
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 17, 2016



Of course in Malaysia we are concerned about local issues that affect us more directly. One person asked why I am talking about other things when the world is focussed on the Rio Olympics. Different strokes for different folks. Little things excite little minds. The Olympics are too big for me. Ha ha.

But there are things happening around the world that can have a long term bearing on all our well being.  Here is a game changing event :

  • Russian warplanes take off from Iran to target IS in Syria
  • MOSCOW — Russian jets took off Tues from Iran to target IS in Syria
  • major development in Syrian civil war
  • long-range bombers took off from Hamedan, 280 km from Teheran
  • struck targets in three provinces in Syria
  • unheard of in Iran's history to allow foreign power use its bases 
  • suggests cooperation on highest levels between Moscow and Tehran
  • day after Moscow / Washington closer to agreement on Aleppo
  • U.S. official said no agreement
  • Tehran / Moscow exchanged "capacity and possibilities"
  • cooperation between Iran, Russia, Syria and Hezbollah 
  • very tough for IS, complete destruction of them
  • Russia and Iran expanding ties 
  • Su-34, Tu-22M3 bombers took off to target IS and Nusra Front
  • video showing Tu-22M3 bomber dropping bombs in Syria 
  • nothing bars Iran from allowing foreign countries to use airfield
  • Last week Russia launched airstrikes on Raqqa
My comments :  Folks, this is  a game changer.  The Great Game is in overdrive.  

Now Russia-Syria-Iran-Hizbollah are on one axis.

Israel is an enemy of Hezbollah and Iran.

But Russia and Israel are cooperating over Syria. 

Last year Netanyahu met Putin to sort out F-O-F radio codes (Friend-or-Foe) so that Israeli and Russian planes do not shoot at each other over Syria.  That was definitely cooperation at the highest levels between Israel and Russia.

Now Russia is flying sorties from Iranian air bases.

Surely Israel will not strike Iran (the famous Israeli pre-emptive strike that has not happened yet) while there are Russian planes flying from Iranian air bases. The Iranians have bought life insurance through the Russians.

Who knows - eventually there may be an Israel - Russia - Iran axis against Saudi Arabia. In exchange for a peace agreement between Israel and Iran.

The Iranians want to liberate the Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem. They even have the special operations Al Quds Force under General Kasim Sulaymani whose task is the liberation of Al Quds or Jerusalem.

The Israelis may agree on a peace accord with Iran.  It is not impossible that the Israelis may hand over the Masjid Al Aqsa to an international Islamic commitee (led by Iran) to administer the affairs of the Masjid Al Aqsa.  This can give the Iranian ayatollahs a great boost to their failing image inside Iran.

In the Middle East, depa semua main buntot. Jangan pula kita pi huluq buntot kita, bagi Pak Arab main. Depa bawa unta nanti baru tahu.

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