
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How low would you go, Paul Low?

YOURSAY | ‘Isn't it strange that you would wait for the courts of another country to find the perpetrators…’
Quigonbond: Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Paul Low is croaking platitudes again.
The purpose the US documents did not name and shame Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) is simply because of diplomacy. Otherwise, there would be a clear reference to we know who.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) would not have held a joint press conference involving the attorney-general (AG), state attorney, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) deputy directors, etc, if it is not a case they are confident of winning or if they have flimsy evidence.
The case demonstrates the failure of professional and courageous investigations across all enforcement agencies in Malaysia. This point should be plainly obvious to any right-minded person.
If Low wants to be an effective anti-corruption minister, he should press the cabinet for a royal commission of inquiry. Otherwise, he should just pack his bags and leave.
The Mask: "But this (action to be taken) is only if it is proven that money was misappropriated from the state investment fund," said Low.
You are either an idiot or a very clever person. The Bank Negara governor said the 1MDB case is closed. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chief would not reopen the case.
The AG had refused permission to get documents and help from other agencies. Your own local agencies refused to do anything. So how to prove the alleged crime?
Hardboiled: It is human nature to be defensive when accused of committing wrongdoing. Now imagine what would happen when someone says your government is a thief?
Low, the government cannot, and should not, be waiting for proof of these allegations. It is the country's honour at stake here.
The government should be taking a proactive stance by disputing these accusations without the need to wait, by disclosing proof (and I mean proof my dear fellow, you know, documents and statements with numbers on it? Seen them before?) on where all the monies and investments are, integer decimal and everything around it.
Instead the leaders say "small matter, business as usual, just rumours, all is okay," etc, etc. The government will continue to have a major trust deficit and continue to demoralise the nation as long as it keeps on denying or ignoring these allegations.
Drngsc: No need to threaten legal action. Firstly, instruct "cari makan" Hasan Arifin to reopen PAC investigation, in the light of the DOJ revelations and in the light of Deloitte distancing themselves from the audited accounts.
If DOJ is wrong, protest through diplomatic channels or sue to clear you name. If DOJ is correct, then after your investigation, take action. Even against MO1.
Tell the Truth: Isn't it strange that you would wait for the courts of another country to find the perpetrators of 1MDB guilty instead of doing your own investigation to speed up the findings or are you too cowardly to do it because your boss is involved?
Roger 5201: We certainly didn’t hear of an arrest warrant for Low Taek Jho or Riza Aziz, despite they being named as the parties who allegedly laundered 1MDB’s funds in the US.
Vijay47: Finance Minister II Johari Abdul Ghani, since you and everybody in town have studiously avoided any investigation to uncover the truth behind the 1MDB scandal and have even prevented others from doing so, I am very curious as to how "the government will take legal action against the individuals named in the US Department of Justice's civil suit".
If my memory serves me right, no less than the AG (Mohamed Apandi Ali) and inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar have already given the matter a clean bill of health and that there is no need to summon the doctor, all is right with the world.
You add that Sarawak Report "is not the kind of authoritative publication you can rely on." Who then can you rely on? Perhaps the DOJ's civil suit?
In the meantime, I shall eagerly be sitting in my garden for the next few months - my grandchildren will be thrilled to see pigs with wings and cows jumping over the moon.
Anonymous_1401773638: What a remark to avoid responsibilities by those who are beholden to the one who had allegedly misappropriated the funds; unbelievable!
It is like saying we are the one that had our money stolen but we take no action until someone else charges and proves these crooks guilty. What a failure of fiduciary duties.
Hang Babeuf: "Action will be taken against guilty parties in DOJ's case," assures Johari.
And who, please tell me, is going to take it? Who even looks like they might be trying? Anyone in the government? You? Stop bluffing, get out from behind your official Umno/BN smokescreen. Get real - if you want to be believed!
"No two ways in dealing with this matter," he claims.
Come off it! With Umno/BN there are always at least two ways, often several more - and those extra options, and especially those routinely chosen and adopted, are seldom pretty, clean or pure.
Richard-D: Yes, the government will take action after they've been found guilty. But the government will first do everything it can to stop any evidence coming out.

Such as, firing investigators. Hiding reports under the Official Secrets Act. Low, you're a sad joke. -Mkini

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