing governments.
“Where are those activists behind the Arab Spring or Orange Revolution? They have all gone missing,” he said.
Bersih street rallies potentially can create chaos, riots and bloodshed.

Bersih street rallies potentially can create chaos, riots and bloodshed.

PNAC blueprint is the US current foreign policy that written back in 1992.
It was set out as a new doctrine that called for U.S. power to be that of an aggressive and unilateral approach that would secure American dominance of world affairs by force if necessary.
This “peace through strength” policy has been unfolding from the day George W. Bush, Jr. took office; the strategic planning of it was done during Bill Clinton administration with funding from the military-industrial complex, energy companies, and right-wing foundations.
Over time, those working on these new plans evolved into PNAC, established in 1997 with members Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz at the helm.
Rozario pointed that Bersih 2.0 chairman S. Ambiga had even admitted in a media interview 2011 that the movement was funded by the PKR-helmed Selangor government.
“How could a state government channel the public money to a movement that intends to overthrow a legitimate and elected federal government through street demonstrations and chaos?” asked Rozario.
“This is obviously un-parliamentary act.”
He said while Bersih claimed to be a movement for free and fair election, it now wanted to hold street demonstrations, which potentially can lead to chaos, riots and bloodshed, to overthrow a legitimate government and purge the prime minister.
“This showed that Bersih had completely diverted from its original cause.
“Bersih has claimed to be a pro-democracy group. At least this is how the foreign media portrays it.
“But the irony is why should a democracy group like Bersih adopt a communist-type tactic of holding hostile and chaotic street protests ala Bolshevik, Arab Spring and the Orange Revolution?
“If it was really a pro-democracy group, Bersih should always resort to the ballot box and proper forums to express its opinions, not street demos,” said Rozario.
He said most Bersih local backers were from the opposition political parties and many of its staunch activities were elected representatives, hence Bersih a covert political party in the disguise of civil rights movement.
Bersih is a political party as its main activists and backers are opposition lawmakers.

Bersih is a political party as its main activists and backers are opposition lawmakers.

Rozario blasted Bersih activists and the opposition lawmakers as hypocrites for organising street demonstrations demanding a free and fair election process in Malaysia.
He said these activists and lawmakers were giving a false impression that the country’s electoral process was neither free not fair, conveniently concealing the fact that they were also voting and been elected under the same democratic system.
He issued a challenge to the lawmakers to resign from their public office and dissolve the state governments since they claimed that the country’s election process was not fair and free.
As a matter of principle, he said they should resign and dissolve their governments to emphasis their belief that the election in Malaysia was not conducted in free and fair manner.
“If they really thought the Malaysian election process was not free and fair, I challenge them to resign now. Will they do it to attest their conviction?”

Bersih politicians should resign from their seats and dissolve their state governments to substantiate their claim that the country's election process had not been free and fair.
Bersih politicians should resign from their seats and dissolve their state governments to substantiate their claim that the country’s election process had not been free and fair.


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  2. Is there a link between Quintin Rozario, his Delta Law and the 1 MDB Cayman units - http://sahathevan.blogspot.my/2016/08/1-mdb-is-there-link-between-quintin.html


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